Featured News

Philadelphia House Delegation announces school facilities improvement grants to clean up toxic schools

Pa. could pass a ‘lemon law’ for homes to protect residents from shoddy construction

(Sep 11, 2023)

State lawmakers from Philadelphia are trying to pass new legislation that would help prevent rowhomes from being damaged by adjacent demolitions and reduce defects in newly built houses. Read more


Krajewski: Investment Is Key to Growing Diverse Businesses, Communities

(Sep 07, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Rick Krajewski thanks Governor Josh Shapiro for signing an executive order that will help small, diverse businesses compete for state funding. Krajewski points to the 52nd Street Corridor in West Philly as an example of the difference investment in Black and brown businesses can make in growing a local economy, reviving historically diverse communities and supporting historically disadvantaged businesses. Read more


Rabb announces legislation to establish Incarcerated People’s Benefit Fund

(Sep 07, 2023)

“It is our duty as legislators to secure fair treatment for all Pennsylvanians — regardless of circumstance,” Rabb said. “We must act with compassion and ensure that justice-involved individuals receive the rehabilitation and resources necessary to successfully reenter their communities.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation thanks Commissioner Danielle M. Outlaw for her service and commitment to the residents of Philadelphia

(Sep 05, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 5 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their appreciation of the efforts of Police Commissioner Danielle M. Outlaw who stepped into the role of the police commissioner during a critical chapter in the City of Philadelphia. “We thank Outlaw for her nearly four years of service, and we honor her as the city’s first Black woman to lead the Philadelphia Police Department,” said Rep. Morgan Cephas, chair of the delegation. “Outlaw assumed the role while we were facing turbulent times that included the pandemic lockdowns and protests over the death of George Floyd, which sparked a national wave of civil unrest. We are talking about unprecedented times,” she said. Referring to the interim police commissioner, First Deputy Commissioner John M. Stanford Jr., Cephas pointed out that the delegation was looking forward to their collaboration during a time where reducing gun violence is a top priority as they head into the fall legislative session. Stanford has more than two decades of law enforcement experience and joined the Philadelphia Police Department in 2002. “We are excited about the opportunity to work with Stanford in this new terrain and value his expertise protecting public safety in our city. We are hopeful that we have found in Stanford another ally to combat the rising crime rates boosted by gun violence in Read more


Housing advocates say Philly’s for-profit eviction system lacks dignity and compassion

(Aug 31, 2023)

During a committee hearing, lawmakers looked for potential ways to improve the city’s Landlord and Tenant Office. Read more


PA House Housing & Community Development Committee hosts residential construction protections hearing

(Aug 30, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., today hosted a PA House Housing & Community Development Committee public hearing at Philadelphia City Hall on residential construction protections. During the hearing, the committee heard from three panels of testifiers. On the first panel was Ralph DiPietro, commissioner of Licenses and Inspection, city of Philadelphia; Jennifer Horn, founding partner, Horn Williamson LLC; and Daryn Edwards, co-chair of the Housing and Community Development Task Force, American Institute of Architects Pennsylvania. The second panel consisted of Venise Whitaker, founder, Riverwards L+I Coalition; Tamica Tanksley, an impacted resident; Michelle Gaffney, an impacted resident; Dr. Terrie Lewine, an impacted resident; and Drew Miller, paralegal for Homeownership and Consumer Rights Unit, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia. The final panel was made up of Annette Stevens, financial officer, Code Administrators; Shawn Strausbaugh, director of technical services, Code Administrators; and Mary Collins, co-chair of the Government Affairs Committee, Building Industry Association of Philadelphia. “It’s vital that we pass legislation that protects what is many families’ most valuable asset and possession -- their homes,” Hohenstein said. “I’ve heard numerous heartbreaking stories of families in Philadelphia who have spent thousands on residential Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation advancing eviction reform

(Aug 30, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30 – In response to a series of violent incidents involving landlord-tenant officers taking place in the city, members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today said the organization has been working hand in hand with the House Housing and Community Development Committee to help end the practice of private contractors performing eviction services. As part of this collaboration, both organizations held a public hearing Tuesday in the Philadelphia City Council Chambers on proposed reforms regarding landlord and tenant officers and evictions. Rep. Morgan Cephas, chair of the Philadelphia House Delegation, explained that a vital concern is that the eviction services are executed by people without the proper training, and carrying guns. “Moving forward there needs to be accountability and transparency with an agency that is responsible to the citizens of Philadelphia,” Cephas said. “We are determined to take this task away from the unaccountable, private entities. “We respect the need for landlords to run their business and receive their payments in a timely manner. However, the need for compassionate, respectful interaction with tenants was made obvious in the hearing,” she added. Rep. Mike Sturla, chair of the PA House Housing and Community Development Committee, highlighted that when it comes to housing it is important to look at the Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation praises more than $1.5 million in grant funding for schools across Philadelphia

(Aug 15, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 15 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their satisfaction after the Shapiro administration announced that $1.5 million in federal grant funding has been awarded to 57 school across Philadelphia. The funds, awarded under the federal Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, will promote nutrition education and healthier school environments by helping schools to secure fresh produce for students. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the group is satisfied to see these grants coming to schools because nutrition and education go hand in hand. “As we know, nutrition has a great impact on a child’s learning ability. We need further nutrition education in our schools because not all children get this guidance or necessary intake of healthy food at home”, Cephas explained. “This grant is a perfect complement to the Free School Breakfast Program victory championed by Governor Josh Shapiro in the 2023-2024 budget,” Cephas added. “The spending plan includes a $46.5 million increase in funding to provide universal free breakfast to every public-school student and free lunch to students who are eligible for reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program. “This puts our schools in a remarkable path,” she said. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation calls out Sen. Devlin Robinson for disrespecting Pennsylvania firefighter

(Aug 04, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today said a recent incident where a firefighter was verbally disrespected is an outrageous act that demands more than a mere apology. State Sen. Devlin Robinson, R-Allegheny, referred to Ken Pagurek, a first responder from Pennsylvania Task Force 1, as a “dick,” using the slur during a committee meeting on Tuesday. A video shows Robinson, who serves as the chair of the Labor and Industry Committee, leaning towards Sen. Doug Mastriano, making the disgraceful comment, presumably and wrongfully assuming that the microphone was off. The delegation noted that Mastriano seemed amused by the observation. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the group is outraged by the confrontation and the lack of empathy shown towards the hardworking men and women who risk their lives every single day protecting communities across our commonwealth. “We are not going to let these types of degrading remarks go unchecked because of your proximity and disregard for the City of Philadelphia,” said chairwoman Cephas. “This is not a joke; it just shows the type of leadership that we have in the Pennsylvania Senate. As senators they are supposed to represent all Pennsylvanians. Unfortunately, neither Robinson nor Mastriano embody the moral values that their positions require. House Democrats support the Read more


The Dope Student Podcast with State Rep Amen Brown

(Aug 01, 2023)

State Rep. Amen Brown joined students of The Dope Student Podcast to talk about politics as a career goal for young people. Read more


State Rep. Tarik Khan immerses himself in the community

(Aug 01, 2023)

Next, Representative Khan’s District Office will hold remote office hours at the Falls of Schuylkill Library in East Falls on July 31st from 5 p.m. to 7:30 pm. You may also see him around town knocking doors to inform neighbors about the state services his office can assist with. For more information on upcoming events and legislative efforts, visit his office at 4001 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, or call (215) 482-8726. Read more


House Majority Leadership joins community to sound education SOS in Philadelphia

(Jul 31, 2023)

“This is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue, and it is not a city issue or a rural issue – it’s a Pennsylvania issue,” Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, said. “Equitably funding schools is about investing in Pennsylvania’s future and ensuring that every student regardless of the neighborhood they live in has the tools to thrive academically, socially, and civically. Our state’s future starts now, and it’s time to equitably and adequately fund our public schools.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation hails unprecedented Teamsters win

(Jul 25, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, July 25 – Following the announcement of a tentative, historic five-year contract involving United Parcel Service and the Teamsters union, members of the Philadelphia House Delegation praised the triumph and reaffirmed their commitment to keep fighting for fair pay and safe workplaces for every worker in Pennsylvania. The UPS and Teamsters covenant comes after a series of local and national rallies to support UPS workers as they fought for better wages and working conditions. Workers also warned of a possible massive strike. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the agreement is a colossal win for the more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters members nationwide. “Our delegation applauds these tentative agreements that include wage increases as well as safety and health protections, equal pay part-time rewards, and new trucks with air conditioning, among other provisions. This would certainly change the game for many other unions. The bar has been raised,” Cephas added. “Our group has been proudly walking and fighting along with the UPS workers for better pay and tangible benefits, but this is also a fight for fairness and respect. We are pleased to see that their struggles have been finally acknowledged,” she said. “We are celebrating this victory, but we also ratify our firm commitment to keep championing for all workers in the Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown hands out free fans to residents in Powelton

(Jul 25, 2023)

It's hot outside and state Rep. Amen brown came to the rescue with a free fan giveaway at his new district office. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation calls for bold changes in eviction process

(Jul 20, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 20 – After the third eviction-related shooting since March in Philadelphia, members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today said the organization is determined to help end the practice of private contractors performing eviction services in the city to avoid more violent incidents. “The imminent threat of being displaced from home can put anybody into a rage and despair mode. If you add to this scenario people without the proper training, carrying guns to handle evictions, the outcome can be fatal,” said Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas, who is organizing upcoming hearings in August about the evictions with state Rep. Mike Sturla, chair of the PA House Housing & Community Development Committee. “Philadelphia’s landlord-tenant officer has temporarily stopped evictions, but this is a turning point: evictions must be handled by public officials and our delegation will be working to introduce legislation to regulate this process. We are ready to establish policies that would support critical demands in this system, like proper protocol and de-escalations practice to protect the safety and integrity of the tenants,” she added. State Rep. Rick Krajewski, who will be introducing a bill addressing the subject, explained that the mercenary mentality of private contractors working for the city's landlord-tenant officer serves no public good. Krajewski indicated that Read more


Bellmon, McClinton school conflict resolution bill passes House

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 1448 ) introduced by state Rep. Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., and Pennsylvania House Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, passed the House and is headed to the Senate for consideration. The bill would r equire public schools to provide instruction on conflict resolution to all students. The instruction would include topics such as skills of conflict resolution; respect for different cultures, races, and beliefs; effectively managing emotions; and how to resolve differences peacefully. The bill also would require the instruction to be age-appropriate and incorporated into an appropriate area of study. The Department of Education would compose a list of evidence-based model programs schools could use to provide this instruction to students. Bellmon said that teaching conflict resolution in schools can help reduce violence. “In areas across the commonwealth, such as Philadelphia, we’re seeing far too many young lives taken by gun violence,” Bellmon said. “It’s imperative that our children know that conflicts can be resolved in a non-violent way, and that’s why I introduced this bill that can help prevent unnecessary violence and even save lives.” McClinton echoed Bellmon’s sentiment. “Everyone has a role in keeping our communities healthy and safe, and by equipping our youngest Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – As we close out this week with the passage of the 2023-24 state budget, the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed that the spending plan is far from ideal, but still delivers major support to disadvantaged families in Pennsylvania. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the delegation is pleased to see the inclusion of some of their top priorities for Philadelphia. “We certainly praise the nearly $1.7 billion (7.6% increase) for the School District of Philadelphia,” Cephas said. “We also voted to support $7.5 million to fund indigent defense for the first time in Pennsylvania history, ensuring public defenders have the resources they need to provide legal representation to defendants who cannot pay for it on their own, among other wins. We are moving the state in the right direction,” she added. State Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice-chair of the delegation, pointed out that the budget showcases the commitment of the House Democratic majority with Pennsylvanians, while managing to evade the unnecessary impasses of a bipartisan legislature. “Not a perfect budget; we wished it could have gone further in some areas and programs, but I am proud to say that we didn’t bargain our principles and that we prioritized our school system,” Burgos said. “I am appreciative of the investments in apprenticeships Read more


Cephas releases statement on enactment of Act 5 of 2023

(Jul 06, 2023)

"Pennsylvania families deserve our utmost attention and the finest health options available to preserve their health and the health of their babies." Read more


Kenyatta applauds Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program expansion efforts

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., announced today that H.B. 1100 to expand Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program is heading to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk for his signature. This bill will expand eligibility for the PTRR Program by increasing the income cap to $45,000 for both homeowners and renters, as well as increase rebate amounts. “The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program has been very helpful to seniors, individuals with disabilities and low-income households in my district and throughout the state,” Kenyatta said. “It allows them to stay in their homes while money is put back in their pocket. “Voting on this bill was one of the most important votes I’ve taken in my time as a legislator. Programs like PTRR must be available to people who are struggling to stay in their homes and pay their bills. I’m glad to see we’ve taken all the right steps to expand eligibility to more Pennsylvanians and keep our communities intact.” Kenyatta said that he looks forward to seeing the bill signed into law so that an additional 175,000 Pennsylvanians can get the help they need. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation Gun Reform & Gun Violence Reduction Legislation

(Jul 05, 2023)

Gun Reform & Gun Violence Reduction Legislation sponsored by members of the Philadelphia House Delegation. Read more


Pa. could pass a ‘lemon law’ for homes to protect residents from shoddy construction
Sep 11, 2023

Krajewski: Investment Is Key to Growing Diverse Businesses, Communities
Sep 07, 2023

Rabb announces legislation to establish Incarcerated People’s Benefit Fund
Sep 07, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation thanks Commissioner Danielle M. Outlaw for her service and commitment to the residents of Philadelphia
Sep 05, 2023

Housing advocates say Philly’s for-profit eviction system lacks dignity and compassion
Aug 31, 2023

PA House Housing & Community Development Committee hosts residential construction protections hearing
Aug 30, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation advancing eviction reform
Aug 30, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation praises more than $1.5 million in grant funding for schools across Philadelphia
Aug 15, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation calls out Sen. Devlin Robinson for disrespecting Pennsylvania firefighter
Aug 04, 2023

The Dope Student Podcast with State Rep Amen Brown
Aug 01, 2023

State Rep. Tarik Khan immerses himself in the community
Aug 01, 2023

House Majority Leadership joins community to sound education SOS in Philadelphia
Jul 31, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation hails unprecedented Teamsters win
Jul 25, 2023

State Rep. Amen Brown hands out free fans to residents in Powelton
Jul 25, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation calls for bold changes in eviction process
Jul 20, 2023

Bellmon, McClinton school conflict resolution bill passes House
Jul 07, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities
Jul 07, 2023

Cephas releases statement on enactment of Act 5 of 2023
Jul 06, 2023

Kenyatta applauds Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program expansion efforts
Jul 06, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation Gun Reform & Gun Violence Reduction Legislation
Jul 05, 2023