Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis

(Mar 28, 2023)

“There is not a corner of our commonwealth or a corner of our nation not affected by a lack of affordable housing,” said hearing host Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, who represents portions of Lancaster. “While our caucus continues to lead the way on issues, including education and employment, all of that work will be undermined if we cannot address the affordable housing crisis and ensure our families will be able to a find a place to lay their head every night.” Read more


Ciresi, James introduce legislation to create tax credit to rehabilitate and preserve historic homes

(Mar 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 28 – State Reps. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, and R. Lee James, R-Venango, introduced legislation on Monday to create the Historic Homeownership Preservation Incentive Tax Credit in Pennsylvania. The proposed legislation would allow homeowners with a plan to rehabilitate their historic home located in a qualified census tract to receive tax credits towards the rehabilitation project. “Historic preservation preserves our cultural and historic resources for future generations, and plays a key role in revitalizing communities, creating jobs, supporting local tax bases, and improving quality of life,” Ciresi said. “Currently, Pennsylvania has a Historic Preservation Tax Credit that supports the rehabilitation of income-producing properties but has no equivalent for owner-occupied historic structures despite the benefits to our economy and society. It’s time we changed that.” The representatives say that research shows that similar tax programs are great economic engines for communities. The representatives found that Maryland’s Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program helped rehabilitate over 4,000 historic buildings since 1996, creating 25,000 jobs in the process. They also learned that studies have repeatedly found that historic preservation creates more jobs for each dollar than other public investments, including new construction and manufacturing. “So much rich history has passed here in the Read more


Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage

(Mar 27, 2023)

“Too many people have worked too hard for too long to not be able to pay their bills,” hearing co-host Rep. Patty Kim said. “We want to tag a cost-of-living adjustment on this, so we never have to wait years and years – or wait for a once-in-a-century pandemic – for this issue to have a bright light shined on it.” Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to replace state song

(Mar 24, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 24 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, introduced legislation (H.R. 41) this week to replace the Pennsylvania state song. In 1990, the state legislature adopted the current state song, “Pennsylvania” by Eddie Khoury and Ronnie Bonner. State law establishes this as Pennsylvania’s official song for all public purposes, and the song is often performed at public events, such as gubernatorial inaugurations. “State symbols bring us together,” Ciresi said. “When we see our state flag and hear our state song, we should be able to share our commonality and celebrate our heritage as fellow Pennsylvanians. Unfortunately, our current state song is known by few and does not reflect the dynamic and diverse Pennsylvania of today.” “In the three decades since the state song was adopted, Pennsylvania has changed greatly, and our state song should embody the spirit of our great state,” Ciresi said. The resolution would establish an independent commission to study the history of the state song, solicit submissions from the public, and recommend changes to the state song. The legislature would then have the option of passing legislation to change the state song based on the commission’s recommendation. Read more


Borowski introduces bill to provide new funding source for EMS

(Mar 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 21 – State Rep. Lisa Borowski announced today she has introduced a bill that would support emergency medical service providers by providing Medicaid reimbursement for every mile a patient is transported by ambulance. The bill, also sponsored by Rep. Greg Scott, D-Montgomery, would amend the Fiscal Code to eliminate the provision that limits the per-mile Medicaid reimbursement of at least $4 to each mile beyond 20 miles of patient transportation. “The ongoing hospital closures around the commonwealth are limiting Pennsylvanians’ access to care in many ways – one of them is by adding to the intense strain on our EMS system,” Borowski said. “This is a commonsense move to help deliver much-needed funding to these essential providers, giving them more flexibility to provide timely responses to medical emergencies in this unpredictable healthcare environment.” “Building this funding mechanism between Medicaid and our EMS providers would provide money for the critical work being performed,” Scott said. “We cannot continue to burden patients with thousands of dollars in medical debt any more than we can leave EMS providers without payment for lifesaving work. And as an EMT myself, I’m especially proud to partner with Rep. Borowski on this legislation.” Borowski said she has been visiting her district’s EMS providers to discuss the challenges they face. Their main concern Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to protect patients and medical personnel from retaliation

(Mar 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 21 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today introduced legislation, (H.B. 641) that would protect patients and medical personnel from health care facility retaliation for filing grievances and complaints. “When mistakes are made at a medical care facility, patients can suffer physically, emotionally and financially,” Ciresi said. “Patients and medical personnel should be able to report errors and unsafe conditions without fear of retaliation for speaking up.” House Bill 641 would protect patients and medical personnel who file grievances or complaints with the facility or its staff, entities charged with accrediting or evaluating health care facilities or a governmental entity. It would also protect people who initiate, participate in, or cooperate with investigations or administrative hearings related to facility quality of care, services or conditions. As part of the protection, the bill would establish a rebuttable presumption that discriminatory treatment against patients and medical personnel was retaliatory if done within a set time after the filing of a grievance or complaint. If a facility is found to have engaged in discrimination or retaliation, victims would be entitled to civil and criminal penalties, including fines and restitution, for lost wages, work benefits and legal costs. “When passed, my legislation will help guarantee the vital right of patients and medical personnel to report unsafe Read more


Senate, House Dems discuss need for COLA for PSERS and SERS retirees

(Mar 21, 2023)

“I’m astounded to see that for 20 years – dating back to a time when I was still in college – no movement has taken place on this issue to assist public and state employees, including my own mother who is a retired public school teacher,” Malagari said. “We gathered today to express our support for these seniors, many of whom are struggling with health care needs on a fixed income, and it’s important to note that fixed income’s purchasing power continues to shrink each year.” Read more


Scott secures $857K for Norristown transportation and infrastructure projects

(Mar 17, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 17 – State Rep. Greg Scott, D-Montgomery, announced that he helped secure $857,258 in state grants for projects in the 54th District from the Commonwealth Finance Authority. “I am proud to have been able to help secure $857,258 for area transportation and infrastructure improvements because two things are key to Norristown’s growth—developing our economy and improving our quality of life,” Scott said. “These state grants will enable the districts to make critical investments in our freight transportation and municipal waste systems, so Norristown will strengthen its position as a critical rail hub for the transport of goods and protect the health of its residents.” The grants went to the following projects: $500,000 to renovate the Norristown Freight Station at Trail Junction Center (TJC). $387,258 to install sanitary sewer line replacements along Washington Street in Norristown Borough. The grants were awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which oversees the state’s distribution of gaming revenues to support public projects. Read more


Daley brings home $2M for transportation and public projects in the 148th

(Mar 16, 2023)

State Rep. Mary Jo Daley, D-Montgomery, announced that she brought in $2,032,125 in state grants for projects in the 148th District to improve transportation, increase emergency services response times, and strengthen the local economy from the Commonwealth Finance Authority. Read more


Ciresi brings $1.7 million for area transportation and infrastructure improvements: Funding will advance project to restore Reading-Philadelphia passenger rail service

(Mar 16, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 16 – As a longtime, successful advocate for transportation and infrastructure programs in the 146th Legislative District, State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, announced today that he has helped to secure 1.7 million in state grants for area transportation and infrastructure projects through the Commonwealth Financing Authority. “I am proud to have secured $1.7 million in grant funding for these significant and far-reaching projects, particularly the feasibility study that will help establish passenger service between Reading and Philadelphia,” Ciresi said. “This funding will improve our area through investments in projects to reduce traffic, make our streets safer, and increase access to residential, business and recreational areas.” The funding will be used for the following projects: $250,000 toward reconstructing and aligning Lightcap Road in Limerick Township to support the increase in traffic caused by development in the area. $200,000 for the restoration of First Avenue from Arch Street to the trailhead parking area in Royersford Borough to improve access to residences, businesses, and amenities; support the broader Royersford business climate; and ensure a safe and well-maintained connection to the Schuylkill River Trail and other connected trails. $1 million to replace outdated streetlights in Pottstown Borough with new, energy efficient LED lights and control systems, and to install crime prevention Read more


Smith-Wade-El and Hill-Evans introduce bill to expand PTRR Program in PA

(Mar 14, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 14 – State Reps. Izzy Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, and Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, on Monday introduced legislation (H.B. 389) to expand the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program in Pennsylvania by equalizing income levels, increasing rebate amounts and raising the highest income bracket for homeowners and renters. “It has become too hard to afford a home in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” Smith-Wade-El said. “For many of our senior homeowners and renters, the place in which they live is a legacy of work, life, and love, and we have an obligation to protect them and that legacy by helping them stay in their homes. “Older Pennsylvanians in Lancaster and across the Commonwealth are struggling to pay for basic necessities like food and rent. Despite rising inflation and cost-of-living increases, PTRR’s income limits, rebate amounts and other provisions have not been modified to correspond to these economic changes, resulting in fewer people qualifying for the program and the program rebates failing to provide the necessary financial assistance. “In particular, the PTRR Program has too long discriminated against renters, saying that they deserve less support than homeowners. What we’re going to do differently with this legislation is make sure that all of our seniors and all of our neighbors with disabilities have the support they need to stay in their homes. “The changes Chairwoman Hill-Evans and I Read more


Ciresi, Haddock introduce legislation to expand property tax, rent relief

(Mar 09, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 9 – State Reps. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, and Jim Haddock, D-Lackawanna/Luzerne, introduced this week H.B. 113, to expand the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program in Pennsylvania. “Pennsylvanians are struggling under high inflation to pay for basic necessities, especially housing,” Ciresi said. “I firmly believe that we must help our seniors and people with disabilities stay in the homes they’ve lived in for years for their own health and for community stability. Unfortunately, while inflation and cost of living has risen, PTRR’s income limits, rebate amounts and other provisions have not been updated to correspond with economic changes, so fewer people qualify for the program, and the rebates don’t provide the needed financial assistance.” “We must act now to expand PTRR as next year, thousands of seniors will lose eligibility because their Social Security cost-of-living adjustments will push them above the eligibility threshold,” Ciresi said. “It is time to make sure that our seniors can remain eligible, and that more individuals can seek assistance from this vital program.” The legislation would increase income limits for homeowners and renters to $50,000 and $25,000, respectively, recognizing the impact inflation has had since the last increase in 2006. In addition, the legislation would permanently reinstate a provision that would ensure individuals are not deemed ineligible for Read more


Ciresi highlights significant investment in property tax and rent relief in Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal

(Mar 09, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, reacted to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed 2023-24 budget unveiled today before a joint session of the General Assembly. “I was glad to hear a vision to invest in important and necessary priorities of property tax relief, mental health, school facilities, and public safety in Governor Shapiro’s first budget,” Ciresi said. “The call to expand the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program, which I’ve proposed legislation to do , would be a significant investment in housing affordability, providing property tax and housing relief to more than half a million seniors and individuals with disabilities.” The budget proposed expanding the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program by raising income eligibility caps to $45,000 for both homeowners and renters, indexing eligibility caps to inflation, and increasing maximum rebates to $1,000. These changes, the first major update since 2006, would expand program eligibility to 173,000 individuals, and increase assistance to an additional 398,000 people. Ciresi said the proposed budget also includes an additional $671 million for basic and special education statewide, delivering an increase of $5.8 million to school districts in the 146 th District, including: Pottsgrove School District: $1.2 million. Pottstown School District: $2.9 million. Spring-Ford Area School District: $1.7 Read more


Pashinski, O’Mara re-introduce legislation to reform hospital closure process

(Mar 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 8 – State Reps. Eddie Day Pashinski, D-Luzerne, and Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, introduced legislation recently that would bring more accountability to the process of hospital closures, ensuring that Pennsylvanians can receive uninterrupted care and that hospital systems honor their duty to their patients, staff, and the communities they serve. The legislation is a companion to state Sen. Carolyn Comitta’s S.B. 184, introduced in January. “When hospitals and health care facilities close or drastically reduce services with little or no notice, their patients, doctors, nurses, and staff suffer,” Pashinski said. “We witnessed this in Luzerne County last year with the sudden announcement and subsequent closure of First Hospital without any apparent plans in place to provide for continuity of care or help their staff transition. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation would be a significant step toward ensuring health care facilities planning to close provide local communities and government agencies the time, information, and opportunity they need to adequately address these significant impacts and plan for related challenges.” “When a community hospital closes down, hundreds of thousands of people suddenly need to figure out how to access emergency health care. This especially applies to maternity wards, because if one of only two local labor and delivery units moves 30 minutes away, it creates a health Read more


Scott appointed to PA House committees

(Mar 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 8 – State Rep. Greg Scott, D-Montgomery, announced today he has been appointed to the Finance, Gaming Oversight, Insurance and Veterans’ Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees for the 2023-24 session in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. “I look forward to using the breadth and depth of expertise I have developed as a magisterial district judge, in local government and as a long-term volunteer firefighter on these committees whose work shapes the laws impacting Pennsylvanians’ lives,” Scott said. “From working to reduce tax burdens on residents to enhancing veteran programs, providing oversight to the gaming and insurance industries, and supporting our firefighters and EMTs, I am eager to engage with my colleagues in my party and across the aisle to ensure that the laws that go to the House to be voted on best serve the interests of the people of Pennsylvania.” The Finance Committee reviews bills dealing with financial issues for the state, including tax collection rates and policies, and banking policies. The Gaming Oversight Committee works with the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the Department of Revenue to evaluate bills that affect gaming in Pennsylvania, including the types of gaming allowed in the commonwealth, as well as rules for casinos and the use of gaming proceeds in Pennsylvania. The Insurance Committee reviews bills that regulate home, auto and Read more


Smith-Wade-El appointed to PA House committees

(Mar 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 8 – State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, announced today he has been appointed to the Committee on Committees, and Education, Housing and Community Development, Human Services and Local Government committees for the 2023-24 session in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. “I am honored that I have been named to these Pa. House committees that oversee the services that are the lifeblood of our community—education, human services, housing and local government,” Smith-Wade-El said. “I will use the knowledge and skills gained from my work on the Lancaster City Council, with the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition and Community Action Partnership and as a community activist to evaluate the bills before the committees and advocate for legislation that will improve Pennsylvanians’ lives.” The Committee on Committees recommends to the House the names of members who are to serve on the standing committees of the House. The Education Committee reviews bills that pertain to educational funding, school choice and charter schools, teacher standards and more. The Housing and Community Development Committee was established in 2023. Formerly the Urban Affairs Committee, the committee reviews bills that pertain to cities and counties of the first, second and third class. Housing and public safety have been recent concerns for this committee. The Human Services Read more


Daley named House Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development Committee majority chair

(Mar 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – State Rep. Mary Jo Daley, D-Montgomery, said she gratefully accepted appointment to the post of majority chair of the Pennsylvania House Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development Committee by Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, D-Phila., for the 2023-24 legislative session. The committee, previously named the Tourism & Recreational Development Committee, has been renamed the Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development Committee to reflect the industry’s impact on the economy. In her role as chair, Daley will have the authority to set the schedule and choose legislation for the committee to consider on improving the tourism industry in Pennsylvania. “The tourism industry generates more than $43.3 billion annually from visitor spending and provides for over half a million jobs,” Daley said. “As majority chair, I will promote legislation that fosters the development of Pennsylvania’s tourism industry to the benefit of its local businesses and communities.” The committee has jurisdiction over the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. The committee’s subcommittees include Arts and Entertainment, Recreation, and Travel Promotion. “Each year, Pennsylvania hosts over 204 million travelers from across the United States, nearly 1.3 million visitors from Canada, and 1 million from overseas markets,” Daley said. “Almost 10 million travelers visit Read more


Sturla named chair of Housing and Community Development Committee

(Mar 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – State. Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, has been named the majority chair of the House Housing and Community Development Committee by Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, D-Phila., for the 2023-24 legislative session. “Having served as the Democratic chair of the House Urban Affairs Committee last session, I proposed that the committee be renamed the Housing and Community Development Committee to better reflect the committee’s work. I look forward to continuing the committee’s efforts to address important issues, such as affordable housing, blight, redevelopment and growth management.” Sturla added, “Since I was the majority chair of the House Professional Licensure Committee during the 2007-08 legislative session, I am prepared to effectively serve as a majority chair again and I expect a productive bipartisan session.” The Republican chair of the House Housing and Community Development Committee is Rep. Rich Irvin, R-Huntingdon/Franklin. The committee officially organized today in the House chamber. Committee members are Reps. Aerion Abney, D-Allegheny; Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., Amen Brown, D-Phila.; Jose Giral, D-Phila.; Roni Green, D-Phila.; Sara Innamorato, D-Allegheny; Tarik Khan, D-Phila.; Rick Krajewski, D-Phila.; Dave Madsen, D-Dauphin; Josh Siegel, D-Lehigh; Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster; James Barton, R-Schuylkill/Berks; Jill Cooper, R- Westmoreland; Thomas Jones, Read more


Rozzi authors bill to encourage Pennsylvanians to pursue education degrees

(Mar 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 6 – State Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, is introducing legislation to help remedy Pennsylvania’s teacher shortage and encourage students to pursue education degrees. Rozzi’s bill would establish the PA Teach Scholarship Program. This program would provide a scholarship of up to $8,000 per year, $32,000 in total, to eligible students studying at one of the 14 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education schools. To be eligible, students would have to be enrolled in a primary or secondary education program or in a student teaching role. “The demand for teachers continues to grow, but the supply of educators has not kept up. One reason for this is the astronomical price tag that comes with earning a degree here in Pennsylvania,” Rozzi said. “My bill would help ease the financial burden of earning an education degree, therefore incentivizing students to enter the field.” In addition to encouraging students to pursue teaching, Rozzi’s bill would ensure that their talents stay in the state and benefit Pennsylvania children. After graduating, scholarship recipients would have two requirements to meet, or they would have to reimburse the commonwealth all amounts received. One is to commence employment in Pennsylvania within one year of graduating. The second is to work within the commonwealth for a period of one year for each academic year that the student received a PA Teach scholarship. “Less and Read more


Krueger elected to House Democratic Caucus administrator position

(Mar 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 1 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger was elected to House Democratic majority leadership as administrator, becoming the first Democratic woman ever to earn the office, following Rep. Joanna McClinton’s election as speaker Tuesday. Krueger said that becoming a part of leadership will give her a greater platform to advocate for the people in her district, Delaware County and all of Pennsylvania. “Pennsylvanians voted for a new direction in Harrisburg, and I’m proud to be a part of that change,” said Krueger, D-Delaware. “Together with Speaker McClinton and our leadership team, I look forward to helping move the legislation and policy that are being called for by Pennsylvanians. It’s a new day in the Capitol.” Among her policy goals remain protecting access to women’s health care, passing a responsible contractor ordinance, raising the minimum wage, and supporting public education in Pennsylvania. “We have a lot of work to do, but I am energized by the promise of new vision in the Capitol and the leadership of newly elected Governor Josh Shapiro to see our commonwealth’s challenges through,” she said. The rest of the House Democratic leadership changes included state Rep. Matt Bradford, D-Montgomery, becoming majority leader, state Rep. Jordan Harris, D-Phila., becoming the House Appropriations chair, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, becoming whip, and state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, Read more


Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis
Mar 28, 2023

Ciresi, James introduce legislation to create tax credit to rehabilitate and preserve historic homes
Mar 28, 2023

Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage
Mar 27, 2023

Ciresi introduces legislation to replace state song
Mar 24, 2023

Borowski introduces bill to provide new funding source for EMS
Mar 21, 2023

Ciresi introduces legislation to protect patients and medical personnel from retaliation
Mar 21, 2023

Senate, House Dems discuss need for COLA for PSERS and SERS retirees
Mar 21, 2023

Scott secures $857K for Norristown transportation and infrastructure projects
Mar 17, 2023

Daley brings home $2M for transportation and public projects in the 148th
Mar 16, 2023

Ciresi brings $1.7 million for area transportation and infrastructure improvements: Funding will advance project to restore Reading-Philadelphia passenger rail service
Mar 16, 2023

Smith-Wade-El and Hill-Evans introduce bill to expand PTRR Program in PA
Mar 14, 2023

Ciresi, Haddock introduce legislation to expand property tax, rent relief
Mar 09, 2023

Ciresi highlights significant investment in property tax and rent relief in Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal
Mar 09, 2023

Pashinski, O’Mara re-introduce legislation to reform hospital closure process
Mar 08, 2023

Scott appointed to PA House committees
Mar 08, 2023

Smith-Wade-El appointed to PA House committees
Mar 08, 2023

Daley named House Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development Committee majority chair
Mar 07, 2023

Sturla named chair of Housing and Community Development Committee
Mar 07, 2023

Rozzi authors bill to encourage Pennsylvanians to pursue education degrees
Mar 06, 2023

Krueger elected to House Democratic Caucus administrator position
Mar 01, 2023