Education Flyer – English

(Aug 15, 2024)

Rep. Sturla and Rep. Smith-Wade-El provided this education flyer at their Back to School Event on August 18, 2024. Read more


Education Flyer – Spanish

(Aug 15, 2024)

Rep. Sturla and Rep. Smith-Wade-El provided this education flyer at their Back to School Event on August 18, 2024. Read more


July 2024 Newsletter

(Jul 29, 2024)

Newsletter for the 96th legislative district. Read more


House Education Committee advances bill to ensure equitable, quality education for PA children

(Jun 04, 2024)

I thank the House Education Committee for reporting out my legislation today that would implement certain recommendations of the BEFC’s Majority Report. This bill would set us on the right path to meet our constitutional duty of providing an adequate and equitable public education system in Pennsylvania. Read more


Public Safety Fair Photos

(May 14, 2024)

Photos from Rep. Sturla’s Public Safety Fair. Read more


House Housing & Community Development and Local Government committees to hold affordable housing meeting on Wednesday

(Apr 29, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 29 – State Reps. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, and Robert Freeman, D-Northampton, announced today that they will be co-chairing an informational meeting of the Housing & Community Development and Local Government committees on increasing the affordable housing supply at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 1 in the Capitol Complex’s Room 523 Irvis Office Building. The meeting will feature a presentation by Alex Horowitz, director of Pew Charitable Trusts’ Housing Policy Initiative, about the nationwide challenges and opportunities of expanding the supply of affordable housing. Jacob Fisher, chair of the Pennsylvania Developers’ Council, will also make brief remarks. Sturla, who chairs the Housing & Community Development Committee, and Freeman, who chairs the Local Government Committee, called this meeting to collect more information about how other states are handling the affordable housing crisis. This meeting is open to the media and public. A live stream will be available at . Read more


Smith-Wade-El and Sturla help secure $3 million grant for Lancaster’s Water Street bike project

(Apr 26, 2024)

LANCASTER, April 26 – State Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El and Mike Sturla, both D-Lancaster, helped the city of Lancaster secure a $3 million state grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to support the Water Street bike project. “Being on a bike offers the opportunity to see the world differently,” Smith-Wade-El said. “Having learned to ride a bike at the late age of 29, I can say it changed my life. I am thrilled that PennDOT has awarded Lancaster City $3 million to help execute the Water Street bike project. A city that is safer for cycling is safer for pedestrians, safer for people pushing strollers, safer for accessing public transit. This a smart investment in our city and in our future.” Sturla added, “I thank PennDOT for awarding this grant to enable the city of Lancaster to continue their successful strategy in making our community even more friendly to bike riders.” The Water Street bike project extends from Fairview Avenue up to Harrisburg Pike and includes a mixture of shared on-street bike facilities and a half-mile portion that will be off-road. According to Smith-Wade-El and Sturla, the project will include intersection improvements along the length of Water Street with raised intersections, speed humps, bump-out curb extensions, ADA compliant ramps, piano key crosswalks and rapid flashing beacons. Three intersections and one segment along Water Street are in the High Injury Network as identified Read more


February 2024 Newsletter

(Feb 20, 2024)

Newsletter for the 96th legislative district. Read more


House Democratic Leaders laud significant, targeted investments proposed in education funding report

(Jan 11, 2024)

Pennsylvania House Democratic Leaders today issued the following statement on a report and recommendations passed by the Basic Education Funding Commission today: Read more


November 2023 Newsletter

(Nov 13, 2023)

Newsletter for the 96th legislative district. Read more


10/23/23 House Housing & Community Development Committee Meeting Materials

(Oct 24, 2023)

Materials from the House Housing & Community Development Meeting on housing development in Lancaster on 10/23/23. Read more


Sturla to host House Housing & Community Development Committee roundtable on housing development in Lancaster on Monday

(Oct 17, 2023)

LANCASTER, Oct. 17 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, announced today that he will be chairing and hosting a House Housing & Community Development Committee roundtable on housing development at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23 at the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Rooms 2E/2F,115 East King St., Lancaster. Sturla, who serves as majority chair of the committee, will be joined by Republican Chair Rich Irvin, R-Huntingdon/Franklin, and other committee members from across the state. They will hold a discussion with local organizations and developers about Lancaster’s housing development efforts and how the state can provide support. Panelists will include: Barbara Wilson , executive director, Lancaster City Housing Authority. Dana Hanchin , president and CEO, HDC MidAtlantic. Shelby Nauman , CEO, Tenfold. Chad Martin , executive director, Chestnut Housing. Lisa Greener , executive director, Community Basics, Inc. Chris Ballentine , community relations manager, Willow Valley Communities. David Martens , president, Zamagias Properties. Benjamin Lesher , president and founder, Parcel B Development Company. Matthew Richards , principal, Bowery Development Company. John Dantinne , owner/president, George St. Properties. Rob Bowman , president, Charter Homes and Neighborhoods. Brad Mowbray , senior vice president and managing Read more


PA House Housing & Community Development Committee hosts residential construction protections hearing

(Aug 30, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., today hosted a PA House Housing & Community Development Committee public hearing at Philadelphia City Hall on residential construction protections. During the hearing, the committee heard from three panels of testifiers. On the first panel was Ralph DiPietro, commissioner of Licenses and Inspection, city of Philadelphia; Jennifer Horn, founding partner, Horn Williamson LLC; and Daryn Edwards, co-chair of the Housing and Community Development Task Force, American Institute of Architects Pennsylvania. The second panel consisted of Venise Whitaker, founder, Riverwards L+I Coalition; Tamica Tanksley, an impacted resident; Michelle Gaffney, an impacted resident; Dr. Terrie Lewine, an impacted resident; and Drew Miller, paralegal for Homeownership and Consumer Rights Unit, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia. The final panel was made up of Annette Stevens, financial officer, Code Administrators; Shawn Strausbaugh, director of technical services, Code Administrators; and Mary Collins, co-chair of the Government Affairs Committee, Building Industry Association of Philadelphia. “It’s vital that we pass legislation that protects what is many families’ most valuable asset and possession -- their homes,” Hohenstein said. “I’ve heard numerous heartbreaking stories of families in Philadelphia who have spent thousands on residential Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation advancing eviction reform

(Aug 30, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30 – In response to a series of violent incidents involving landlord-tenant officers taking place in the city, members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today said the organization has been working hand in hand with the House Housing and Community Development Committee to help end the practice of private contractors performing eviction services. As part of this collaboration, both organizations held a public hearing Tuesday in the Philadelphia City Council Chambers on proposed reforms regarding landlord and tenant officers and evictions. Rep. Morgan Cephas, chair of the Philadelphia House Delegation, explained that a vital concern is that the eviction services are executed by people without the proper training, and carrying guns. “Moving forward there needs to be accountability and transparency with an agency that is responsible to the citizens of Philadelphia,” Cephas said. “We are determined to take this task away from the unaccountable, private entities. “We respect the need for landlords to run their business and receive their payments in a timely manner. However, the need for compassionate, respectful interaction with tenants was made obvious in the hearing,” she added. Rep. Mike Sturla, chair of the PA House Housing and Community Development Committee, highlighted that when it comes to housing it is important to look at the Read more


Education Flyer – English

(Aug 10, 2023)

Rep. Sturla provided this education flyer at his Back to School Event on August 13, 2023. Read more


Education Flyer – Spanish

(Aug 10, 2023)

Rep. Sturla provided this education flyer at his Back to School Event on August 13, 2023. Read more


Basic Education Funding Commission Announces Schedule

(Aug 10, 2023)

BEFC announces schedule. Read more


Sturla to hold Transportation Town Hall Tuesday at Lancaster Airport

(Jul 24, 2023)

LANCASTER, July 24 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, will hold a Transportation Town Hall on Tuesday, July 25 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Lancaster Airport, 500 Airport Road, Lititz. Sturla will be joined by state and local transportation officials: PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll. Rich Reisinger, acting District 8 executive, PennDOT. Kevin Keefe, assistant District 8 executive for construction, PennDOT. Will Clark, director for land use and transportation, Lancaster County MPO. Ed Foster, executive director, Lancaster Airport. Sturla’s constituents will hear the latest on local transportation issues and then have a chance to ask questions. Sturla’s staff will also be on site to field questions about state-related issues and provide information about state programs and other services. Read more


Phillips-Hill, Sturla appointed co-chairs of bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission

(May 10, 2023)

Joint press release with Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill. Read more


April 2023 Newsletter

(May 02, 2023)

Newsletter for the 96th legislative district. Read more