O’Mara announces $1.44M in grants awarded to Springfield

(Nov 19, 2021)

SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 19 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, today announced that Springfield Township received two grants totaling $1.44 million from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development that will go toward construction expenses for a mixed-use development and watershed restoration. One grant for $1.36 million will help cover costs associated with creating the main access driveway for The Estates at Coventry Woods at the intersection of State and Weymouth Roads. This roadway will feature two exit lanes, left turn lane and a two-phase traffic signal. This project will also widen State Road to install turning lanes into the development, provide a traffic adaptive signal system along State Road from North Rolling Road and Meetinghouse Lane, and improve the dilapidated bus shelter by the proposed access driveway. “While the Estates at Coventry Woods will help bolster our local economy, I’m mainly excited to see this funding finally deliver the repairs that State Road has needed for years,” O’Mara said. “It’s rewarding to have these state dollars working for Delaware County and helping improve our community’s infrastructure.” The second grant worth $75,000 will benefit Crum Creek watershed. Funding will go toward restoration efforts of Whiskey Run, including clearing and grubbing, erosion and sediment control, ground stabilization, Read more


O’Mara invites area servicemembers to Veterans Day breakfast Thursday

(Nov 09, 2021)

MEDIA, Nov. 9 – To show her thanks this Veterans Day, state Rep. Jennifer O’Mara will host her annual Veterans Day breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11 at Paxon Hollow Country Club. Veterans may bring a plus one to this free event. Congressman Conor Lamb, D-Beaver/Allegheny/Butler, will be in attendance and speaking as a fellow veteran. Lamb served as an active-duty Marine from 2009-2013 and went on to serve as a major in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. “Since last year’s Veterans Day breakfast had to be a grab-and-go event due to the pandemic, I think this year’s will be extra special, especially with Congressman Lamb speaking,” O’Mara said. “This is one of my favorite events of the year, and I’m excited to connect with Delco’s servicemembers in-person once again.” Questions may be directed to O’Mara’s office by calling 610-544-9878. Read more


O’Mara commends $25K awarded to Marple library

(Nov 08, 2021)

MARPLE, Nov. 8 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, applauds Marple Public Library for securing a $25,000 grant to go toward heightening the facility’s security. Funding comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and will be used to purchase and install surveillance/security monitoring equipment. “Library patrons range from elementary school students coming in for tutoring to seniors searching through the stacks, and it’s a place where everyone should feel safe,” O’Mara said. “I’m grateful that this funding has been awarded to the Marple library and will go toward bettering an establishment that’s dedicated to both learning and community building.” “Marple library is grateful for Representative O'Mara, her staff and Marple Township's assistance toward the installation of a new surveillance system. We are proud to add this additional safety measure as patrons come by to enjoy all our library has to offer," Marple Public Library Director LaTanya Burno said. For more information, contact O’Mara’s office at 610-544-9878. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Nov. 5): Veterans Day celebrations, election results and community updates

(Nov 05, 2021)

As we pay homage to our nation’s veterans on Thursday, Nov. 11, my district office will be closed for the day. Read more


E-BLAST (Nov. 1): Tomorrow is Election Day

(Nov 01, 2021)

The municipal election is happening TOMORROW, so I wanted to ensure that you have all the information you needed to go out and vote. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Oct. 22): October Updates Around the Community

(Oct 22, 2021)

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I was proud to kick off this observance with the PA Breast Cancer Coalition and Sen. Kim Ward on Oct. 5, and earlier this week I attended a news conference to announce a statewide campaign encouraging women to schedule an appointment today for their annual mammogram. Read more


O’Mara, Guzman and Rozzi release statements on Berks County’s mail-in ballot error

(Oct 22, 2021)

READING, Oct. 22 — State Reps. Jennifer O’Mara, Manny Guzman and Mark Rozzi denounced Berks County commissioners’ colossal error disenfranchising Spanish speaking voters by providing the wrong return-by date on mail-in ballots with following statements: “The people deserve answers. I am demanding an immediate full investigation into how this massive error could have happened – you don’t slip a finger and type ’18’ when you mean to type ‘2.’ And, if this is more than an accident, we need to demand resignations. For my part I am working with state Democratic leadership to convene a Policy Committee hearing in Reading to get the facts we all need to restore public trust. The actions of right-wing extremists in Harrisburg and Washington D.C. show us how fragile our democracy truly is – we cannot afford to shatter democracy in Berks County,” Guzman said. “Voting is one of our most sacred rights in America, and if people are being told wrong information regarding elections – that’s voter suppression. This cannot be remedied by simply mailing a letter, the county commissioners need to be more open and proactive about correcting their mistake to ensure that every voice is heard on Election Day. The county commissioners’ failure to share accurate information is nothing but a veiled attempt at voter suppression, and Rep. Guzman and I will continue shedding light on this issue Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Oct. 8): It's time we remove the mental health stigma

(Oct 08, 2021)

Last week in the Capitol, I was honored to present a legislative citation recognizing September as Suicide Prevention Month and September 10, 2021, World Suicide Prevention Day. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Sept. 24): Session resumes after summer break

(Sep 24, 2021)

I returned to Harrisburg on Monday, Sept. 20, for the House’s first session week since passing the state’s yearly budget in June. Read more


O’Mara, Stephens to reintroduce Extreme Risk Protective Order bill during Suicide Prevention Month

(Sep 24, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 24 – Reps. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, and Todd Stephens, R-Montgomery, marked Suicide Prevention Month by announcing they will reintroduce legislation to create Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO) as a way to reduce suicides in Pennsylvania. “We know laws like this work,” O’Mara said. “We have the data from other states to prove it. Where enacted, suicide rates have declined, giving individuals the critical time needed to find resources for the help they need. It is well documented that placing time between an individual in crisis and a means to harm themselves or others results in those individuals finding better outcomes then ending their lives, or the lives of others.” “More than 60% of firearm-related deaths in Pennsylvania and across the nation are suicides,” Stephens said. “We must create a way for family members or law enforcement to temporarily prohibit individuals in crisis from possessing firearms or ammunition, and to relinquish any firearms or ammunition they may currently have, to prevent them from doing irreparable harm to themselves or others.” The lawmakers cited the latest statistics from Pennsylvania on gun deaths, detailing the need for the bill: More than 60% of gun deaths in 2019 were from gun suicide. The top 20 counties for firearm-related deaths by suicide, per capita, in the most recent decade are Wayne, Elk, Carbon, Clarion, Schuylkill, Clearfield, Read more


Miller, O’Mara introduce bill connecting firefighters with vital health care

(Sep 10, 2021)

As the nation prepares to remember and honor the 20th anniversary of September 11, and in light of recent studies linking firefighters to increased rates of cancer, heart-related diseases and suicide, state Reps. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, are introducing a bill that would set up a new state grant program to cover the costs of annual medical examinations for all firefighters in the commonwealth. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Sept. 10): My office is here to help

(Sep 10, 2021)

Twenty years ago, our country was forever changed when thousands of Americans lost their lives from a senseless act of terror. Read more


O’Mara urges Public Utility Commission to reject Aqua Pennsylvania’s proposed rate increase

(Aug 30, 2021)

SPRINGFIELD, Aug. 30 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, submitted a public comment regarding Aqua Pennsylvania’s attempt to increase their water and sewer rates, explaining the increase would create serious financial hardships for many who are already struggling. “Many Pennsylvanians are still recovering from COVID-19’s economic impact last year and catching up on utility bills. Furthermore, countless Delaware County residents must now pay higher property taxes because of the reassessment,” O’Mara said. “A rate hike would just push those struggling financially back even farther and create unnecessary hardships for working families and seniors living on fixed incomes.” Aqua provides water and wastewater services to more than 490,000 Pennsylvanians, mostly in Philadelphia’s collar counties. Their proposed rate increase would raise nearly half a million people’s water bills by 17% and sewer bills by 33%. “Aqua raised their rates just two years ago, so it’s difficult to justify another drastic increase so soon after a year of financial hardship for many,” O’Mara said. “I strongly urge PUC to reject Aqua’s request for a rate hike and put the people of Pennsylvania first.” O’Mara encourages Aqua customers to voice their concerns by sending a letter to the PUC at P.O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105. Additional information is Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Aug. 27): Around the community with Rep. O'Mara

(Aug 27, 2021)

Earlier this week, Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine received FDA approval. Read more


O’Mara commemorates local fire company’s first “jaws of life” purchase with $15K check

(Aug 20, 2021)

SPRINGFIELD, Aug. 20 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, presented Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. with a $15,000 check, which will go toward the purchase of a HURST eDraulic Jaws of Life tool. The Jaws of Life are a rescue tool commonly used to assist in car accidents, especially when someone is trapped inside a vehicle. The grant awarded will also cover the cost a back-up battery, extending the tool’s life. “When emergency responders get to the scene of a car crash, time is of the essence and just a few seconds can be the difference between life and death,” O’Mara said. “The Jaws of Life help first responders act as quickly and safely as possible to rescue those in danger. Having this tool available will help Morton-Rutledge Fire Company members better respond to these life-threatening situations.” O’Mara added that Morton-Rutledge did not have this tool prior to being awarded the grant. Photos of O’Mara presenting the check and of the Jaws of Life can be found on her website: https://www.pahouse.com/OMara/PhotoGallery?g=4918 . For more information, residents may call O’Mara’ s office at (610) 544-9878. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (August 13): The Delta Variant and Delco

(Aug 13, 2021)

Delaware County is now considered a "community of substantial transmission" for the coronavirus as the Delta variant rampantly spreads throughout the nation. Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 30): Reassessment appeals due Monday, Springfield resident searching for kidney donor, and more!

(Jul 30, 2021)

My office has heard from many people who have been victims of identity theft via Pennsylvania’s unemployment compensation program. Read more


Rep. O'Mara's July 2021 Summer Newsletter

(Jul 26, 2021)

Rep. O'Mara's summer newsletter including information on this year's budget, legislative progress, upcoming events and more. Read more


O’Mara’s and Southeast Delegation members’ calls for higher-quality care in PA nursing homes recognized by Wolf administration

(Jul 22, 2021)

HARRISBURG, July 22 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, and members of the PA House Democratic Caucus’ Southeast Delegation authored a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf in April detailing the need to increase nursing homes’ minimum direct care hours. On Wednesday, July 21, the governor and secretary of health included this measure in their proposed revisions to the state’s nursing home regulations. The legislators’ letter dated April 15, 2021, advocates for the Pennsylvania Department of Health to increase minimum direct care hours in long-term care facilities from 2.7 to 4.1. O’Mara added that skilled nursing facility regulations have not been updated in more than 20 years. “Residents of long-term care facilities are burdened by this antiquated minimum established by the commonwealth. By increasing the amount of care they receive each day, we can simultaneously address the high turnover rate and consistent understaffing of Pennsylvania’s nursing homes and work toward creating manageable workloads that deliver high-quality care to residents,” O’Mara said. Secretary of Health Alison Beam noted that this is the first in a series of five packages of proposed nursing home regulations. The Pennsylvania Department of Health plans to submit the final-form regulations once all five packages of updates move through the state’s regulatory review process. “The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how Read more


BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 16): Community updates from Rep. O'Mara

(Jul 16, 2021)

Over the last week, my office received lots of calls and questions about the county-wide reassessment process as tax bills began hitting mailboxes. Read more


O’Mara announces $1.44M in grants awarded to Springfield
Nov 19, 2021

O’Mara invites area servicemembers to Veterans Day breakfast Thursday
Nov 09, 2021

O’Mara commends $25K awarded to Marple library
Nov 08, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Nov. 5): Veterans Day celebrations, election results and community updates
Nov 05, 2021

E-BLAST (Nov. 1): Tomorrow is Election Day
Nov 01, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Oct. 22): October Updates Around the Community
Oct 22, 2021

O’Mara, Guzman and Rozzi release statements on Berks County’s mail-in ballot error
Oct 22, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Oct. 8): It's time we remove the mental health stigma
Oct 08, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Sept. 24): Session resumes after summer break
Sep 24, 2021

O’Mara, Stephens to reintroduce Extreme Risk Protective Order bill during Suicide Prevention Month
Sep 24, 2021

Miller, O’Mara introduce bill connecting firefighters with vital health care
Sep 10, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Sept. 10): My office is here to help
Sep 10, 2021

O’Mara urges Public Utility Commission to reject Aqua Pennsylvania’s proposed rate increase
Aug 30, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (Aug. 27): Around the community with Rep. O'Mara
Aug 27, 2021

O’Mara commemorates local fire company’s first “jaws of life” purchase with $15K check
Aug 20, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (August 13): The Delta Variant and Delco
Aug 13, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 30): Reassessment appeals due Monday, Springfield resident searching for kidney donor, and more!
Jul 30, 2021

Rep. O'Mara's July 2021 Summer Newsletter
Jul 26, 2021

O’Mara’s and Southeast Delegation members’ calls for higher-quality care in PA nursing homes recognized by Wolf administration
Jul 22, 2021

BI-WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 16): Community updates from Rep. O'Mara
Jul 16, 2021