Powell, Pisciottano introduce green energy bill

Legislation to incentivize sustainability, support workers

HARRISBURG, May 22 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell and Nick Pisciottano, both D-Allegheny, today introduced legislation aimed at growing green energy jobs across Pennsylvania while ensuring a just transition for fossil fuel industry workers.

House Bill 2315 would establish the Promotion of Renewable Opportunities, Supporting People, Employment & Resilience (PROSPER) Tax Credit to incentivize the creation of sustainable energy jobs in Pennsylvania, with a focus on regions grappling with high unemployment rates within the natural-resources and mining sectors.

“The urgency to shift toward sustainable energy sources is undeniable, but we must ensure that no worker is left behind in this transition," Powell said. "We have a tremendous opportunity to position Pennsylvania as a leader in the transition to renewable energy. The PROSPER Tax Credit is our commitment to supporting workers who have long relied on the fossil fuel industry, while simultaneously fostering the growth of green energy jobs in our state.”

“So many families in southwestern Pennsylvania rely on jobs in the natural gas and mining industries,” Pisciottano said. “Legislation like this is key to helping these workers keep earning a paycheck as our economy shifts away from fossil fuels. Industries changing over time is inevitable, but our dedication to pursuing policies that support working people is unwavering.”