Krajewski, Gauthier concerned by Penn’s continued retaliation against Gaza Solidarity Encampment participants

PHILADELPHIA, May 16 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., and Philadelphia Councilmember Jamie Gauthier released the following statement regarding the University of Pennsylvania’s retaliation against participants in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment:

“As elected officials who represent the University of Pennsylvania, we are deeply concerned that 15 of our constituents continue to experience severe retaliation for their participation in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, with many facing mandatory leaves of absence, bans from campus buildings and the withholding of diplomas for graduating seniors.  

“Both of us repeatedly called on the university to offer amnesty to peaceful student protestors. Our offices have been in communication with student activists in recent weeks and do not believe that they pose any threat to campus life that would merit these extraordinarily harsh punishments.  

“Universities have an obligation to foster open expression through consistent and fair practices. Breaking from past precedent to intimidate or silence dissent is reckless, dangerous and wrong.  

“We urge Penn’s administration to listen to community voices, prioritize open expression and drop disciplinary charges against all peaceful protesters.”