Seats remaining for Burns’ June 27 Harrisburg bus trip

(Jun 08, 2023)

"Our state Capitol is one of the most beautiful buildings in the country, and there’s so much to learn and see,” Burns said. "If you are interested, please call my office to find out more information and reserve your spot on the bus." Read more


Burns seeks answers on Oakhurst and Coopersdale public housing redevelopment plan

(May 31, 2023)

EBENSBURG, May 31 – Clued in by a concerned tenant who shared a notice that Oakhurst and Coopersdale public housing are now in play for a wholesale redevelopment, state Rep. Frank Burns is reiterating his call for the Johnstown Housing Authority to reveal what impact HUD’s required “ equity plan ” could have on the effort. Burns, D-Cambria, said the notice sent his way said public meetings held today in Oakhurst and tomorrow in Coopersdale are to discuss the JHA’s pursuit of a Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant , as part of a “Transformation Plan” for those communities. Burns said the JHA is looking to “explore rehabilitation and redesign potential, and assess the potential of mixed-income redevelopment with a public-private financing model,” according to the notice. According to the facilities listing on the JHA website, Oakhurst has 100 units, Oakhurst Extension has 300 units and Coopersdale has 121 units. Added to the 110 units at the recently vacated Prospect community, that means 631 of the JHA’s 983 family housing units could be impacted by redevelopment. “What’s unclear at this point is whether those communities would be rebuilt at their current locations, which are all in the city of Johnstown, or whether they could be placed elsewhere in Cambria County,” Burns said, noting that the JHA currently operates a 56-unit complex in Nanty Glo Read more


Burns: Johnstown abandoned mine reclamation project secures share of $7.8 million in DEP funding

(May 30, 2023)

“Securing this new funding is going to support reclamation work that will expand access to recreational trails, provide access for maintenance of the Inclined Plane and build on other projects underway to expand hillside recreation and tourism for the area," Burns said. Read more


Burns: JHA takes 35 days to comply with Prospect RTK request

(May 25, 2023)

“The JHA told me it needed a 30-day extension to determine whether the information I was requesting needed to be released – then basically turned around and released the same information to news outlets 13 days later,” Burns said. “By doing so, the JHA has proven that it likes to play games. It’s no wonder the public gets fed up with how they operate.” Read more


House sends Burns bill to Senate; measure would provide in-state tuition for students in deployed military families

(May 24, 2023)

“Military families can’t control the dynamics of their lives when engaged in serving our nation,” Burns said. “Students shouldn’t be penalized for their families having to answer the call of duty. My bill would make sure they aren’t.” Read more


Burns calls on JHA to discuss ‘equity plan’ reach in Cambria County

(May 23, 2023)

Burns, D-Cambria, said although the equity plans are a well-publicized requirement for housing authorities – with potential far-reaching implications – he has heard precious little from the JHA about the steps it is taking toward compliance. Read more


Burns refuses to dilute Second Amendment rights

(May 22, 2023)

Burns, D-Cambria, specifically balked at criminalizing gun owners who’ve done nothing wrong, instead of going after gun-using criminals, many of whom are already prohibited from owning firearms because of prior convictions. Read more


House committee reports out Burns bill to ensure children of deployed military members retain in-state tuition

(May 22, 2023)

“The nature of military service requires them to go where and when they’re needed, so miltary parents can’t control where they’re sent,” Burns said. “That unpredictability shouldn’t penalize them or their children when it comes to their child’s higher education. My bill would make sure they aren’t.” Read more


PA House Steel Caucus meets to discuss importance of state’s steel industry

(May 12, 2023)

“Manufacturing steel domestically guarantees not only that steel is produced with ample regulatory oversight, but also produces an incredible economic multiplier in the process, and helps improve our safety and security,” Burns said. “It was great to meet with both labor and management from the steel industry today to learn more about the positive impact the industry is having in the Commonwealth.” Read more


Burns: Grant opportunities for digital literacy, job training programs now available to communities

(May 11, 2023)

As part of the fourth round of the Digital Literacy and Workforce Development Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, there is approximately $900,000 available in grant funding. The funds will support digital literacy and job training programs in communities that lack access to broadband infrastructure and high-speed internet. Read more


Burns: JHA not sure Prospect ceiling work is public information?

(May 02, 2023)

“It’s incredible the JHA isn’t sure that taxpayer money spent on public housing should be public information,” Burns said. “I think what they really want is 30 days to come up with some creative excuse for not complying with my request.” Read more


Burns: $63,600 state grant to offer high school students more opportunities for college

(May 02, 2023)

“I’ve always made economic development a priority, and supported programs and grants to make education, training and jobs more accessible to improve the region’s economy,” Burns said. “This grant will give more students more opportunities to work toward higher education and a successful future.” Read more


Revisionist history swirls around Vision 2025’s ‘Human Capital Plan’

(Apr 21, 2023)

In the interest of truth and accuracy let’s dissect what was – and wasn’t -- said by Vision Together 2025 chairman Bill Polacek and the Tribune-Democrat in the recent news story, “Many businesses dealing with staff shortages, exploring immigrant employment.” Read more


Burns: $7.2 million estimated cost to fix Prospect housing issues

(Apr 20, 2023)

“As I suspected, HUD has been pretty involved in what’s happening at Prospect from the get-go, and there are some pretty revealing and newsworthy details in these emails I obtained and am sharing,” Burns said. “I am presenting this information solely as a public service, providing pieces of the information puzzle so everyone can get a fuller understanding of what is being discussed.” Read more


Burns revives bill to provide in-state tuition for children of deployed military members

(Apr 06, 2023)

EBENSBURG, April 6 – Vigorously committed to those who serve our country, state Rep. Frank Burns is reintroducing his bipartisan proposal to ensure the children and spouses of military families in Pennsylvania qualify for in-state college tuition if a parent is deployed or reassigned out-of-state, hoping this time it won’t be procedurally thwarted in the state Senate. Burns, D-Cambria, has seen the bill sail through the House of Representatives with unanimous and bipartisan approval in prior legislative sessions –garnering approval from a key Senate committee– only to die on the vine by not being scheduled for a final vote in the upper chamber. “This has happened twice, for reasons that defy logic and are a disservice to those who defend our country,” Burns said. “The full Senate has voted two times to move this legislation to a final vote – which has never taken place. This gamesmanship needs to end.” Burns said his House Bill 804 is straightforward and sensible: It would guarantee in-state tuition rates to military families as soon as a student enrolls or registers at a community college or submits an enrollment deposit to a four-year public college or university, even if their military parent is later reassigned to another state. “I challenge anyone serving in the state Senate to publicly state why this bill shouldn’t become the law in Pennsylvania,” Burns said. “The House of Read more


Burns files Right-to-Know request on Prospect evacuation

(Apr 05, 2023)

“The JHA continues dancing around this issue, instead of providing a full, substantive accounting of what triggered an action unprecedented in its history,” Burns said. “If a single ceiling collapse in one of Prospect’s 110 housing units caused this to happen, as they are claiming, it must be one hell of a structural issue. I aim to find out.” Read more


Burns to host Pet Food Drive in April

(Mar 31, 2023)

“Unfortunately, many animals in Pennsylvania wind up in shelters because of abuse or neglect, or because they simply don’t have a home,” Burns said. “As shelters fill up, it becomes costly to feed and take care of the animals, and this drive can help.” Read more


Burns to collect nonperishable food for community

(Mar 30, 2023)

Anyone wishing to donate unexpired, nonperishable food items may drop off items at one of Burns' offices between April 1 and April 30. Read more


Burns to host Senior Scam Prevention Seminar

(Mar 28, 2023)

EBENSBURG, March 28 – State Rep. Frank Burns will host a free Senior Scam Prevention Seminar at the Nanty Glo Fire Hall on Friday, April 14. “Scams and frauds are increasingly targeting older Pennsylvanians; the good news is that there are resources available to assist seniors, their families and caregivers.,” Burns said. “I have invited the Office of Attorney General to join me in discussing and recognizing the threat of fraud in Pennsylvania’s older population.” The Senior Scam Prevention Seminar will provide crime prevention education to Pennsylvania senior citizens, 55 years or older. The goal is to bring awareness to the threat of fraud, teach adults how to avoid being victimized, and detail the proper contacts when concerns arise about safety and well-being. The presentation will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Nanty Glo Fire Hall, 870 Chestnut St. Those who are interested in attending must RSVP by Monday, April 10, by calling Burns’ Ebensburg office at (814) 472-8021. Read more


Burns booted from Johnstown Housing Authority meeting with Prospect tenants

(Mar 22, 2023)

Burns said he went to the meeting hoping to learn answers to many lingering questions about the JHA’s sudden decision to give tenants in Prospect’s numerous row housing buildings 30 days to vacate their homes. Read more


Seats remaining for Burns’ June 27 Harrisburg bus trip
Jun 08, 2023

Burns seeks answers on Oakhurst and Coopersdale public housing redevelopment plan
May 31, 2023

Burns: Johnstown abandoned mine reclamation project secures share of $7.8 million in DEP funding
May 30, 2023

Burns: JHA takes 35 days to comply with Prospect RTK request
May 25, 2023

House sends Burns bill to Senate; measure would provide in-state tuition for students in deployed military families
May 24, 2023

Burns calls on JHA to discuss ‘equity plan’ reach in Cambria County
May 23, 2023

Burns refuses to dilute Second Amendment rights
May 22, 2023

House committee reports out Burns bill to ensure children of deployed military members retain in-state tuition
May 22, 2023

PA House Steel Caucus meets to discuss importance of state’s steel industry
May 12, 2023

Burns: Grant opportunities for digital literacy, job training programs now available to communities
May 11, 2023

Burns: JHA not sure Prospect ceiling work is public information?
May 02, 2023

Burns: $63,600 state grant to offer high school students more opportunities for college
May 02, 2023

Revisionist history swirls around Vision 2025’s ‘Human Capital Plan’
Apr 21, 2023

Burns: $7.2 million estimated cost to fix Prospect housing issues
Apr 20, 2023

Burns revives bill to provide in-state tuition for children of deployed military members
Apr 06, 2023

Burns files Right-to-Know request on Prospect evacuation
Apr 05, 2023

Burns to host Pet Food Drive in April
Mar 31, 2023

Burns to collect nonperishable food for community
Mar 30, 2023

Burns to host Senior Scam Prevention Seminar
Mar 28, 2023

Burns booted from Johnstown Housing Authority meeting with Prospect tenants
Mar 22, 2023