Haddock welcomes facility improvement grant for Old Forge School District

HARRISBURG, Sept. 9 – State Rep. Jim Haddock said he is pleased to see a $14,684 state grant announced today so the Old Forge School District can make infrastructure improvements.

“Every student deserves to go to school in a safe and healthy learning environment and this grant will help to ensure that takes place in Old Forge. Today’s announcement is slated specifically for environmental repair projects,” said Haddock, D-Lackawanna. “I was proud to support the 2024-25 state budget that invested an additional $1.1 billion in Pennsylvania’s public schools for basic and special education.”

Under today’s announcement, the Pennsylvania Department of Education provided $75 million to 109 school districts and technical centers across the state under the Public Schools Environmental Repairs Program, made possible by funding Haddock voted for in the 2023-24 state budget. The new funding will be used by schools to repair and replace air conditioners and heaters, to remove asbestos and lead pipes, and to fix roofs among other improvements.