Giral offers condolences to family of Officer Jaime Roman

HARRISBURG, Sept. 11 – State Rep. Jose Giral, D-Phila., released the following statement on the recent passing of Philadelphia Police Officer Jaime Roman, who succumbed to injuries sustained when he was shot while in the line of duty in June:

“I am truly heartbroken to learn of the passing of Officer Roman, and it is with a heavy heart that I express my deepest condolences to Officer Roman’s friends, family and the entire PPD 25th District force,” Giral said. “Every day the men and women of the Philadelphia Police Department put on their uniforms knowing their life could be on the line because they know what it means to protect and serve our community and want to see our families live safe and happy lives.

“It is my sincere hope that our community can do for the Roman family and PPD 25th District what they do every day for us — put our arms around them, embrace them and support them through this incredibly trying time.”