Venkat introduces bill to prohibit price spikes on travel service websites

(May 23, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 23 – State Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-Allegheny, has introduced legislation that would prohibit travel service websites from hiking prices at the last minute and moments before customers in Pennsylvania make their payment. The bill ( H.B. 2321 ) would forbid travel services, defined as any form of transportation that is available to the public for purchase through an Internet website or application, from changing service prices for at least 30 minutes from when the consumer first visits the Internet website. If a price change must be instituted, however, the travel service would be required to inform customers five minutes prior to the 30-minute window expiring. “Travel companies playing a game of bait-and-switch with prospective consumers is not only deceptive at face value, but they also risk losing considerable revenue due to such tactics,” Venkat said. “The bottom line is that people want to pay the price advertised on a given website, and my bill would benefit both the individuals looking to travel and the companies who market those opportunities.” Read more


Salisbury: Nearly $300K awarded for Wilkinsburg renovation project

(May 22, 2024)

BRADDOCK, May 22 – A $298,004 grant from the Department of Community and Economic Development will support a project by Gwen’s Girls to renovate the Rochez Building in Wilkinsburg, state Rep. Abigail Salisbury announced today. Salisbury, D-Allegheny, said the grant will allow the nonprofit social services organization to relocate to the building and expand its programs and services for young girls and women. “Gwen’s Girls is an amazing group that provides a whole range of resources to empower girls and young women, from behavioral and mental health services to academic and career-based learning,” Salisbury said. “When the group outgrew its existing space, they purchased the Rochez Building and will be able to relocate there once it has been renovated. The move is going to allow them to serve more young women, expand programs and resources and even add a STEM lab. “I’m thrilled we were able to help secure new funding and thankful to both DCED and the local partners who worked to make this happen. It’s the best kind of project – one that will help more people thrive while also addressing blight in the business district.” The funding is part of a package of grants awarded under the Keystone Communities Program. More information is available here: Read more


Venkat’s new legislation prioritizes timeliness in processing Medical Assistance applications and reimbursing long-term care facilities

(May 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – State Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would establish timelines for Medical Assistance applications to be approved or renewed for eligible individuals transitioning to long-term care facilities and compensate those facilities for all services provided during the application processing period. Per H.B. 2320 , the state Department of Human Services and county assistance offices would not only need to meet said benchmarks, but long-term care facilities could receive part of the funds owed to them faster and request a status update on an application(s) that is pending. The department could also end reimbursement to those facilities if a person’s Medical Assistance request is denied and claw back any previous interim payments in such circumstances. “The goodwill of certain long-term care facilities to provide essential care and services to residents while their eligibility for Medical Assistance is determined must be a two-way street,” Venkat said. “These institutions themselves literally cannot afford to remain in perpetual limbo and face the real prospect of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars because of delays in Medical Assistance eligibility determinations. As a physician-legislator, I’m committed to keeping long-term facilities financially viable and capable of doing their great work every day.” Venkat has also introduced legislation (H.B. 1867 ) that would require health Read more


Powell, Pisciottano introduce green energy bill

(May 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell and Nick Pisciottano, both D-Allegheny, today introduced legislation aimed at growing green energy jobs across Pennsylvania while ensuring a just transition for fossil fuel industry workers. House Bill 2315 would establish the Promotion of Renewable Opportunities, Supporting People, Employment & Resilience (PROSPER) Tax Credit to incentivize the creation of sustainable energy jobs in Pennsylvania, with a focus on regions grappling with high unemployment rates within the natural-resources and mining sectors. “The urgency to shift toward sustainable energy sources is undeniable, but we must ensure that no worker is left behind in this transition," Powell said. "We have a tremendous opportunity to position Pennsylvania as a leader in the transition to renewable energy. The PROSPER Tax Credit is our commitment to supporting workers who have long relied on the fossil fuel industry, while simultaneously fostering the growth of green energy jobs in our state.” “So many families in southwestern Pennsylvania rely on jobs in the natural gas and mining industries,” Pisciottano said. “Legislation like this is key to helping these workers keep earning a paycheck as our economy shifts away from fossil fuels. Industries changing over time is inevitable, but our dedication to pursuing policies that support working people is unwavering.” Read more


Abney, Policy Committee review alarming trend limiting voter access

(May 22, 2024)

“If we actually care about democracy, we must lead the charge in safeguarding all residents have equal access to the ballot,” state Rep. Aerion Abney said. “Promoting measures to eliminate voter intimidation and opening up access – like other states have already done, including same-day registration and early voting – are proven methods to guarantee diversity in the democratic process and all people have an opportunity to have their voice heard.” Read more


House passes Frankel bill to boost oversight of medical marijuana testing labs

(May 21, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 21 – Pennsylvania medical marijuana patients are a step closer to better protections after the PA House today passed legislation introduced by state Rep. Dan Frankel that would strengthen the Department of Health’s oversight of the independent laboratories that test cannabis products to be dispensed under the state’s medical marijuana program. Frankel, who is majority chairman of the House Health Committee, said he introduced H.B. 2208 to ensure patients have the full confidence they deserve that the products dispensed are safe, effective and free of contaminants. “Every day, Pennsylvanians fill prescriptions at their pharmacies without worrying for a second about whether their medications are contaminated or inaccurately labeled,” Frankel said. “With this legislation, we are taking action to ensure that level of confidence in our medical marijuana program. “Patients deserve to know that cannabis products are what they say they are in terms of THC levels and that they are uncontaminated by mold, pesticides or heavy metals.” Frankel’s bill would provide for improved compliance testing, product audits, statistical analyses, transparency and inspections of labs, which serve as the last line of defense to prevent patients from unknowingly consuming substances that can have both immediate and long-term health consequences. Frankel said that in Read more


Kinkead welcomes $150,000 for PrimeTime Senior Center

(May 15, 2024)

Lottery funds awarded for ADA improvements Read more


Venkat introduces legislation to ease restrictions on physician assistants and eliminate print statement fees

(May 15, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 15 – State Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-Allegheny, has introduced bills that would put a flexibility component in place for physician assistants and the supervising physicians they work with and prohibit banks or other financial institutions from charging clients a fee for a paper copy of a statement. The first two pieces of legislation ( House Bills 2294 and 2295 ) would amend the physician licensure acts in Pennsylvania and allow physician assistants to work with either classification of physician, a Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Current law on the books mandates that physician assistants and supervising physicians must be licensed by the same state medicine board as the supervising physician. “Cutting all the red tape and connecting medical professionals with patients that need their skills and expertise to recover is one of the foundational tenets of health care and my work as a physician-legislator,” Venkat said. “Doctors want to help as many people as they can, and my bills help to break down the barriers to this mission.” Venkat’s additional legislation ( H.B. 2292 ) would ban entities from assessing an additional fee, as high as $5 monthly, to customers who request a print version of a statement from a given entity. The bill would also specify that any person or entity would still be allowed to create incentives for a consumer to select an alternative to a paper statement. Read more


Donahue highlights fiscal challenges for independent pharmacies

(May 15, 2024)

“This is not a Pittsburgh issue or a Scranton issue. In rural areas, small towns, suburbs, and cities, community pharmacies are closing. Unless we enact reforms, we will continue to lose these trusted institutions that provide personalized service to their customers. My legislation will give them a level playing field with the large corporate pharmacies,” said Rep. Benham, who represents portions of Allegheny County. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Environmental, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(May 14, 2024)

Newly listed state grant programs Read more


Powell: More than $62,000 secured for improvements to Stephen Foster Community Center

(May 14, 2024)

PITTSBURGH, May 14 – The Stephen Foster Community Center is receiving $62,558 for capital improvements and renovations, state Rep. Lindsay Powell announced today. Powell, D-Allegheny, said the competitive grant from the state Department of Aging is a smart investment in a well-loved community gathering place. “The center plays a key role for so many seniors by offering meals and transportation, health and wellness programs, and classes and trips,” Powell said. “Possibly most important, it brings people together for conversation, community engagement, and all the other activities that go hand in hand with healthy aging. “The new funding will help ensure that the many seniors who love and use the center will be able to do so in the safest, most comfortable setting possible. I’m grateful to the center staff and Catholic Youth Organization for all they do to make the center a vital place in so many people’s lives, and I’m thankful to the Department of Aging and our community partners for the new funding that will keep it thriving.” More information about the competitive grants as well as additional, non-competitive grants to area senior centers is available here . Read more


Markosek applauds $45,800 grant for Plum Senior Community Center

(May 14, 2024)

"The Plum Senior Community Center offers exercise, recreational, and cultural programs, as well as daily activities for older adults in our community. Most importantly, it fosters connections and lasting friendships," said state Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny. "With this grant, the community center can enhance programs, services, and the facility to better meet the needs of our older community members who benefit from them." Read more


Powell praises $75,000 in grants for community improvements in district

(May 13, 2024)

PITTSBURGH, May 13 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, announced that a total of $75,000 in state grants has been awarded to help communities in Pennsylvania’s 21st Legislative District become safer, easier to navigate and focused on the future. The state Department of Community and Economic Development awarded $50,000 to Reserve Township to finish repairs to Logan Street, which links Millvale Borough to Reserve Township. Powell said this crucial corridor helps facilitate fast travel for each other’s first responders to provide mutual aid and connects residents with area shopping, restaurants and places of worship. These funds will be utilized to install a retaining wall to prevent a future landslide, stabilize the slope, and implement traffic safety improvements to the route. “Reserve Township’s residents and first responders deserve a quick route to and from Millvale Borough because lives literally depend on it,” Powell said. “Our region is prone to landslides, as a result of our beautiful but volatile landscapes, and it was my privilege to bring back these crucial dollars to our neighbors.” “State Representative Powell was instrumental in facilitating a state grant that allowed Reserve Township to rebuild the failing retaining wall and get this route reopened again after a closure of more than two years,” said Jan Kowalski, Reserve Township’s manager. Etna Borough received $25,000 from Read more


Salisbury: More than $2.7 million awarded to restore Chalfant Run watershed

(May 13, 2024)

BRADDOCK, May 13 – More than $2.7 million in new grant money from the state Department of Environmental Protection will fund work to remedy environmental impacts to Chalfant Run caused by acid mine drainage, state Rep. Abigail Salisbury announced today. Salisbury, D-Allegheny, said the grant to Allegheny Land Trust will allow the nonprofit conservation group to address a persistent threat to the watershed and beyond. “Acid mine drainage is a special threat to our region because of the number of abandoned mines that leach heavy metals into the waterways, killing fish, destroying delicate ecosystems and threatening the quality of our drinking water,” Salisbury said. “It’s also a problem that hits close to home, with the impact to Chalfant Run. “Fortunately, there are ways to remediate some of the problems. This new funding will allow Allegheny Land Trust to move forward on a project to construct and manage a passive treatment system that will reduce acidity in the water, remove harmful metals and begin to restore this vital watershed that is so important to our health and the environment.” The funding – awarded under the Abandoned Mine Lands and Acid Mine Drainage Grant Program – is part of $244 million that DEP will receive for Pennsylvania reclamation projects as part of the federal Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act. Read more


Salisbury: $120K secured for Eastern Regional Mon Valley Police Department

(May 10, 2024)

“Police and local officials in Rankin, North Braddock and East Pittsburgh deserve a lot of credit for exercising the vision and planning needed to combine forces into a new regional police department,” Salisbury said. “But like other police and first responder agencies around the state, the new department faces the challenge of securing the needed staff power, training, tech equipment and other resources on a limited budget. The new funding will help ensure these frontline heroes have the resources they need to keep our communities safe.” Read more


Pharmacy owners plead for policy reform on PBMs

(May 10, 2024)

Bipartisan bill would help local pharmacies stay in business Read more


Pisciottano applauds $2.1 million in school safety grants

(May 08, 2024)

PCCD awards to enhance school security Read more


Salisbury: More than $2.3 million secured for continued development of Carrie Blast Furnaces site in Rankin

(May 08, 2024)

“The Carrie Blast Furnaces historic site is a unique, interactive attraction that draws folks to the area to explore, learn and invest back into local businesses,” Salisbury said. “The new funding to make the area around the furnaces shovel ready for new development will build on this amazing landmark by attracting investors and commercial tenants, creating jobs and spurring economic activity. I’m grateful to DCED and the state and local partners who helped make the funding happen.” Read more


Deasy resolution recognizing May 17 as NEC Day in PA passes PA House

(May 08, 2024)

“NEC affects babies born prematurely or with medical complications typically,” Deasy said. “But even babies born to term can succumb to this illness. One of my own constituents, Cash Owen Finegan, son of Shannan and Cassius Finegan, lived for 68 brave days before succumbing to NEC complications. After hearing the heartbreaking story and the frustration these families face, I felt it was important to recognize this terrible disease and help to create awareness about it.” Read more


Lawmakers introduce landmark energy bills in Pa. House

(May 08, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 8 – State Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester, and state Rep. Aerion Abney, D-Allegheny, today introduced legislation advancing the Shapiro administration’s Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard (PRESS) and Pennsylvania Climate Emission Reduction (PACER) Program plans for Pennsylvania, respectively. The plans were first announced by Gov. Josh Shapiro in March . A companion PRESS bill was filed in the Senate by state Sen. Steven Santarsiero, D-Bucks, while state Sen. Carolyn Comitta, D-Chester, introduced the Senate version of the PACER legislation. “Right now in our commonwealth, we must take action to catch up in the race to create clean and reliable energy – to be more competitive, ensure consumers pay less for their electricity bills, and create more jobs and opportunities for our businesses to grow and our workers to get ahead,” Shapiro said. “I have made clear that any energy policy supported by my administration must meet the three-part test of protecting and creating energy jobs, taking real action to address climate change pollution, and ensuring reliable, affordable power for consumers in the long term – and my energy plan is built to do all three. Together with the support of leaders like Representative Abney and Representative Otten in the General Assembly, we’re going to ensure Pennsylvania will continue to be a national energy leader for decades to come.” Read more


Venkat introduces bill to prohibit price spikes on travel service websites
May 23, 2024

Salisbury: Nearly $300K awarded for Wilkinsburg renovation project
May 22, 2024

Venkat’s new legislation prioritizes timeliness in processing Medical Assistance applications and reimbursing long-term care facilities
May 22, 2024

Powell, Pisciottano introduce green energy bill
May 22, 2024

Abney, Policy Committee review alarming trend limiting voter access
May 22, 2024

House passes Frankel bill to boost oversight of medical marijuana testing labs
May 21, 2024

Kinkead welcomes $150,000 for PrimeTime Senior Center
May 15, 2024

Venkat introduces legislation to ease restrictions on physician assistants and eliminate print statement fees
May 15, 2024

Donahue highlights fiscal challenges for independent pharmacies
May 15, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Environmental, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
May 14, 2024

Powell: More than $62,000 secured for improvements to Stephen Foster Community Center
May 14, 2024

Markosek applauds $45,800 grant for Plum Senior Community Center
May 14, 2024

Powell praises $75,000 in grants for community improvements in district
May 13, 2024

Salisbury: More than $2.7 million awarded to restore Chalfant Run watershed
May 13, 2024

Salisbury: $120K secured for Eastern Regional Mon Valley Police Department
May 10, 2024

Pharmacy owners plead for policy reform on PBMs
May 10, 2024

Pisciottano applauds $2.1 million in school safety grants
May 08, 2024

Salisbury: More than $2.3 million secured for continued development of Carrie Blast Furnaces site in Rankin
May 08, 2024

Deasy resolution recognizing May 17 as NEC Day in PA passes PA House
May 08, 2024

Lawmakers introduce landmark energy bills in Pa. House
May 08, 2024