A breakdown of how area school districts are preparing for the 2020-21 academic year

(Aug 11, 2020)

School boards are being tasked with having to make difficult decisions this year based on everchanging information and guidance. Be active partners in your school community and district. Together, we will get through this. Read more


Voting by Mail and Filling Out the 2020 Census are Safe and Secure Ways to Make Your Voice Heard

(Aug 05, 2020)

It was nasty out there yesterday because of Tropical Storm Isaias. I hope you were able to stay safe and avoid property damage. But know that help is available if necessary. If you’re not already, follow the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety for the latest info on the storm and storm recovery. Additionally, in this week’s email, I wanted to highlight voting and the U.S. Census. I hope you find this information useful! Read more


Postcard reminder: Fill out your 2020 U.S. Census!

(Jul 29, 2020)

I would encourage everyone to participate if you have not already done so. The process is safe. The answers are secure. And the funding that our communities depend on is determined by everyone’s participation. Read more


Virtual Town Hall: PHFA's Rent and Mortgage Assistance Program

(Jul 29, 2020)

This COVID-19 pandemic has put a financial strain on so many and getting the funds together for monthly rent or mortgage payments is proving difficult for a lot of residents. Help is available through the federal CARES Act, and this town hall detailed how to access that help and, hopefully, answered questions folks had about the process. Read more


July 28 update: Virtual Town Hall is tonight on the Rent/Mortgage Relief Program; Deadline nearing for COVID-19 Hazard Pay Grant Program

(Jul 28, 2020)

Last week, I presented a virtual town hall on the small business grant program. Tonight, starting at 5 p.m., you can join me and a special guest as we discuss the new rent/mortgage relief program. Details on how to join are below, followed by more details on the hazard pay grant program. I hope you find this information useful! Read more


Two virtual town halls to keep you informed

(Jul 21, 2020)

Among the ways we get through this COVID-19 pandemic together is by taking advantage of help when it is available. My weekly email highlights two such opportunities I am presenting – with partners – via virtual town halls. One is this evening. The other is next week. Join us! Read more


Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers

(Jul 20, 2020)

“Above-and-beyond effort deserves above-and-beyond recognition -- and above-and-beyond compensation.” Read more


Tax Filing Deadline; Round 3 of Small Business Grants; Should Schools Reopen this Fall?

(Jul 14, 2020)

The coronavirus-adjusted personal income tax deadline is TOMORROW. Plus, my weekly email has the latest on what to expect with schools this fall, as well as guidelines for enjoying summer activities during the pandemic. Read more


Masks are mandatory; Rent/mortgage assistance update

(Jul 07, 2020)

On July 1, Health Secretary Rachel Levine signed an order mandating mask wearing, expanding on a prior order that required masks in businesses. Now, wearing a mask is mandated in all public places, including outdoors if it is not possible to maintain social distancing. Read more


VIDEO: Webster Discusses Reopening Schools Safely

(Jul 02, 2020)

Amid COVID-19 concerns, Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster participated in a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing about ways to reopen schools safely ahead of the upcoming school year. Read more


District Office Reopening Information, Small Business Grant Funding, PHFA Rent and Mortgage Relief

(Jun 30, 2020)

Relief for small businesses and assistance for renters and homeowners affected by COVID-19 is available. This email provides details on those. We are also happy to announce that our district offices are reopening! Read more


Moving to the green phase; update on Commissioner Gale impeachment resolution

(Jun 23, 2020)

At the end of this week, our region moves into the green phase of reopening. In addition to some details on that good news, I have an update on my legislation to impeach Commissioner Gale, as well as a reminder that the spotted lanternfly remains a nuisance in this area. Read more


State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children

(Jun 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded two Montgomery County programs a total of $247,007 to meet the needs of Montgomery County children and parents affected by domestic violence, substance abuse and crime. Family Services of Montgomery County, in partnership with the Montgomery County Reentry Initiative, was awarded $147,010 in Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program funding to expand the Positive Parenting Program helping parents who are recently released from incarceration. Montgomery County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Mission Kids program will receive $99,997 to continue family advocacy work, particularly to accompany children to medical evaluations court appearances. “In addition to providing direct support to returning parents, this money also supports a key position at Mission Kids,” said state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “With the increased demands for these services, Mission Kids needs a family advocate who can appropriately support the needs of our communities.” "In my role as a state representative – specifically with regard to my position on the Children and Youth Committee – and most importantly in my role as a parent, the safety and wellness of children and families will always be my top priority,” said state Rep. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery. “That is why I am grateful for this opportunity to improve Read more


Webster calls for impeachment of Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale

(Jun 10, 2020)

WEST NORRITON, June 10 – State Rep. Joe Webster will soon introduce a House resolution calling for the impeachment of Montgomery County Commissioner Joseph C. Gale, following the commissioner’s June 1 statement claiming Black Lives Matter was responsible for looting and rioting in Philadelphia. Webster circulated a co-sponsorship memo for the resolution on Wednesday. “Commissioner Gale’s use of public office to disparage a large number of our community members – his constituents – and his contempt for those marching for racial justice make him unsuitable to represent a diverse county and its interests,” said Webster, D-Montgomery. “Citizens who exercise the rights guaranteed them by the U.S. and Pennsylvania constitutions should not be met with such disdain from their own government officials.” Gale issued a statement, using the county’s seal and masthead, groundlessly accusing Black Lives Matter of "urban domestic terror" and of seeking the “lawless destruction of our cities and surrounding communities.” He has been censured by his fellow Montgomery County commissioners. “Impeachment is the only constitutional mechanism to hold Commissioner Gale accountable, and I’m introducing this resolution to ensure that he is,” Webster said. “ I hope that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will join me in Read more


Break Your Silence

(Jun 10, 2020)

The events of the past few days echo and amplify the struggles of centuries, and I am here to state in the strongest possible terms that justice for people of color in this commonwealth is not optional, and that black lives matter. In speaking with my friends and neighbors in the African-American community, two things are clear. First, that the African-American experience is like the larger American experience, in that there is a great diversity of examples of it, and it is not "one size fits all." Second, that African-Americans - regardless of background or status or associations - are all at equal risk of being dismissed or marginalized or fetishized or objectified by a majority culture that neither recognizes their invaluable uniqueness nor holds to its own supposedly color-blind ideals. That, it seems to me, is why the face of racial injustice takes on so many aspects, from cultural appropriation to harassment to outright murder. In the face of all of these, I feel an anger that I know can only be a fraction of what you must feel. I cannot and will not speak with your voice - it would be both unnecessary and presumptuous - but I will speak with mine, especially as the representative of EVERY resident of our district. From the very first day, I have said that while debate in politics is a good thing, there are some things that are not up for debate. Among these are the basic liberties and rights and dignity every human being is Read more


Summer 2020 Newsletter

(Jun 04, 2020)

Read about what's been happening in Harrisburg and our community. Read more


2020-21 Budget Update

(May 27, 2020)

I want to keep you updated on the status of Pennsylvania’s 2020-21 state budget. On Tuesday, a surprise budget proposal, H.B. 2387, passed the House despite vocal concern about the majority caucus's harmful spending cuts. This legislation shouldn't have been passed without full language, numbers, and time to review the details. It creates shortfalls for property tax relief and departments like Labor & Industry. And, except for education, our government funding ends in November. It is up to the Senate now to right the wrongs that the House could not fairly fight. I encourage the Senate to exercise good governance and work in a bipartisan manner to address the concerns expressed by Democrats and a couple of Republicans Tuesday night. Click here for a story from the PA Capital Star. Read more


Resuming real estate activity - safely

(May 20, 2020)

Latest on limited real estate activity allowed during COVID-19 Read more


Norristown Area School District awarded grant to support learning during COVID-19

(Apr 22, 2020)

WEST NORRITON, April 22 – State Rep. Joe Webster announced today that Norristown Area School District was awarded a $291,000 state grant to help ensure all students have access to educational resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Norristown district was awarded a Continuing of Education Equity Grant by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The grants are designed to help provide access and inclusion for all learners by bridging the gap for students who are currently limited in their ability to participate in continuity of education. “With school buildings closed because of COVID-19, it’s critical that our schools have the resources and equipment needed for students to continue their learning,” said Webster, D-Montgomery. “I’m proud that the Norristown Area School District is working to reach all of its students and pleased that state funding will support that work.” The grants may be used to purchase computer equipment, such as laptops, tablets, and internet hot spots, or used towards providing instructional materials, such as paper lessons and coursework. Schools with the highest percentages of students lacking access to resources were given priority. More information on resources for schools is available on the Department of Education’s COVID-19 page. Read more


Health insurance options for those losing insurance

(Apr 06, 2020)

Please find a list of resources for individuals who have lost health insurance due to the COVID-19 crisis. Read more


A breakdown of how area school districts are preparing for the 2020-21 academic year
Aug 11, 2020

Voting by Mail and Filling Out the 2020 Census are Safe and Secure Ways to Make Your Voice Heard
Aug 05, 2020

Postcard reminder: Fill out your 2020 U.S. Census!
Jul 29, 2020

Virtual Town Hall: PHFA's Rent and Mortgage Assistance Program
Jul 29, 2020

July 28 update: Virtual Town Hall is tonight on the Rent/Mortgage Relief Program; Deadline nearing for COVID-19 Hazard Pay Grant Program
Jul 28, 2020

Two virtual town halls to keep you informed
Jul 21, 2020

Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers
Jul 20, 2020

Tax Filing Deadline; Round 3 of Small Business Grants; Should Schools Reopen this Fall?
Jul 14, 2020

Masks are mandatory; Rent/mortgage assistance update
Jul 07, 2020

VIDEO: Webster Discusses Reopening Schools Safely
Jul 02, 2020

District Office Reopening Information, Small Business Grant Funding, PHFA Rent and Mortgage Relief
Jun 30, 2020

Moving to the green phase; update on Commissioner Gale impeachment resolution
Jun 23, 2020

State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children
Jun 10, 2020

Webster calls for impeachment of Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale
Jun 10, 2020

Break Your Silence
Jun 10, 2020

Summer 2020 Newsletter
Jun 04, 2020

2020-21 Budget Update
May 27, 2020

Resuming real estate activity - safely
May 20, 2020

Norristown Area School District awarded grant to support learning during COVID-19
Apr 22, 2020

Health insurance options for those losing insurance
Apr 06, 2020