Calling on Governor to Extend Eviction Moratorium

(Jul 07, 2020)

State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler joined her House colleagues in sending the governor a letter, calling on him to extend the eviction moratorium until December 31, as well as provide additional financial help for homeowners, renters and landlords. Read more


4th of July, green phase, #MaskUpPA, SEPTA card updates, and more

(Jul 02, 2020)

Pennsylvania’s careful and measured COVID-19 reopening plan is considered a model to emulate, both nationally and internationally. However, the virus is not gone. Read more


Office re-opening, rent assistance, small business relief, and more

(Jun 26, 2020)

My office has reopened for scheduled appointmentsalongside remote services continuing by phone and email. Read more


South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update

(Jun 20, 2020)

During these difficult times our office is receiving a very high volume of phone calls and emails. We’re working hard to serve you and thank you for your patience. We will get back to you! Read more


Newsletter: protecting lives, PUA updates, Yellow Phase information, and other resources

(Jun 12, 2020)

Conditions continue to change rapidly during this public health emergency. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation leaders welcome Gov. Wolf’s action on police reform and accountability

(Jun 04, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, June 4 – Leaders of the House Philadelphia Delegation today praised Gov. Tom Wolf for acting on concerns raised by delegation members and Philadelphia public officials. On the heels of public protests in Philadelphia and across the nation following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, Wolf today outlined a proposal to improve law enforcement relations with the community and strengthen training and accountability, especially as it relates to institutional racial targeting and discrimination by law enforcement. “Since May 25, the day a bad police officer knelt on George Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes while other bad police officers stood by and did nothing, the nation and world have risen up in protest to say enough is enough and demand change,” said Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins, D-Phila. “Today, Governor Wolf has set Pennsylvania on a course to making that happen. I thank the governor for hearing our collective voices and working with us to address the concerns of the unheard. I am proud of the work that has been done by the Police Reform Working Group, who started working on these reforms long before Mr. Floyd sadly took his last breath.” The Police Reform Working Group, of which Dawkins is a member, includes state and local elected lawmakers, the chief defender of the Defender Association of Philadelphia, as well as several attorneys. Earlier this week the working group put Read more


South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update 05/29

(May 29, 2020)

Conditions continue to change rapidly during this public health emergency. Review this newsletter for most up-to-date information. Read more


Philly lawmakers outraged over GOP secrecy in positive COVID-19 case at state Capitol

(May 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 27 – State Reps. Jason Dawkins, Malcolm Kenyatta and Elizabeth Fiedler, all leaders of the Philadelphia Delegation in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, today said they were stunned upon learning the news that House Republican leaders kept secret the fact that a state legislator who worked among fellow lawmakers and staff tested positive for COVID-19. State Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin, said in a news release today that he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 20 and informed the “House of Representatives” and the Republican Caucus human relations department. Lebanon County Republican Rep. Russ Diamond also said today he was aware of it on May 21. Dawkins said that while Republicans may have been informed of Lewis testing positive for the deadly virus, and while multiple Republican members went into self-quarantine as a result, not a single Democratic lawmaker was informed, including Democratic leadership. “To say I am outraged at this reckless behavior by House Republican leadership is an understatement,” said Dawkins, chairman of the delegation. “Any lawmaker or staff who came in contact with this representative during committee meetings and during House session was put at risk. And, in turn, they may have put their own families at risk. The withholding of this information is a blatant disregard of human life and the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed thousands of Read more


Joint Policy Hearing Focuses on Pandemic Funding for Childcare Centers

(May 27, 2020)

Investing in childcare centers is investing in the next generation, our children. As a working mom with two young kids I know just how important it is to have great childcare right in the neighborhood, providing safe, reliable care. Childcare centers are places of learning, growing and nurturing for our children, and we need to do everything we can to support them so that when working parents are at work, their doors are open! Read more


Newsletter: COVID-19 updates, unemployment compensation, PUC, property tax rebates and more

(May 22, 2020)

Most recent updates on the COVID-19 public health situation are compiled in this newsletter to ensure easy access to resources for constituents. Read more


Free To-Go Meals Still Available in South Philly

(May 22, 2020)

Free To-Go Meals Are Still Available in South Philly, 11:30am - 1pm Daily. Read more


Newsletter: COVID-19 numbers, UC, evictions moratorium, and other news

(May 16, 2020)

This COVID-19 update is designed to facilitate the flow of information between health and government officials and the residents of our community. Read more


Rep. Fiedler, Democratic colleagues, urge Supreme Court to protect residents from evictions and foreclosure during the COVID-19 pandemic

(May 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 13 – Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., today with dozens of House and Senate colleagues, sent a letter to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to urge an order to stay evictions and foreclosures for 90 days after a county is moved from the “red” to the “yellow” phase by Gov. Tom Wolf and his administration. Currently, an executive order from the governor extends a stay on foreclosures and evictions through July 10. "While we welcome the governor’s order to prevent evictions and foreclosures for the next two months, we know that many counties will still be struggling in a few weeks. We need to support families and small businesses every step of the way, and that includes making sure they have confidence they won’t be targeted for an eviction or a foreclosure while we are still very much in this global pandemic that has affected our state significantly," Fiedler said. "It’s crucial we take every measure we can to ensure our neighbors have a place to call home." With the support of many other lawmakers in both chambers, the letter highlights a shared concern that COVID-19 could continue to cause serious challenges for many Pennsylvanians whose counties were among the first to shut down and will remain in the red phase for a longer period of time. The order would cover commercial properties also to ensure that businesses do not close due to inability to afford the spaces during Read more


Eviction & Foreclosure Letter

(May 13, 2020)

Eviction & foreclosure letter. Read more


Reps. Fiedler, Lee to introduce state COVID financial relief legislation

(May 11, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 11 – As federal emergency funds begin to reach states and local communities, two state representatives from opposite ends of the commonwealth are proposing legislation that would ensure a portion of those payments reach Philadelphians -- not just big corporations -- and also create a mechanism for future payments. “We need to do so much to support our neighbors right now. Part of that is making sure federal relief dollars get straight to people -- not just big corporations,” said state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., one of the legislation’s authors. “While this universal income is a modest start, it will help many people now and will hopefully provide a blueprint for distributing future federal funds directly to the people.” Under the lawmakers’ proposed legislation, every adult (18 and older) would receive a $250 check from the state, funded by federal coronavirus funding. People whose current information is in the PennDOT driver’s license or state ID database, the voter registration system, or who have submitted 2019 PA taxes, would automatically receive a check. The program would provide a framework for future distribution of federal relief dollars to people. The funds would not impact a person’s eligibility for any other program or assistance. “I know the struggles my neighbors and their families are facing, struggles that many faced even before our current crisis. While Read more


COVID-19 South Philly Update & Resources

(May 01, 2020)

Conditions continue to change rapidly during this public health emergency. This COVID-19 UPDATE is designed to facilitate the flow of information between health and government officials and the residents of our community. Read more


COVID-19 South Philly Update & Resources

(Apr 23, 2020)

This COVID-19 UPDATE is designed to facilitate the flow of information between health and government officials and the residents of our community. Read more


COVID-19 South Philly Update

(Apr 17, 2020)

This COVID-19 UPDATE is designed to facilitate the flow of information between health and government officials and the residents of our community. Read more


Reps. Kenyatta, Burgos and Fiedler urge Congress to include undocumented workers in any COVID-19 response legislation

(Apr 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, April 17 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta, Danilo Burgos and Elizabeth Fiedler, all D-Phila., introduced a resolution urging Congress to also acknowledge the roughly 10 million undocumented workers in any COVID-19 financial response legislation. The resolution comes as the federal government issues portions of the historic $2 trillion financial assistance package to individuals and businesses to help mitigate the adverse economic impacts resulting from the pandemic. “There are roughly over 10 million undocumented people living in America paying billions of dollars in state and federal taxes yearly, yet many will never benefit from the services they constantly contribute to,” said Kenyatta, who represents the 181 st Legislative District. “In this time of desperation, our government should not be complicit in watching this vulnerable population that has time and again proven themselves to be a pillar of America’s economy continue to suffer.” Burgos, representing the 197 th District, concurred with Kenyatta saying, “Undocumented immigrants consistently pay about 8 percent of their income in taxes, a sizeable percentage for many who are relegated to working low-paying jobs with no benefits. These workers produce many of the essential goods we heavily rely on, even more so during this pandemic, yet they receive nothing for their labor.” Adding to Burgos’ assertion, Read more


Fiedler introduces legislation to remove erroneous eviction records

(Apr 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, April 15 - Last week Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., introduced HB2382, a bill that will ensure fair access to housing for tens of thousands of families across Pennsylvania- by expunging or sealing not for cause eviction records. Under the current system, tenants have an eviction record from the moment a case is filed against them, regardless of the outcome of the proceedings. Even if they never end with an eviction, if a case is withdrawn, and even if a tenant wins and is found not at fault. The filing stays on their public record and haunts them for years, making it nearly impossible to secure stable new housing. Many landlords rely on general record screening and will not rent to anyone with a filing on record, often disqualifying otherwise ideal applicants. “Every Pennsylvanian has a human right to housing,” Fiedler said. “It is unacceptable that we have a system where people are being denied housing because they have an eviction filing on their record even though they were found not at fault. No one should be punished for something they didn’t do, or for past hardships that were no fault of their own. ” “Many of my clients have been denied access to housing because of their eviction records, oftentimes without ever being evicted,” said George Donnelly, Independence Fellow at the Public Interest Law Center. “These records are created right when the case is Read more


Calling on Governor to Extend Eviction Moratorium
Jul 07, 2020

4th of July, green phase, #MaskUpPA, SEPTA card updates, and more
Jul 02, 2020

Office re-opening, rent assistance, small business relief, and more
Jun 26, 2020

South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update
Jun 20, 2020

Newsletter: protecting lives, PUA updates, Yellow Phase information, and other resources
Jun 12, 2020

Philadelphia House Delegation leaders welcome Gov. Wolf’s action on police reform and accountability
Jun 04, 2020

South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update 05/29
May 29, 2020

Philly lawmakers outraged over GOP secrecy in positive COVID-19 case at state Capitol
May 27, 2020

Joint Policy Hearing Focuses on Pandemic Funding for Childcare Centers
May 27, 2020

Newsletter: COVID-19 updates, unemployment compensation, PUC, property tax rebates and more
May 22, 2020

Free To-Go Meals Still Available in South Philly
May 22, 2020

Newsletter: COVID-19 numbers, UC, evictions moratorium, and other news
May 16, 2020

Rep. Fiedler, Democratic colleagues, urge Supreme Court to protect residents from evictions and foreclosure during the COVID-19 pandemic
May 13, 2020

Eviction & Foreclosure Letter
May 13, 2020

Reps. Fiedler, Lee to introduce state COVID financial relief legislation
May 11, 2020

COVID-19 South Philly Update & Resources
May 01, 2020

COVID-19 South Philly Update & Resources
Apr 23, 2020

COVID-19 South Philly Update
Apr 17, 2020

Reps. Kenyatta, Burgos and Fiedler urge Congress to include undocumented workers in any COVID-19 response legislation
Apr 17, 2020

Fiedler introduces legislation to remove erroneous eviction records
Apr 15, 2020