Freeman welcomes $54,000 sewer grant for West Easton

HARRISBURG, Sept. 17 – State Rep. Robert Freeman said the PA Commonwealth Financing Authority today approved more than $54,000 in grant funding for a sewer project in West Easton.

West Easton will use its $54,671 American Rescue Plan Small Water and Sewer grant for Cured-in-Place-Pipe Lining of sanitary sewer pipes in the borough.

“These funds will allow West Easton to complete this project and ensure a better sewer system for many years to come,” said Freeman, D-Northampton. “I would like to thank the CFA board for recognizing the significance this grant will have on the infrastructure in West Easton.”

Funds distributed through the Small Water and Sewer program provide for small water, sewer, and storm system water infrastructure projects. Act 54 of 2022 appropriated $105.6 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to the PA Small Water and Sewer Program.

The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the state Department of Community and Economic Development to administer Pennsylvania’s economic stimulus packages. Unique among state agencies in structure and scope, the CFA consists of seven board members: four legislative appointees and the secretaries of DCED, the Office of the Budget and Department of Banking and Securities.