House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee advances Senate bills mirroring House PA One Call, motorcycle lemon law bills

HARRISBURG, Oct. 7 – The PA House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee today advanced two Senate bills that match or closely track previously approved House bills, moving the proposed laws closer to the governor’s desk, Majority Chair Rob Matzie announced.

Matzie said he was encouraged by the alignment of the House and Senate bills – which deal with reauthorizing PA’s One Call safe digging law and establishing Lemon Law protections for motorcycle consumers – because that meeting of the minds promises speedy enactment of both measures.

“We’re always glad when we can successfully negotiate both across the aisle and across chambers with our colleagues in the state Senate,” Matzie said. “Today, our committee advanced two important pieces of legislation – one that closely mirrors my bill the House recently passed to reauthorize PA One Call and a second that is identical to my House colleague’s bill to establish a motorcycle Lemon Law in PA.

“It’s great to have that meeting of the minds, because it allows us to get important legislation across the finish line quickly, where it can go to work protecting folks.”  

The bills are S.B. 1237 and H.B. 2189 (reauthorizing PA One Call) and S.B. 155 and H.B. 360 (amending the state Lemon Law to include motorcycles.) The Senate bills are now headed to the full House for consideration.

Video of Rep. Matzie’s comments from the voting meeting are available here: ?mp4 icon 100724 Matzie Consumer Protection. Technology & Utilities VOSOT.mp4