House Commerce Committee approves Conklin resolution calling on PIAA to hold separate playoffs for public and private schools

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – The Pennsylvania House Commerce Committee on Tuesday advanced a resolution by Majority Chairman Scott Conklin urging the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association to establish separate playoffs and championships for public schools and private/charter schools.

Conklin said he introduced H.R. 443 to encourage the PIAA to reform a system that gives private school athletes an unfair advantage over their public school counterparts, both on the field and beyond.

“Unlike public schools, which must recruit student athletes from within their district’s geographic boundaries, private and charter schools can hand-select the best athletes from anywhere they choose,” Conklin said. “The result is that they end up with all-star teams and a deeply unfair advantage over public schools.

“The impact goes far beyond a win or a loss. It leaves public school athletes behind when it comes to important life opportunities like scholarships and recruitment for college and pro sports. Public school is supposed to be about opening doors for students and teaching them the importance of fair play, and PIAA needs to help reinforce those lessons.

“The association has the authority to make this change. It’s my hope that this resolution will bring them closer to doing so.”

The committee approved the resolution by a vote of 24-1.