Photo of the day

Pennsylvania House Democrats photo of the day collection.

2024 PA House of Representatives Democratic Photos

Photos of PA House of Representatives Democratic Members during the 2024 calendar year.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October 2024

Speaker of the PA House Joanna McClinton stands with House and Senate colleagues to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in PA. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis for women with roughly 14,000 new cases each year in PA.

Swearing In Ceremony - September 30, 2024

Reps. Keith S. Harris and Andre D. Carroll are sworn-in to become the newest state Representatives from the Philadelphia area. Harris will serve PA's 195th Legislative District, located in north Philadelphia and encompassing the neighborhoods of Stanton, Brewerytown, Girard and parts of Strawberry Mansion. Carroll will serve the PA's 201st Legislative District, located in northwest Philadelphia and encompassing the neighborhoods of Germantown, Logan and West Oak Lane.

3rd Annual K. Leroy Irvis Day of Action

The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus hosts a press conference to recognize the 3rd Annual K. Leroy Irvis Days of Action.

K. Leroy Irvis Day of Action - May 23, 2024

Images from the K. Leroy Irvis Day of Action events.

2024-25 Budget Hearings

Democratic members of the PA House Appropriations Commitee attend the three-week-long Budget Hearings to gather information on the 2024-25 funding requests.

2024-25 Budget Address - February 6, 2024

Images from Governor Josh Shapiro's 2024-25 Budget Address, where House Democrats respond to a proposal that makes commitments to investing in economic development, public safety, and education.

2024 PA Farm Show

Images of PA House Democrats at the 108th Pennsylvania Farm Show.

Gun Violence Prevention Meeting at the White House - December 13, 2023

Rep. Lindsay Powell and several PA House colleagues joined lawmakers from across the country at a White House meeting, hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris, to outline plans to decrease gun violence at the state level.

2023 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

Members of the PA House Legislative Latino Caucus welcome lawmakers and the public in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, highlighting the hardwork and contributions that Hispanics and Latinos bring to their communities.

2nd Annual K. Leroy Irvis Day of Action

Members of the House of Representatives Democratic Caucus join community partners for a day of advocacy while commemorating the 46th Anniversary of the Irvis Speakership.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration - May 1, 2023

This event, held annually, is a celebration of AAPI Heritage and the formation of the Pennsylvania Legislative Asian Pacific American Caucus.

Black Maternal Health Week April 11-17, 2023

Held annually on April 11-17th, Black Maternal Health Week is held to build awareness, activism, and community-building? to amplify ?the voices, perspectives and lived experiences of Black Mamas and birthing people. The theme for 2023 is Our Bodies Belong to Us: Restoring Black Autonomy and Joy!

Diversity Day 2022

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton, Rep. Patty Kim, and other members of the PA House Democratic Caucus celebrate Diversity Day at the state Capitol, an event with special performances, exhibits, as well as a sampling of ethnic food, hosted by the House Democratic Caucus Diversity and Inclusion Council.

Protecting Worker Pay Press Conference

At a state Capitol press event, House Democrats stand up to end wage theft and defend workers by leading the fight for better jobs, higher pay, safer workplaces and a chance for workers to retire on their terms.

Protecting Access To Health Care

Images of House and Senate Democratic members at a joint news event to talk about the Roe vs. Wade overturning, and the future of abortion access in the commonwealth.

End Price Gouging Press Conference

Member of the House Democratic Caucus hold a press conference to end price gouging and help working families deal with gas and grocery prices.

Juneteenth Celebration 2022

Members from the Pennsylvania General Assembly joined with guests who performed spoken word poetry and African dance highlighting Black cultural achievements. Members who spoke at the celebration agreed that while Juneteenth was the start of independence for Black people in America, there is still much work to be done to truly achieve not only equality – but equity.

Advocates Demand End to Hair Discrimination in Pennsylvania

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is joined by lawmakers and advocates to demand an end to hair discrimination in the commonwealth. McClinton’s CROWN Act has been held up in the House State Government Committee for over a year.

Pa. House Democrats Rally to 'Fight for Lives'

Members of the Pa. House Democratic Caucus call on the House Republican Majority to allow discussion on a variety of legislative efforts that would protect and improve the lives of Pennsylvanians. The House Democrats’ ‘Fight for Lives’ is a plan that would help Pennsylvanians of all ages from first breath to first grade to their first job and beyond, including support for expecting families, ensuring access to essential healthcare, fixing toxic schools and enacting property tax relief for seniors. Pa. House Republicans continue to fail to discuss legislation that would have a positive impact on Pennsylvania’s children, hard-working families and seniors.

Time To Act On Gun Safety Legislation

In the aftermath of the tragic deadly mass shooting at a school in Texas, Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton and her colleagues stand strong to demand action in Harrisburg against gun violence.

Statute of Limitations Rally

Representative Mark Rozzi, Senator Tim Kearney, Governor Tom Wolf, Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Child USA founder and CEO Marci Hamilton, and SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) President Shaun Dougherty speak at the Statute of Limitations Rally at the Capitol - April 4, 2022

2022-23 Budget Hearings - Week Three

Photos of the Democratic members of the PA House Appropriations Committee during the third week of state Budget Hearings with the Department of Education, State-Related Universities, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, the Department of Human Service, and the Budget Secretary.

2022-23 Budget Hearings - Week Two

Photos during the second week of state Budget Hearings with Democratic members of the House Appropriations Committee, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Transportation, the Pennsylvania State Police, the Department of State, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor and Industry, and the Department of Health.

2022-2023 Budget Hearings - Day Three

The House Appropriations Committee wraps up the first week of Budget Hearings with discussions with the Department of Community & Economic Development.

2022-2023 Budget Hearings - Day Two

Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings with the Department of Corrections and the Department of General Services & Office of Administration.

2022-2023 Budget Hearings - Day One

Democratic members of the House Appropriations Committee attend the first day of Budget Hearings with the Independent Fiscal Office and the Department of Aging.

Dominican Independence Day 2022

Members of the House Democratic Caucus celebrate Dominican Independence Day at the State Capitol.

Seeking Solutions for Problems in PA Prison System

House and Senate colleagues, with prison-reform advocates, discuss legislation to help address systemic problems in Pennsylvania’s prison system.

House Democrats Unveil Propel PA Plan

House Democrats announce new bills to improve PA’s business climate and create more good-paying jobs.

Masks and Vaccines Work

In her ongoing effort to protect children from COVID-19, Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton and her colleagues speak at a press conference to defend having young people wear masks in schools.

50th Anniversary of the POW/MIA Remembering

Veterans and members of the Armed Forces gather at Soldier's Grove at the State Capitol in Harrisburg to recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Prisoners of War and Missing in Action Remembering.

Fair Funding Press Conference - June 8, 2021

Fair Funding Presse Conference with the PA House Democrats, PA Senate Democrats and Governor Tom Wolf.

Pa. House of Representatives swearing in ceremony at the Pennsylvania state Capitol 2021

Pa. House of Representatives swearing in ceremony at the Pennsylvania state Capitol 2021

2021 Swearing In Ceremony

The House Democratic Caucus shares images from First Tuesday, the ceremony held at the state Capitol to begin the 205th legislative session of the state House of Representatives.

Black Lives Matter House Chamber Protest

Democratic lawmakers joined the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus in a moment of civil disobedience in the House chamber to demand action on police reform bills currently stalled in the House of Representatives.

2020 PA Farm Show -- Monday Jan. 6

Monday, Jan. 6 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.