Takac: $105K awarded to SCASD to enhance safety, modernize facilities

STATE COLLEGE, Sept. 10 – Once again delivering on his commitment to improve local schools and ensure safer learning environments for all, state Rep. Paul Takac, D-Centre, today announced a new $105,906 grant to State College Area School District as part of the new $75M Public School Environmental Repairs Program, made possible by funding that Takac voted for in the 2023-24 Pennsylvania state budget.


"There is no better investment we can make in our future than public education,” Takac said. “But unfortunately, many school buildings are aging and districts often struggle to find the money needed to repair and modernize them.

“Our kids deserve buildings that are safe and free from asbestos, lead-based water pipes and paint, and inadequate or non-functioning critical infrastructure such as air conditioning and heating systems.

“Like others across the commonwealth, the State College Area School District will use these funds to improve learning environments for students, teachers and staff, in this case to support much-needed renovations and upgrades at the high school’s North Building.


“This is a great example of the good that government can and should do – working together to build better, safer schools for all,” Takac added.