Rabb highlights legislation to remedy wrongful convictions on International Wrongful Conviction Day

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – On this International Wrongful Conviction Day, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., highlighted legislation (H.B. 987) that would compensate people who have been wrongfully convicted in Pennsylvania.

“When the state unjustly takes a person’s liberty, it has a responsibility to help repair the damage,” Rabb said. “Pennsylvania, as one of 15 states that does not have a law to compensate the wrongfully convicted, is not upholding its responsibility to exonerees who have lost years of their lives to wrongful imprisonment.”

This legislation would help exonerees re-enter society by: 

  • Providing monetary compensation to those wrongfully convicted and those wrongfully imprisoned. 
  • Providing additional monetary compensation to those wrongfully placed on the state sex offender registry, on parole or on death row.
  • Establishing a mechanism for additional supports, including education, housing and reasonable reintegrative mental and physical health services.  

This legislation would also establish the Exoneree Community Trust Fund, a restricted fund housed in the Office of the State Treasurer. Staff would be responsible for creating an investment policy statement, managing these investments and reporting to members of the fund’s investment advisory board, some of whom may be exonerees themselves, Rabb said.

“This bill is the result of extensive conversations with, and input from, exonerees, who know all too well the terror and agony of imprisonment, and my firm and unending belief in liberty and justice for all,” he said.

The bill is currently in the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee for review.