Schweyer lauds passage of fiscal, school codes

(Dec 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 – Pennsylvania House Education Committee Majority Chairman, state Rep. Peter Schweyer today celebrated the passage of the fiscal and school codes to help students, teachers and provide long overdue funding to address school infrastructure problems. “As the father of two girls in the Allentown School District, I have seen firsthand the dire need for school building upgrading and modernization,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “For the first time in nearly a decade, funding passed by the House will give school districts the necessary resources to make the building upgrades which ensure safe and comfortable learning environments exist for children across the commonwealth.” According to Schweyer, on Wednesday, the General Assembly passed the two codes which contain the following: $175 million for school facility improvements. $10 million for student-teacher stipends. EITC transparency and administrative fee reforms. Added Schweyer, “While this is much needed funding to address serious issues with school buildings, the work for education funding is far from over. After the Commonwealth Court ruled our schools are underfunded, we are ensuring that fairly funding schools and upholding this constitutional obligation is a top priority.” Read more


Lehigh Valley lawmakers want to stop ‘book ban’ arguments. They just disagree on how.

(Dec 11, 2023)

“We’re not going to waste any staff power, any attention span in Harrisburg, on figuring out how many books are appropriate to ban, period, full stop,” Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, said, calling the bill “stupid.” Read more


State Senate legislation requiring schools to identify sexual content in books, class material currently blocked in House

(Dec 04, 2023)

“They couch it in language to soften the blow because the politics around book bans are so fraught right now,” Schweyer said. “But it's a book ban and you don't need my word for it." Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Dec. 15

(Dec 01, 2023)

ALLENTOWN, Dec. 1 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is alerting local veterans that his monthly support program will be held on Friday, Dec. 15 at his district office in Allentown. A representative from the American Legion will be available for appointments at Schweyer’s district office, 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206. Appointments are available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service officer will be available to assist veterans and their families with benefits and services available to them. The representative also will be available to discuss pensions and other compensation, as well as education, health care and death benefits. Legion membership is not required; however, anyone interested in speaking with the adviser should schedule appointments by contacting Schweyer’s office at 610-791-6270. Read more


Pa. lawmakers propose new community solar legislation

(Nov 28, 2023)

State Reps. Rob Matzie, D-16, Harmony Township, and Peter Schweyer, D-134, Lehigh County, introduced House Bill 1842, or the Community Solar Act, with the support of two dozen bipartisan co-sponsors. Read more


Gov. Shapiro, Lehigh Valley lawmakers acknowledge political divisions, outstanding education funding

(Nov 26, 2023)

House Education Committee Chairman Peter Schweyer (D-Lehigh County), who is a member of the BEF Commission, told recently the discussions around producing a report have been productive. Read more


As partisan tensions thaw in Harrisburg, Pa. lawmakers eye unfunded housing, school priorities

(Nov 13, 2023)

“While we’re having the bigger fights over the big dollar spending, we can still be doing our job,” Rep. Schweyer told Spotlight PA. “And we’re seeing that, and that’s a good thing.” Read more


Student Assessments & Early Literacy Testimony

(Nov 13, 2023)

The House Education Committee held an informational meeting on student assessments & early literacy. Read more


Schweyer: Rural School Districts Need More Support

(Nov 13, 2023)

Majority Chair of the Pa. House Education Committee, state Rep. Peter Schweyer highlights the state's inadequacies in public education funding and how our rural school districts are up against similar challenges that our suburban and city districts experience. This stop on the Basic Education Funding Commission Tour emphasized just how necessary more funding is for the rural districts in Pa. Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Nov. 17

(Nov 03, 2023)

ALLENTOWN, Nov. 3 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is alerting local veterans that his monthly support program will be held on Friday, Nov. 17 at his district office in Allentown. A representative from the American Legion will be available for appointments at Schweyer’s district office, 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206. Appointments are available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service officer will be available to assist veterans and their families with benefits and services available to them. The representative also will be available to discuss pensions and other compensation, as well as education, health care and death benefits. Legion membership is not required; however, anyone interested in speaking with the adviser should schedule appointments by contacting Schweyer’s office at 610-791-6270. Read more


Schweyer, Isaacson appointed to PHEAA board of directors

(Nov 02, 2023)

Being both a first-generation college student and a longtime supporter of higher education, it is both a privilege and an honor to be appointed to serve in this capacity as a member of PHEAA’s board of directors. As student loan balances continue to rise, causing significant financial impacts on thousands of Pennsylvania students, I am looking forward to collaborating with my fellow board members to find solutions and policies to provide more affordable access to higher education. Read more


‘We need protections.’ What Mack Trucks workers said they want in contract as union holds rally

(Nov 02, 2023)

Several members of the Lehigh Valley’s state House delegation, including Rep. Schweyer and Rep. Schlossberg, were in attendance, and some didn’t hold back. Read more


Lincoln University students to lead march to Harrisburg due to funding freeze

(Oct 31, 2023)

On Tuesday, the House finally passed the legislation, which Representative Peter Schweyer, the Chair of the House Education Committee, said is months overdue. Read more


House Education Committee addressing real needs of students and their families, not culture wars

(Oct 30, 2023)

I thoroughly enjoyed reading in high school. I related to Holden Caufield’s teenage disillusionment in the Catcher in the Rye . My early political views were shaped in large part through novels like Animal Farm and The Lord of the Flies ; and my healthy cynicism, and randomly, the embrace of my Irish heritage began when I read A Modest Proposal . My senior year English teacher, Ms. Barbara Psathas , knew that I gained much through reading (she taught me as a sophomore as well) and gave me an assignment to write a report on another important piece of American literature. This time, I wasn’t going to read about someone like me, but rather about a little black girl growing up post Great Depression. Toni Morrison’s seminal work, The Bluest Eye , is not something I would have picked up at the Allentown Public Library or at my local Waldenbooks (yes, I am willfully dating myself with that reference). But being exposed to something that was so far outside of my comfort zone helped me developed a sense of empathy and humanity. This was 1996 – nearly thirty years ago while attending a conservative, mostly white religious high school (Allentown Central Catholic High School), in a blue-collar town (Allentown, PA). If I attended high school today, the odds are that I Read more


School Transportation & Bus Driver Shortage Testimony

(Oct 30, 2023)

On Monday, Oct. 30, the House Education Committee held an informational meeting to discuss the impacts of school bus driver shortages and other transportation issues affecting school districts. Read more


Testifiers detail importance of dual enrollment & college affordability programs in Pennsylvania

(Oct 20, 2023)

SHIPPENSBURG, Oct. 19 – The PA House Education Committee convened an informational meeting Thursday morning to highlight the impacts of dual enrollment programs and ensuring college affordability for Pennsylvania students. “As a first generation college student, I know how having affordable college costs was essential for my path to success,” said state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Majority Chairman of the PA House Education Committee. “By keeping tuition and costs low for families and by encouraging educational programs like dual enrollment, we can help students achieve their academic goals and have the same opportunities for success I had.” The meeting, hosted at Shippensburg University, featured testimony regarding the benefits for students who participated in dual enrollment programs from Dr. Ann Bieber, President of Lehigh Carbon Community College. “The educational benefit of dual enrollment begins in high school, as students enrolled in dual enrollment programs are more likely to graduate high school,” said Bieber. “The rigor of the coursework provided by community colleges in turn improves college readiness, which results in higher postsecondary completion rates for dual enrollment program students as compared to their peers.” The hearing also featured testimony on ongoing efforts to make college more affordable for Pennsylvania students and families from Dr. Kara Lakowski, Chair of the Department of Communication Read more


Dual Enrollment & College Affordability Informational Meeting Testimony

(Oct 19, 2023)

The House Education Committee held an informational meeting at Shippesnburg University to discuss dual enrollment programs and college affordability. Read more


Educators, students, and parents turn out to improve lives

(Oct 18, 2023)

Pa. House Representative Peter Schweyer addressed the crowd speaking about his support for Career Technical Education schools. He also spoke about his support for legislation to improve facilities and remove cost barriers to teacher certification. Read more


Dental Screenings for Students Informational Meeting Testimony

(Oct 17, 2023)

The PA House Education Committee held an informational meeting and voting meeting to provide school districts with better opportunities to provide dental screenings for students. Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Oct. 20

(Oct 06, 2023)

ALLENTOWN, Oct. 6 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is alerting local veterans that his monthly support program will be held on Friday, Oct. 20 at his district office in Allentown. A representative from the American Legion will be available for appointments at Schweyer’s district office, 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206. Appointments are available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service officer will be available to assist veterans and their families with benefits and services available to them. The representative also will be available to discuss pensions and other compensation, as well as education, health care and death benefits. Legion membership is not required; however, anyone interested in speaking with the adviser should schedule appointments by contacting Schweyer’s office at 610-791-6270. Read more


Schweyer lauds passage of fiscal, school codes
Dec 13, 2023

Lehigh Valley lawmakers want to stop ‘book ban’ arguments. They just disagree on how.
Dec 11, 2023

State Senate legislation requiring schools to identify sexual content in books, class material currently blocked in House
Dec 04, 2023

Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Dec. 15
Dec 01, 2023

Pa. lawmakers propose new community solar legislation
Nov 28, 2023

Gov. Shapiro, Lehigh Valley lawmakers acknowledge political divisions, outstanding education funding
Nov 26, 2023

As partisan tensions thaw in Harrisburg, Pa. lawmakers eye unfunded housing, school priorities
Nov 13, 2023

Student Assessments & Early Literacy Testimony
Nov 13, 2023

Schweyer: Rural School Districts Need More Support
Nov 13, 2023

Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Nov. 17
Nov 03, 2023

Schweyer, Isaacson appointed to PHEAA board of directors
Nov 02, 2023

‘We need protections.’ What Mack Trucks workers said they want in contract as union holds rally
Nov 02, 2023

Lincoln University students to lead march to Harrisburg due to funding freeze
Oct 31, 2023

House Education Committee addressing real needs of students and their families, not culture wars
Oct 30, 2023

School Transportation & Bus Driver Shortage Testimony
Oct 30, 2023

Testifiers detail importance of dual enrollment & college affordability programs in Pennsylvania
Oct 20, 2023

Dual Enrollment & College Affordability Informational Meeting Testimony
Oct 19, 2023

Educators, students, and parents turn out to improve lives
Oct 18, 2023

Dental Screenings for Students Informational Meeting Testimony
Oct 17, 2023

Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Oct. 20
Oct 06, 2023