(Oct 04, 2021)

SEPTEMBER 2021 District Office Lease $1600.00 District Office Utilities $147.32 Postage/Bulk Mail $294.46 Office Supplies $5.39 Event Food/Supplies $90.57 Mileage $88.80 ______________________________ TOTAL $2226.54 Read more


Solomon: PA One reforms will save taxpayer dollars

(Sep 30, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 30 – State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., who is chairman of PA One, announced that leaders in the General Assembly approved a study on reforms that PA One recommended to save costs and streamline services within state government operations. “The purpose of these reforms is to enable our government to operate more efficiently, conserve taxpayer resources and promote an ethic of reform,” Solomon said. “After two decades, I’m thrilled to finally see these reforms coming to Pennsylvania.” The reforms being studied include merging services for in-house printing, messenger services and bulk purchasing. Typically, these services are split along party lines with each party awarding contracts to different vendors. “Yesterday’s approval to direct the study of the reforms signals that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle support meaningful reforms that make lasting improvements to our commonwealth,” Solomon said. The study will be completed within the year. PA One members include: Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila. Rep. Jesse Topper, R-Bedford/Franklin/Fulton Rep. Thomas Mehaffie, R-Dauphin Rep. Joseph Ciresi, D-Montgomery Rep. Pamela DeLissio, D-Phila./Montgomery Rep. Steven Malagari, D-Montgomery Rep. Natalie Mihalek, R-Allegheny Rep. Christopher Quinn, R-Delaware Rep. Christopher Rabb, D-Phila. Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester Rep. Lynda Schlegel-Culver, Read more


August 2021

(Sep 07, 2021)

AUGUST 2021 District Office Lease $1600.00 District Office Utilities $28.56 Postage/Bulk Mail $2480.52 Cleaning Services $388.80 Office Supplies $27.94 ______________________________ TOTAL $4525.8 Read more


Solomon, advocacy groups discuss help for Afghan refugees coming to Philadelphia

(Aug 31, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 31 – State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., landlords and landlord stakeholders have partner ed to provide housing for Afghan refugees arriving in Philadelphia. “First and foremost is housing,” Solomon said. “We all are partners -- government, city stakeholders, state stakeholders -- all looking to provide housing for our new friends. We are calling on all landlords to step up and help the mission and work with our partners to secure housing for our new neighbors. Beyond housing we need to provide food through Share and programming through PAL to our new families to help weave them into the social and civic fabric of our communities. “ We are here to roll out the welcoming mat for our new friends and neighbors -- the Afghan refugees who are choosing Northeast Philadelphia as their home. As someone who served in the armed forces, our mission here is doubly important. One, we welcome Afghan refugees to Northeast Philadelphia with the hope and opportunity that this nation extends to all who provide support to our service members down range. Second, we honor the memory of the service members that died by continuing the mission and ensuring a home for American and Afghan immigrants alike.” Joining Solomon at the news conference were Margaret O’Sullivan of Nationalities Services Center; Homeowners Association of Philadelphia landlords Victor Pinckney, a former Marine, and Read more


Solomon presents $2.8 million for workforce development

(Aug 26, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26 – State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., this week presented a portion of $2.8 million in funding to the Urban Affairs Coalition as part of the PA Schools-to-Work program. The money is part of a program that Solomon worked to create through legislation (H.B. 796) in a previous session. A companion bill was also introduced in the Senate. “I was humbled and thrilled to work in a bipartisan effort to develop the language ultimately used in this program,” Solomon said. “This establishes a program providing incentives to schools and local businesses to collaborate on work-based learning opportunities, apprenticeships, and jobs for high school students during the school year, the summer and after graduation, and will ultimately create local career pathways in our communities throughout Pennsylvania.” Schools-to-Work grants are awarded and funded competitively in increments up to $250,000 for classroom training, workplace visits, internships, apprenticeships, mentorships, employment opportunities, job shadowing or externships. Applicant proposals must focus on building programs that will fill current and anticipated labor market needs in a given geographic area. “Jobs, jobs, jobs are how we alleviate poverty and address racism,” said Sharmain Matlock Turner, president and CEO of the Urban Affairs Coalition. “The Urban Affairs Coalition was founded 55 years ago to eliminate poverty, Read more


Now open for applications: PA Industry Partnership funding opportunity

(Aug 24, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: PA Industry Partnership Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Local workforce development boards, non-profit and non-governmental entities, community-based organizations, educational and post-secondary educational organizations, labor organizations, business associations, and economic development entities. Use : To identify workforce, education & training, and economic development needs, coordinate regional teams to support industry needs, identify public and community resources to address industry identified needs and increase collaboration among businesses within a targeted industry sector. Funds : Up to $250,000 per partnership. Application Deadline : October 22 More Information : Click on . UPCOMING APPLICATION DEADLINES: DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant: August 27 (Funding Source: General Fund) School districts, municipal authorities, municipalities, nonprofits, private businesses. - Purchase or retrofit vehicles to operate on alternative fuels, purchase and install refueling equipment, and research or develop new technologies. PCCD 2021 Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities Coordinators: August 30 Read more


Now open for applications: Small business, school safety, public library, and truck and bus funding opportunities

(Aug 05, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Small Business Advantage Grant Program (Funding Source: Recycling Fund & Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund) Who May Apply : Registered Pennsylvania for-profit businesses with 100 or fewer full-time equivalent employees and which are taxed as a for-profit business. Use : To purchase energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment, or adopt waste reduction processes. Examples of eligible projects include HVAC and boiler upgrades, high-efficiency LED lighting, digital X-ray equipment, solvent recovery systems, water and waste recycling processes, auxiliary power units (APUs), and agricultural BMPs. Projects must save the small business a minimum of $500 and at least 25% annually in energy consumption or pollution related expenses. Natural resource protection projects must quantify the reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment loadings reaching the receiving waterway. Funds : 50% matching reimbursement grants up to a maximum of $5,000. Application Deadline : First-come, first-served until funds are expended . More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: ATV/Snowmobile Grants Read more


Solomon: Burholme WWI Memorial Revitalization

(Jul 09, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Jared Solomon works together with local non-profits and community organizations to bring a new vision to business corridors in NE Philadelphia. He worked with the community to secure a $20,000 state grant to provide lighting, small repairs, clean, and dedicate a new plaque commemorating the sacrifice of local soldiers and military personnel who served in WWI with the Burholme WWI Memorial, originally dedicated in 1929. Solomon is working to revitalize more of these business corridors and bring pride to the community. Read more


Solomon presents Burholme Civic with state grant for revitalizing WWI memorial

(Jul 09, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, July 9 – On Thursday, state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., was joined by Magaly Hernandez from Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association and Pamela Baranackie, acting treasurer of Take Back Your Neighborhood, to present the Burholme Civic Association with a state grant for renewal of the WWI memorial at “five points” between Cottman Avenue, Rising Sun Avenue and Oxford Avenue. “The men and women who sacrificed their lives in World War I must never be forgotten and they deserve a memorial that commemorates their sacrifices in preserving our freedoms,” Solomon said. “This WWI memorial was dedicated in 1929 and there have been a few repairs since then. I want to make sure that the valiant sons of Burholme and all others who serve their country are honored. “This is the perfect example of government officials, non-profits, businesses and community members coming together. Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association applied for the DCED grant with the support of my office. The $20,000 grant was acquired and the funds were used to install lighting, purchase flags and planters, power wash the monument clean, and to install a plaque that clearly shows this moment is for WWI heroes. "I want to take the time to thank the Boy Scout Troop 160 for maintaining the monument for years. Appreciation goes to Councilman Brian O’Neill, former City Councilman Al Taubenberger, Read more


House passes Solomon bill to expand affordable housing 

(Jun 28, 2021)

HARRISBURG, June 28 – The state House passed legislation, authored by state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., that would allow local taxing authorities to expand access to affordable housing in an unprecedented way. “For every 100 people who need affordable housing in Pennsylvania, only 42 people will get it,” Solomon said. “In extreme cases, in counties like York and Monroe, only 28 people out of 100 will get the affordable housing they need; in Lancaster, only 19 people. This is unacceptable. I’m thrilled to have sponsored and passed the affordable housing bill. This is a step in the right direction to ensuring every resident of Pennsylvania can have the housing they need to raise their families and comfortably live and work in every one of our 67 counties. “The affordable housing bill will benefit residents across the commonwealth,” Solomon added. “Developers will be incentivized to build affordable housing all across the state. Everyone deserves a home they are proud of, and the affordable housing bill would create more access to that.” House Bill 581 would give local authorities a menu of options to pass tax abatements or exemptions for the creation or improvements of affordable housing, for homeownership or rentals. Use of these abatements would be determined by local policymakers, and in some cases, would offer various exemption schedules to tailor the tax relief to the needs and budgetary constraints they face. Read more


Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities

(Jun 15, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol: Pregnancy Support Services (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Community service providers able to serve pregnant and postpartum women with stimulant or opioid misuse issues. Single County Authorities (county drug and alcohol offices) and Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) licensed treatment providers are not eligible to apply. Use : To provide pregnancy support services or make referrals to aid pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder. Funds : Approximately 10 to 12 grants up to $600,000 each will be awarded for 18-month projects. Application Deadline : July 13 at 12 PM. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: 2021-22 PA Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Competitive Funding (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Privately operated residential facilities, community-based providers, and juvenile probation offices that are not currently PACTT Affiliates. Use : To develop programs in the following PACTT service areas that adhere to PACTT Standards in order to gain affiliate status: core programming; academic instruction; work related services; and job skills training. Funds : Grants of up to $20,000. No Read more


May 2021

(Jun 08, 2021)

MAY 2021 District Office Lease $1600.00 District Office Utilities $94.97 Postage/Mailing Services $133.62 Office Supplies $361.83 Cleaning Services $486.00 ______________________________ TOTAL $2676.42 Read more


Now open for applications: Library, gun violence, conservation and recycling funding opportunities

(Jun 01, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries: Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund) Who May Apply : Local public libraries (state-aided). Must partner with a sponsoring municipality. Use : To plan, acquire, construct, or rehabilitate public library facilities including, but not limited to: ADA upgrades, new roof, replacement windows, energy efficient upgrades to HVAC systems, facility expansion and new construction. Funds : Funding limits not yet announced. Grants require a dollar-for-dollar match; match may include cash, in-kind contributions, federal funds, and other state funds. Letter of Interest : As soon as possible. Letters of interest are currently being accepted in anticipation of opening an application round this summer. The dates of the next application round are still being finalized. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: FY 2021 Gun Violence Reduction Grants (Funding Source: General Fund ) Who May Apply : Community-based organizations and local units of government across the Commonwealth with the highest rates of gun violence. Use : Projects that lead to immediate impacts. Read more


Solomon: affordable housing partnership keeps tenants in homes

(May 27, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, May 27 – State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., today discussed a partnership to prevent evictions in Philadelphia at his district office on Castor Avenue. He was joined by Greg Wertman from Homeowners Association of Philadelphia; Anita Lyndaker-Studer from Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network; Aliya Vance, a PIHN northeast case manager; and Jim Sims, a northeast Philadelphia landlord. “This is the first partnership of its kind,” Solomon said, “Working to address the challenges of finding affordable housing, tenants and landlords will be able to work one on one to customize solutions.” PIHN is implementing a partnership between HAPCO, tenants and PIHN to prevent evictions. PIHN will work to inform landlords so they can recognize signs of struggling tenants and assist them in finding housing. “Resolving problems without eviction and getting tenants back on track is a more cost-effective solution and has better outcomes for both the landlord and the tenant,” Solomon said. HAPCO Philadelphia landlords will refer current tenants who have been unable to keep up with rent to PIHN. Tenants will complete a comprehensive financial assessment and put together a financial plan with assistance from PIHN. Once the tenant completes their work with PIHN, landlords will be paid directly for back rent. HAPCO Philadelphia landlords will notify PIHN when they have a Read more


Solomon's Schools-to-Work bill on way to creating local career pathways all across PA

(May 21, 2021)

Manufacturing and production careers have been integral to our society, and as our economy slowly regains footing in the wake of the pandemic, this ever-growing field has proven to be sustainable and lucrative. Read more


Grant opportunities: Historical & Archival Records Care program open for applications

(May 19, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission: Historical & Archival Records Care grant program (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park & Conservation Fund ) Who May Apply : H istorical societies, libraries, museums, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, local governments, school districts. Use : Surveying, inventorying, preserving, arranging and describing historical records relevant to Pennsylvania. Funding may also be requested for reformatting or the purchase of supplies and equipment. Funds : Collaborative grants up to $15,000 for a two-year project. Single entity grants up to $5,000 for a two-year project. No match required. Application Deadline : August 1 More Information : Click on . UPCOMING APPLICATION DEADLINES: PCCD Communities That Care: May 24 (Funding Source: General Fund ) Nonprofit organizations and units of local government. - Planning grants to help communities apply the Communities That Care (CTC) model. DCED Neighborhood Assistance Program: May 28 (Funding Source: General Fund) 501c3 nonprofits . – Tax credit program to encourage businesses to invest in projects by eligible nonprofits to serve low-income Read more


Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure

(May 14, 2021)

Below are some funding programs that recently opened for applications, including a federal grant opportunity for community-based organizations to hire and mobilize community outreach workers, community health workers, social support specialists, and others to increase vaccine access for the hardest-hit and highest-risk communities. STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Solicitation RFA 16-21 Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Intervention Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofit organizations that provide prevention, intervention, and treatment services to Pennsylvania residents, and their families, with mental health, substance use, and/or behavioral health needs. Use : Prevention, intervention, and treatment services to support individuals with lived experience, as well as their families. Funds : Awards up to $500,000 for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Solicitation Due Date : June 3 More Information : . Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission: Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Public and private operators of open-to-the-public boating facilities, including municipal agencies (cities, towns, counties, etc.), state agencies (State Parks, DNR, Fish & Wildlife, etc.), and other Read more


Solomon: Government Accountability Should Be Bipartisan

(May 06, 2021)

Rep Jared Solomon believes government accountability is an issue that transcends party- we all must be accountable. He urges a bipartisan split in the investigation of the Dept. of State Read more


Now open for applications: CFA Multimodal, Growing Greener, PFAS Remediation, Drug Courts and Diversion Program grants

(Apr 28, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: PENNVEST: PFAS Remediation Program (Funding Source: Various State and Federal Funding Sources) Who May Apply : Public drinking water supply system owners or operators serving parcels surrounding nonqualified military installations where the water supply has PFAS contamination. If the operator of the system makes an application, they must be joined in the application by the system owner. Use : To aid in the remediation and elimination of PFAS in water sources and systems. Funds : Eligible applicants may apply for funding consideration under the traditional PENNVEST program and, if there is remaining non-repayment capacity in that funding round, it may be awarded as PFAS non-repayment. Application Deadline : May 3 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture/PennAg Industries: Center for Poultry and Livestock Excellence Research Funding Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Entities working to strengthen and grow Pennsylvania’s poultry, swine, lamb, sheep and goat farming industries. Use : Research projects to enhance biosecurity, diagnostic testing, veterinary telemedicine and other strategies to prevent, detect and manage animal diseases and protect the Read more


Now open for applications: Farm Vitality, Communities That Care, substance abuse, and recycling grant programs

(Apr 19, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grants (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Farmers and prospective farmers. Use : Professional services to assist with business planning, efficient transitions of farm ownership, strategic farm expansion, product diversification, and financial and technical expertise in order to enhance the long-term vitality of PA farms. Funds : Reimbursement grants up to $7,500. Grants are limited to 75% of the total project cost. Up to $1 million is available statewide. Application Deadline : Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Communities That Care (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofit organizations and units of local government. Priority consideration will be given to applicants that have never received a Communities That Care (CTC) grant from PCCD, applicants interested in implementing CTC in a community that does not have an organized coalition, and applicants from regions in the state with significant violence-based need. Use : Planning grants to help communities apply the Communities That Care (CTC) model. Read more


Oct 04, 2021

Solomon: PA One reforms will save taxpayer dollars
Sep 30, 2021

August 2021
Sep 07, 2021

Solomon, advocacy groups discuss help for Afghan refugees coming to Philadelphia
Aug 31, 2021

Solomon presents $2.8 million for workforce development
Aug 26, 2021

Now open for applications: PA Industry Partnership funding opportunity
Aug 24, 2021

Now open for applications: Small business, school safety, public library, and truck and bus funding opportunities
Aug 05, 2021

Solomon: Burholme WWI Memorial Revitalization
Jul 09, 2021

Solomon presents Burholme Civic with state grant for revitalizing WWI memorial
Jul 09, 2021

House passes Solomon bill to expand affordable housing 
Jun 28, 2021

Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities
Jun 15, 2021

May 2021
Jun 08, 2021

Now open for applications: Library, gun violence, conservation and recycling funding opportunities
Jun 01, 2021

Solomon: affordable housing partnership keeps tenants in homes
May 27, 2021

Solomon's Schools-to-Work bill on way to creating local career pathways all across PA
May 21, 2021

Grant opportunities: Historical & Archival Records Care program open for applications
May 19, 2021

Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure
May 14, 2021

Solomon: Government Accountability Should Be Bipartisan
May 06, 2021

Now open for applications: CFA Multimodal, Growing Greener, PFAS Remediation, Drug Courts and Diversion Program grants
Apr 28, 2021

Now open for applications: Farm Vitality, Communities That Care, substance abuse, and recycling grant programs
Apr 19, 2021