Guzman praises new significant funds to be allocated for the Reading and Governor Mifflin School districts

HARRISBURG, June 10 – State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, today praised the House passage of H.B. 2370 that would ensure fairness in the way that public schools across the state are funded and help close the historical financial gaps for Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts, located within his legislative district.

Guzman, who also serves as chair of the Central Pennsylvania Delegation, said that under the current proposal, Governor Mifflin School District would see an additional $19.6 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of $4,670 per student, while the Reading School District would be welcoming an additional $271 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of more than $15,000 per student.

“This is a massive victory for the Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts and an immense satisfaction for me as legislator,” Guzman said. “This win comes as the outcome of relentless individual and collective efforts focused on addressing inequities in funding,” he added.

“Not only we are providing equity to every single student in the state, but we are also reducing the taxpayer burden. This plan provides $3.7 billion in saving to taxpayers over seven years to public schools.

“This bill also would make thorough adjustments to laws governing cyber charter schools The wins also register $551,220 in savings for Governor Mifflin from cyber charter reductions. The Reading district’s cyber charter savings would be $6.6 million, Guzman said.

Last year, the Commonwealth Court ruled that the General Assembly has failed to fulfill its constitutional mandate to provide all children with an effective, fair system of public education – that does not discriminate against students based on income or property values in their school districts.

Following the court ruling, earlier this year the Basic Education Funding Commission issued a report that recommends a roadmap to fully fund the state’s schools.

“We are following the Basic Education Funding Commission’s recommendations. We have a moral and constitutional obligation to sufficiently fund schools, but additional investments are required,” Guzman added. “We are not stopping here. We are breaking this shameful cycle and creating a transformational change that would lift all schools, all the students regardless of their ZIP code,” he said.

The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.