Dog (and cat) Days are the best days for these politicians

(Aug 08, 2023)

“This is Lexi and Chrissy [Schlossberg]. Both are wonderful rescue dogs. Lexi (black) has been with us since 2019, and we got Chrissy about a year ago, after my kids and I successfully executed our evil, secret plan to make my wife fall in love with a second dog so we could adopt her too.” Read more


Pa. Legislature’s unfinished budget business leaves uncertainty for schools, human services

(Aug 04, 2023)

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, said the Senate budget amendment redirecting the pandemic aid to school grants was improper and gave the appearance that it was an either-or proposition. Read more


Frustrations grow over what some say is a lack of mental health funding in state budget

(Aug 02, 2023)

“There is no question, the need is massive in both," said Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D-Lehigh). "This isn’t one versus the other, our kids are suffering, adults are suffering. We need to fund both.” Read more


House Majority Leadership joins community to sound education SOS in Philadelphia

(Jul 31, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, July 31 – On the first stop of a statewide tour, educators, advocates, labor leaders and concerned parents joined members of the Pennsylvania House Majority Leadership team and the House Majority Policy Committee in seeking answers to repair and reform funding for public schools. “This is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue, and it is not a city issue or a rural issue – it’s a Pennsylvania issue,” Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, said. “Equitably funding schools is about investing in Pennsylvania’s future and ensuring that every student regardless of the neighborhood they live in has the tools to thrive academically, socially, and civically. Our state’s future starts now, and it’s time to equitably and adequately fund our public schools.” A Commonwealth Court judge ruled in February the state fell short of its constitutional obligation to students in the most underserved school districts , violating students’ rights to a “comprehensive, effective, and contemporary” education. “In Pennsylvania, we have teachers being tasked with leading but lacking even the basic supplies needed to succeed,” Majority Leader Matt Bradford, D-Montgomery, said. “We have schools unable to hire enough counselors and nurses to serve the needs of its children. We have told generations you can achieve if you excel in Read more


Opinion: Mental health support comes up short in state budget

(Jul 31, 2023)

Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, House Democratic Caucus Chairman, has become one of the General Assembly's fiercest supporters of mental health funding and advocacy. Read more


This Week in Pennsylvania: House Democrat Mike Schlossberg

(Jul 30, 2023)

On Friday, abc27 spoke with Lehigh Valley House Democrat Mike Schlossberg and asked if the Senate does come back in August to pass budget-related code bills would the House come back to finish the job? Read more


Schlossberg attends White House discussion on mental health

(Jul 28, 2023)

“It was a pleasure to be invited by President Biden to hear his vision for helping states address the mental health needs of people across America," Schlossberg said. Read more


Schlossberg Demands Adequate Mental Health Funding

(Jul 28, 2023)

With more than 2 million Pennsylvanians struggling with mental health issues, Pa. state Rep. Mike Schlossberg wants to know why the state Senate removed from the state budget $100 million in federal funding for adult based mental health. Schlossberg says with one in six Pennsylvanians in need of mental health resources, the state can't afford to lose this funding. Read more


Schlossberg, Collett rally mental health professionals and advocates for restoration of $100 million in adult mental health funding

(Jul 27, 2023)

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg and Sen. Maria Collett today joined mental health professionals, advocates and fellow legislators at a Capitol news conference to address restoring the $100 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding for mental health that was left out of this year’s budget. Read more


Rep. Schlossberg pushes for bill funding mental health programs for adults in Pa.

(Jul 27, 2023)

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg is hoping it's not too late to get through funding for a bill near and dear to his heart: House Bill 849, which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support last year. Read more


Democrats say stalled Pa. budget leaves behind adult mental health patients

(Jul 27, 2023)

State Sen. Maria Collett (D., Montgomery) and state Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D., Lehigh) sat on the Behavioral Health Commission and drafted the legislation to spend the $100 million. They’re now calling for the money to be restored to its original purpose. Read more


The final Pennsylvania budget doesn’t include adult mental health funding. Democrats want it added

(Jul 27, 2023)

“Let’s be clear about something contrary to what the Senate would have you believe, this is not an either/or proposition. We need to fund both,” said the bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. Read more


$100M in funds for adult mental health shifted to student mental health in delayed state budget

(Jul 25, 2023)

“I look forward to working with the Senate to try to pass a fiscal code that does fund this $100 million appropriation,” Schlossberg said. “But I think what happened in the budget is extremely frustrating, disheartening and downright damaging to people whose lives could be improved by enhanced funding for mental health.” Read more


Dangerous or not, people in mental health crisis in Pa. wait months, or longer, for help

(Jul 10, 2023)

“Even with two massive health systems in my backyard, we still struggle,” says state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh County. “And things are unquestionably worse in rural Pennsylvania.” Read more


Schlossberg supports state budget, wants better mental health funding

(Jul 05, 2023)

“This was not my preferred budget. But a yes vote was the correct one. With divided government, we need to govern. Governor Shapiro is correct: we need to send him a proposal which reflects our agreements and not let our disagreements hold up our obligation to govern responsibly," Schlossberg said. Read more


Schlossberg votes for minimum wage hike compromise

(Jun 20, 2023)

“We have more than a fiscal obligation to increase the minimum wage -- we also have a moral one,” Schlossberg said. Read more


$15 minimum wage in Pa.? House passes bill, measure faces uncertain future in Senate.

(Jun 20, 2023)

“Increasing the minimum wage also is a suicide prevention strategy as higher wages reduce despair and are a key part of addressing Pennsylvania’s mental health crisis,” Schlossberg said. Read more


Pennsylvania seeks to address adult mental health

(Jun 14, 2023)

“It’s time to get this money out the door to serve Pennsylvanians,” said State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, the bill’s sponsor, in a statement. “I am grateful for the bipartisan support the legislation received and look forward to working with the Senate and Governor Josh Shapiro to get this done so we can get people the help they need.” Read more


2 mental health bills hit the ground running in Pa.

(Jun 12, 2023)

“We know that there are massive challenges within the mental health universe from a workforce perspective,” said State Rep. Schlossberg. Read more


Schlossberg: Why investing today in Pa. mental health care, services will pay off tomorrow

(Jun 12, 2023)

For too long, mental health has been a secondary consideration. However, if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that these issues cannot be ignored. They must be addressed comprehensively, compassionately and courageously. Read more


Dog (and cat) Days are the best days for these politicians
Aug 08, 2023

Pa. Legislature’s unfinished budget business leaves uncertainty for schools, human services
Aug 04, 2023

Frustrations grow over what some say is a lack of mental health funding in state budget
Aug 02, 2023

House Majority Leadership joins community to sound education SOS in Philadelphia
Jul 31, 2023

Opinion: Mental health support comes up short in state budget
Jul 31, 2023

This Week in Pennsylvania: House Democrat Mike Schlossberg
Jul 30, 2023

Schlossberg attends White House discussion on mental health
Jul 28, 2023

Schlossberg Demands Adequate Mental Health Funding
Jul 28, 2023

Schlossberg, Collett rally mental health professionals and advocates for restoration of $100 million in adult mental health funding
Jul 27, 2023

Rep. Schlossberg pushes for bill funding mental health programs for adults in Pa.
Jul 27, 2023

Democrats say stalled Pa. budget leaves behind adult mental health patients
Jul 27, 2023

The final Pennsylvania budget doesn’t include adult mental health funding. Democrats want it added
Jul 27, 2023

$100M in funds for adult mental health shifted to student mental health in delayed state budget
Jul 25, 2023

Dangerous or not, people in mental health crisis in Pa. wait months, or longer, for help
Jul 10, 2023

Schlossberg supports state budget, wants better mental health funding
Jul 05, 2023

Schlossberg votes for minimum wage hike compromise
Jun 20, 2023

$15 minimum wage in Pa.? House passes bill, measure faces uncertain future in Senate.
Jun 20, 2023

Pennsylvania seeks to address adult mental health
Jun 14, 2023

2 mental health bills hit the ground running in Pa.
Jun 12, 2023

Schlossberg: Why investing today in Pa. mental health care, services will pay off tomorrow
Jun 12, 2023