Philadelphia Delegation lauds Wolf’s 2020-21 state budget proposal

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – The House Democratic Philadelphia Delegation today lauded Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2020-21 budget proposal for including many of the priorities they identified as important to improving the quality of life for Philadelphians and for people across Pennsylvania, according to Delegation Chairman Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila. Wolf outlined his proposal before a joint session of the General Assembly this morning. Led by Dawkins, members of the Philadelphia Delegation met with the governor earlier in the year to stress their budget priorities, including state funding to rid Philadelphia schools of toxins and fix crumbling infrastructure; funding to reduce waiting lists and provide more support for seniors, people living in poverty and those with disabilities; raising the minimum wage to a living wage; creating good jobs with an education plan to provide the skills to fill them; and addressing poverty and gun violence as a public health crisis. “The Philadelphia Delegation is grateful for Governor Wolf’s vision for the state in this, his sixth budget plan,” Dawkins said. “His proposals are people-focused and seek to provide more opportunities for everyone, not just the privileged few. We will be a loud voice in making sure they are included this year.” Dawkins said the governor’s budget proposal includes $1.1 billion to ensure students, teachers and staff can learn and work in classrooms that aren’t Read more


Frankel: Wolf budget provides way forward on difficult, critical issues

(Feb 04, 2020)

Calls on legislature to pick up challenge and act on Pa.’s best interests Read more


Conklin: Budget is very good news for all Pennsylvanians, including its youngest residents

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, released the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed 2020-21 budget unveiled today: “This budget is really good news for all Pennsylvanians. We have the opportunity to invest in our youngest children, especially through an expansion of full-day kindergarten, providing a wonderful opportunity for them to engage and learn at a critical time of their development. In addition, the governor’s proposed budget will make it easier for our older students to receive a college education, without having to go into significant amounts of debt. “With this budget, we also have an opportunity to provide a true livable wage, especially for single parents who have to work more than one job just to make ends meet. “I’m very pleased this realistic budget includes no new taxes and will truly do more to help all of our commonwealth’s residents. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the months ahead as we begin the budget hearings to discuss the proposals unveiled today in more detail.” Read more


Bizzarro lauds education, workforce development and environmental investments in Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2020 budget address

(Feb 04, 2020)

Following Governor Tom Wolf’s budget address, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro said he’s looking forward to continuing to work for Pennsylvania and released the following statement Read more


Harkins: Budget proposals hold promise for state’s future

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, issued the following statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s address this morning on his proposed 2020-21 budget plan: “The budget plan the governor unveiled today is a work in progress, but I’m encouraged that it allocates resources to areas I feel are especially important to Pennsylvania’s future. “One of those areas is full-time kindergarten, a proposal I have been advocating for years. Studies show kindergartners who have access to a full-day program do better, both in terms of test scores and future long-term achievement, because they benefit from the extra time to develop literacy skills, social skills, confidence and more. I agree with the governor’s proposal to mandate free, full-time kindergarten, and I believe it's time for Pennsylvania to join other states that already do so. “On a related note, I support the governor’s proposal to address the problem of lead, asbestos and other hazards in our schools. Our community has been dealing with the problems of older buildings and the expenses associated with eliminating possible health hazards, and an investment of state resources will help ease the cost burdens and speed the process of ensuring our students have a safe environment. “Addressing the burden of loan debt for students graduating from our state-owned university system is another proposal I strongly Read more


Merski supports proposed budget’s investments in education, career training, healthy schools

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, released the following statement today in reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2020-21 budget address: “How we spend our state resources determines the direction our state takes. When we invest in our people – from our students to our seniors – we all move forward. After hearing the governor’s proposed budget plan for the year ahead, I’m encouraged that it’s a plan that can move us in the right direction – without adding any new tax burden to residents. “I’m especially encouraged by the plan’s focus on education, including an additional $30 million to fund high-quality pre-K. As a teacher for many years, I know that a quality education is the starting point that lays the groundwork for all successes that flow later. When kids are given the right start, they achieve and succeed – and our entire state grows and prospers based on those successes. “Equally important to classroom learning is a healthy school environment. I strongly support the governor’s proposed funding to address lead and asbestos hazards in our schools; the health of our students is paramount, and they can’t learn and thrive in a toxic environment. “I’m encouraged that in addition to strong educational funding, the budget plan proposes strong continued investments in workforce development. Career and technical training Read more


Matzie calls budget ‘starting point,’ supports focus on education, healthy schools, workforce development

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Robert Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, released the following statement regarding Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed 2020-21 budget address today. “The governor’s budget proposal is just the starting point. At first glance, there are several areas that I can fully support. More money for schools, a focus on cleaning up lead and asbestos, protecting drinking water and creating more opportunities for workers are priorities that I share and would benefit western Pennsylvania greatly. “Most importantly, it holds the line on taxes. “As always, I’ll work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and ultimately support what best serves Beaver County and the residents of my district.” Read more


Daley supports limiting solitary confinement for most vulnerable

(Feb 03, 2020)

As the Democratic chairwoman of the Women’s Health Caucus, Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley joined her colleagues in supporting legislation that would limit solitary confinement for vulnerable individuals who are incarcerated. She explained why passing this bill is a critical component to criminal justice reform efforts in the commonwealth. Read more


Pa. Treasury could be holding your unclaimed property

(Jan 01, 2016)

Each year, the Pennsylvania Treasury receives millions of dollars of unclaimed property. It is estimated that roughly one in 10 Pennsylvanians has unclaimed property. Read more