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Neilson Discusses Ban on Hand-Held Devices While Driving

(May 10, 2024)

Pa. state Rep. Ed Neilson, majority chair of the House Transportation Committee, tells KDKA Radio about why it was so important to ban the use of hand-held devices while driving. Read more


Bill to prohibit use of hand-held devices while driving passes General Assembly

(May 08, 2024)

State Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., chair of the PA House Transportation Committee, today announced that legislation (S.B. 37) that would prohibit the use of hand-held devices while operating a motor vehicle in Pennsylvania has passed both chambers of the General Assembly and is now on its way to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk for signature to become state law. “The data shows that distracted driving is the cause for more crashes than driving under the influence now,” Neilson said. “In the past, we confronted DUIs with harsher penalties because we recognized the danger it caused.” “I’m happy we did the work to get this bill passed and treated it with the same amount of alarm,” Neilson continued. Under the legislation, the penalty is a summary offense: a $50 fine and no points on the driver’s license. The bill also promotes education efforts by requiring minors to learn about distracted driving and have at least one question on the driver’s exam be about distracted driving, Neilson explained. “Today, Pennsylvania joins 26 states, including all of our border states, in recognizing the dangers that come with distracted driving by passing legislation that would include not only deterrents but an opportunity to get educated about the dangers of distracted driving in Pennsylvania,” Neilson said. Neilson added that the bill is also known as Paul Miller’s Read more


Electric Vehicle Fees Legislation: It’s about Fairness, not Revenue

(Apr 30, 2024)

Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, said it is a high priority issue for the committee and he is working with his Senate colleagues to arrive at a consensus on how to deal with this evolving area of electric vehicles to place a bill on Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk. Read more


Bill to limit handheld cellphone use while driving advances in Pa. House

(Apr 12, 2024)

Legislation that would ban handheld electronic devices while driving is advancing in the General Assembly. Read more


Pennsylvania’s Distracted Driving Laws Under Scrutiny, Potential for Safer Roads

(Apr 12, 2024)

In Pennsylvania, texting while driving is considered an offense, resulting in a $50 fine. However, the state lacks a comprehensive law prohibiting the use of cell phones and other electronic devices for purposes other than texting. This gap in the legislation has made enforcement challenging, as law enforcement officers cannot easily discern if a driver is texting or engaging in other distracting activities. Read more


Bill Banning Handheld Cell Phones While Driving Passes PA House

(Apr 12, 2024)

"We must take a stronger action against distracted driving," said House Transportation Committee Chairman Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, according to a PennLive.com report. "Drivers need to put down the phone and keep their eyes on the road." Read more


Tougher distracted driving law passes Pennsylvania House

(Apr 10, 2024)

House Transportation Committee Chairperson Ed Neilson (D-Philadelphia) noted that Paul Miller Jr.’s parents Eileen and Paul Sr. have pushed for the expanded distracted driving law for 14 years. Eileen Miller was in the House gallery for the vote Tuesday, Neilson said.“Right before coming to the floor, she said something to me that I’d like to share with you and it’s about distracted driving. It does not discriminate. The loved one lost could be yours,” Neilson said. Read more


Pennsylvania bill would crack down on drivers distracted by phones

(Apr 10, 2024)

The bill has to go to the State Senate before it potentially heads to Governor Josh Shapiro’s desk. It’s not clear what the timeline is for the State Senate to review the bill. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Apr 10, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Agriculture: Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program Who May Apply: Agricultural producers or processors and nonprofits, for-profits, local government entities, and institutions such as schools, universities or hospitals that operate middle of the food chain activities or invest in equipment that will benefit middle of the supply chain activities. Use: Activities that expand capacity and infrastructure for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling or distribution of targeted local and regional agricultural products Funds: Grants will be awarded to the extent that funds are available. Grant requests shall be between $10,000 and $100,000. Application Deadline: May 15, 2024 More information: PDA Website Department of Health: WalkWorks Grant Program Who May Apply: Municipalities located in either a PA Department of Health State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) priority county or in communities with an overall percentile rating above 60 in the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s PennEnviroScreen Tool. The 10 current SPAN counties include Clearfield, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Northumberland, and Philadelphia. Use: Funds and structured pre-planning assistance will be available to a limited number of municipal and/or multi-municipal applicants to complete the steps necessary to prepare to apply in the future for funds Read more


Pa. House committee to consider bill setting electric vehicle fee to start at $125

(Apr 08, 2024)

The legislation, sponsored by the House Transportation Committee Chairman Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, would establish the annual fee starting at $125 next year and increasing by $25 a year through 2029 when it reaches $225. In 2030 and thereafter, the annual fee would be adjusted annually at the rate of inflation. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Apr 02, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Transportation: Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancements Grant Program (ARLE Program) Who May Apply: Local governments, planning organizations, or Commonwealth agencies. Use: Eligible uses include, but are not limited to, roadway safety, mobility, and capacity upgrades, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, local technical assistance program projects, and traffic signal improvements. Funds: PennDOT anticipates $32 million available with the intent of funding worthwhile projects that can be completed at a relatively low cost. Application Deadline: A pre-application scoping form is required to be submitted by April 30, 2024. Feedback will be provided by May 31, 2024. The application period will be open from June 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024. More information: PennDOT Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program Who May Apply: Counties Use: Funds for the proposed program must be used to support restrictive conditions that are imposed as part of a county probation sentence and may be used for needed drug and alcohol-related services, and mental health treatment and supportive services for eligible individuals Funds: Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds in the FY 2024-25 budget. Application Deadline: May 1, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Department of Community and Economic Development: Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Mar 26, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program Who May Apply: Counties Use: Funds for the proposed program must be used to support restrictive conditions that are imposed as part of a county probation sentence and may be used for needed drug and alcohol-related services, and mental health treatment and supportive services for eligible individuals Funds: Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds in the FY 2024-25 budget. Application Deadline: May 1, 2024 More information: PCCD Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply. Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership. Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500. Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted. More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street railway police, airport authority police, and county park police. Use: Funding is explicitly to support Act 120 training and recruitment activities for law enforcement officers that will take place between Oct. 19, 2023 and June 30, 2025. Funds: $14 million in Read more


Neilson applauds significant increase to mass transit funding

(Mar 20, 2024)

State Rep. Ed Neilson, majority chair of the House Transportation Committee, said he was proud to vote ‘yes’ on vital legislation to increase funding for mass transit agencies for the first time in over a decade. The legislation would provide a significant increase in funding for public transit, as Gov. Josh Shapiro urged for in his recent address on the 2024-25 state budget. “Funding mass transit in Pennsylvania isn't just about moving people, it's about moving our economy forward, bringing people together no matter where they start and providing a safe way to travel to work, school or leisure,” Neilson said. “Pennsylvania transit systems provided over 230 million trips in 2023,” Neilson added. “This increase in funding would guarantee that people throughout the commonwealth will have a safe and efficient way to travel in our great state.” Neilson said that increasing this funding would also provide many Pennsylvanians with new and competitive employment opportunities. The bill would increase the amount of sales tax revenue that is transferred to the Public Transportation Trust Fund from 4.4% to 6.15%, a generous increase of 1.75%. The bill now heads back to the Senate for concurrence. Read more


Neilson bill to protect consumer privacy passes House

(Mar 19, 2024)

Legislation authored by state Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., to enhance consumer privacy and limit the collection of consumer data was voted out of the House today. House Bill 1201 would inform consumers of their rights when it comes to personal data and require certain businesses to protect them by limiting the amount of data collected. “In an increasingly all-digital world, consumers deserve to know if their data is used for targeted advertising or if it’s sold to a third party,” Neilson said. “Every keystroke or mouse click is a way for companies to collect data, and most people don’t even realize this is happening.” “Consumers in Pennsylvania don’t want companies that they don’t even use or know about to have their personal data, especially if there isn’t an easy way to fix incorrect information in the data collected,” Neilson added. He said that Pennsylvania is behind other states who already have laws that protect consumers’ privacy, and this legislation would go a long way to make Pennsylvania a state where people can feel safe doing business online. Neilson said that the Attorney General would have exclusive authority to prosecute violations under the legislation should HB 1201 be signed into law. The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Mar 19, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Drop-In Centers Who May Apply: Existing organizations that have the capacity to provide or expand drop-in center services for individuals with SUD, including single county authorities, DDAP licensed treatment providers, organizations that offer clinical services and recipients of DDAP’s prior funding opportunities for Drop-In Centers. Use: To expand drop-in center services for individuals with SUD. Funds: Up to $6,575,000 is available. DDAP expects to award approximately eight grants totaling $750,000 each. Application Deadline: April 12, 2024 More information: DDAP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply. Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership. Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500. Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted. More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street railway police, airport authority police, and county park police. Use: Funding is explicitly to support Act 120 training and recruitment Read more


House Transportation Committee weighs new legislation in voting hearing

(Mar 18, 2024)

The House Transportation Committee, led by Majority Chair Ed Neilson, held a meeting today to vote on two pieces of legislation that he said are vital to Pennsylvania’s transportation sector. House Resolution 322, introduced by state Rep. Kyle Mullins, would encourage Congress to allow people aged 18-20 with a Commercial Driver’s License to participate in interstate commerce activities. “We are facing an increasing shortage of qualified truck drivers not only in Pennsylvania but across the county.” Neilson said. “In 2022, our state’s truckers moved 897 million tons of freight, valued at $1.1 trillion which speaks volumes about their value to our state’s economy.” Neilson said Pennsylvania ranks fifth in the country in freight moved. As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration launched the Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program to expand the pool of qualified CDL drivers. The committee also voted on H.B. 816, authored by state Rep. Jose Giral. It would require that tow truck operators in Philadelphia provide photographic evidence of violations to vehicle owners who wish to appeal the towing and storage fees to the Parking Hearing Examiner. “Philadelphia citizens already have a soured opinion about their ability to park anywhere in the city without the fear of financial burden caused by a towed vehicle,” Neilson said. “I hope this legislation will Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Mar 14, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commonwealth Financing Authority: Public School Facility Improvement Grant Who May Apply: School entities, defined as a school district or an area career and technical school. Use: Facility improvement projects, including but not limited to roof repair/replacement, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, plumbing systems, window repair/replacement, health and safety upgrades, and accessibility projects. Funds: $100 million in total funding is available. Grant requests shall not exceed $5 million per eligible improvement project. School entities may submit more than one application, but no school entity shall receive more than 20% of the total funding available. Application Deadline: May 31, 2024 More information: CFA Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program Who May Apply: County governments and non-profit victim service agencies are eligible to apply. Faith-based organizations may be eligible to apply under certain circumstances. Use: Funds may be used to support cross-system, collaborative efforts to respond to victims of violence against women crimes. This includes, but is not limited to, personnel and benefit costs associated with specialized units in law enforcement or core direct victim services, supplies and operating expenses related to the STOP project, equipment necessary for implementation, and training or professional development. Funds: A total of $12 Read more


Neilson Touts Transportation Investments at Budget Hearings

(Mar 06, 2024)

Pa. state Rep. Ed Neilson, Majority Chair of the House Transportation Committee, discusses the critical investments being proposed in this year's state budget to enhance public transportation and repair aging roads and bridges across the commonwealth. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Mar 05, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Agriculture: Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Who May Apply: State and local organizations, producer associations, academia, community-based organizations, and other eligible specialty crops stakeholders. Use: The purpose of the Program is to enhance, but not replace, the Federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program by establishing a Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program for specialty crops that are not currently eligible for grant payments under the Federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, or that are otherwise designated high-priority specialty crops by the Secretary. Funding for the Program will assist the growth, certification of seed and marketing of these eligible specialty crops. Funds: $460,000 in funding is available. Application Deadline: April 19, 2024 More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply. Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership. Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500. Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted. More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement Who May Apply: Local law enforcement Read more


Neilson asks PennDOT about EV charging station contracts during final week of budget hearings

(Mar 05, 2024)

State Rep. Ed Neilson, majority chair of the House Transportation Committee, asked the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation yesterday about the department’s compliance with federal regulations regarding the maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations across Pennsylvania, during the final week of budget hearings. The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program was created by the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Under NEVI, Pennsylvania will receive $171.5 million in federal funding over five years to help make EV charging more accessible to all Americans for local and long-distance trips. As of this writing, PennDOT has announced $34.1 million for the first round of NEVI funding. The application period for the next round closed on January 26, 2024. NEVI requires that maintenance on electric vehicle charging stations only be performed by qualified electricians who have passed the requirements to work, and that they follow prevailing wage laws and Davis-Bacon laws. Neilson questioned Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation Mike Caroll about how PennDOT verifies that the projects are awarded within compliance of NEVI to ensure worker and consumer safety, as well as proper spending of taxpayer money. “There are state-approved apprenticeship programs in Pennsylvania that meet the minimum requirements to install EV charging stations and incorporate the training program designed by Read more


Neilson Discusses Ban on Hand-Held Devices While Driving
May 10, 2024

Bill to prohibit use of hand-held devices while driving passes General Assembly
May 08, 2024

Electric Vehicle Fees Legislation: It’s about Fairness, not Revenue
Apr 30, 2024

Bill to limit handheld cellphone use while driving advances in Pa. House
Apr 12, 2024

Pennsylvania’s Distracted Driving Laws Under Scrutiny, Potential for Safer Roads
Apr 12, 2024

Bill Banning Handheld Cell Phones While Driving Passes PA House
Apr 12, 2024

Tougher distracted driving law passes Pennsylvania House
Apr 10, 2024

Pennsylvania bill would crack down on drivers distracted by phones
Apr 10, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Apr 10, 2024

Pa. House committee to consider bill setting electric vehicle fee to start at $125
Apr 08, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Apr 02, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Mar 26, 2024

Neilson applauds significant increase to mass transit funding
Mar 20, 2024

Neilson bill to protect consumer privacy passes House
Mar 19, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Mar 19, 2024

House Transportation Committee weighs new legislation in voting hearing
Mar 18, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Mar 14, 2024

Neilson Touts Transportation Investments at Budget Hearings
Mar 06, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Mar 05, 2024

Neilson asks PennDOT about EV charging station contracts during final week of budget hearings
Mar 05, 2024