Shusterman, Hill-Evans to introduce Child and Adult Care Food Program Supplement to help feed care facility participants

(Oct 25, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 25 – State Reps. Melissa L. Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, and Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, have announced they will introduce a bill to provide additional food funds for care facilities enrolled in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, a federal program that compensates care facilities for meals served to participants. “Care facilities across the state deal with incredibly high operating costs,” Shusterman said. “Unfortunately, the federal program meant to help them feed our neediest citizens does not go nearly far enough to alleviate the extraordinary costs they face. It’s time for Pennsylvania to supplement this vital program.” Hill-Evans agreed. “Pennsylvania’s economy is stronger when our most vulnerable residents have access to essential resources,” Hill-Evans said. “By ensuring our care facilities have adequate funding, we would enable more Pennsylvanians to enter the workforce.” According to the PA Department of Education’s website , participating facilities are eligible to be reimbursed for up to two meals and one snack per participant, per day. The new bill introduced by Shusterman and Hill-Evans would expand that. Currently, participating facilities also receive federally donated commodities, nutrition education materials and annual training workshops. The following care facilities are eligible to participate in the CACFP: Licensed, nonprofit, non-residential Read more


Ciresi announces $3.7 million grant to replace Pottstown lead service lines

(Oct 21, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 21 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, announced today that the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority has approved a $3.71 million grant to fund the Pottstown Borough Authority’s 2021 Lead Service Replacement Project. The project will replace lead lines in older homes, eliminating exposure to lead materials. “I am very glad that PENNVEST has made this investment in the future of Pottstown Borough as this funding will ensure that my constituents will have a modern and safe infrastructure for years to come for something as fundamental as drinking water,” Ciresi said. “This work to eliminate lead and other harmful contaminants from drinking water is crucial to the health and well-being of our residents, children, and future generations.” The funds will be used to fund a project to replace approximately 8,400 linear feet of lead service lines and 700 linear feet of water service curb stops throughout Pottstown Borough. The authority has already contracted work in 2019 and 2021 to replace some of the existing lead service lines throughout the borough to provide safe drinking water to the residents of the area. The 2021 Lead Service Replacement Project will complete this effort in the remaining sections of the borough that are designated as being in critical condition. “This grant provides the funds necessary to continue the efforts of the Pottstown Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to fund PPE in schools, ensure safe in-person instruction

(Oct 19, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 19 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, introduced legislation today to establish a grant program for the 2021-22 school year that would allow schools to purchase face masks, other additional personal protective equipment, and cleaning and sanitizing supplies, as well as allow them to make modifications necessary to ensure appropriate social distancing. “There are over 3,000 people hospitalized with COVID-19 right now and we’ve lost too many over the course of this pandemic,” Ciresi said. “We’ve got to remain vigilant and do everything we can to make sure our schools are safe spaces for our children. That’s why I’ve introduced this legislation, which would help schools provide effective, high-quality masks for their students and staff, as well as any other PPE or supplies they need to hinder the transmission of the virus and create a safe environment for learning.” Ciresi’s legislation is similar to Act 30 of 2020, which created grants for schools to purchase PPE and cleaning supplies in the previous school year but has since expired. Funding would be available to help both public and nonpublic schools. Read more


Lawmakers introduce legislation to ensure paid time off for workers experiencing pregnancy loss

(Oct 15, 2021)

“The loss of a pregnancy is devastating, physically and mentally, and can trigger negative long-lasting effects in the lives of those who experience it and aren't able to get the help they need,” Hanbidge said. “Often in our society, working people are forced to return to work too soon after this difficult experience." Read more


Otten calls for halt of Mariner East pipeline following Attorney General Shapiro’s filing of 48 criminal charges

(Oct 05, 2021)

“Attorney General Shapiro is sending a clear message to Energy Transfer and other pipeline operators: You cannot operate in Pennsylvania and play by your own set of rules. If you break Pennsylvania law, you will be tried in a criminal courtroom in Pennsylvania." Read more


Krueger, Lawrence introduce bill to protect water system customers

(Oct 01, 2021)

CHESTER, Oct. 1 – At a news conference at Chester Water Authority headquarters, state Reps. Leanne Krueger and John Lawrence today discussed their bill to protect the customers of municipal and authority-owned water or wastewater systems in the acquisition process. Krueger and Lawrence have introduced legislation, H.B. 1936 , to amend Section 1329 of the Public Utilities Law to prohibit the sale of municipal water or wastewater systems to private companies using the valuation procedure outlined there unless the system is in financial and/or operational distress. Earlier this year, Krueger and Lawrence hosted a bipartisan legislative hearing in Harrisburg to discuss that section of the law, particularly as it related to the Chester Water Authority, a financially stable utility being pursued by Aqua Pennsylvania for acquisition. “It became clear during that hearing that sales through Section 1329 always drive up rates for customers,” said Krueger, D-Delaware. “To protect consumers, we should ensure these sales are limited to distressed systems – those that truly need outside help to meet financial or operational safety best practices.” “Ratepayers bear the financial impact when a municipal water or sewer system is sold,” said Lawrence, R-Chester/Lancaster. “Rates have doubled or even tripled for some ratepayers, even when the system servicing their home is in good repair. This legislation addresses this issue Read more


Sanchez: Constitutional amendments are better determined during high voter turnout elections

(Sep 22, 2021)

Constitutional amendments need to be scrutinized by a large cross-section of voters. High levels of voter participation would help ensure the changes made truly represent the will and voice of the people. Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation exempting injured and decorated veterans from vehicle registration fees

(Sep 21, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 21 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, introduced H.B. 1895 today to exempt injured and decorated veterans from vehicle registration fees. In serving the 146th legislative district, Ciresi has been particularly concerned that returning veterans receive assistance from the state in recognition of the sacrifices they’ve made serving their country. “While state law currently provides some veterans with a discounted rate for vehicle registration by only charging a processing fee, in recognition of their service I believe our injured and decorated veterans deserve to be fully excused from paying vehicle registration fees,” Ciresi said. Ciresi said, “That is why I’ve introduced legislation, with bipartisan support, which totally waives these fees for veterans who were injured or captured while serving their country, or who have received the Congressional Medal of Honor or the Purple Heart.” Current law charges a $10 processing fee instead of a registration fee for veterans who’ve lost a limb or eye or became partially paralyzed while serving in the armed forces; were captured by the enemy in an armed conflict; or were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Ciresi’s legislation eliminates the processing fee and expands eligibility to also include all recipients of the Purple Heart. According to Ciresi, this exemption would not only help eligible veterans directly, but also their Read more


Daley: Protecting All Children

(Sep 21, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley knows that the mask mandate in schools was enacted in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. She says that kids are ready to get back to school, but not every child can get vaccinated. In order to keep all children safe, she supports the mask mandate and encourages everyone who can to get vaccinated. Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation allowing limited wineries to partner with BYOBs

(Sep 17, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 17 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, introduced legislation yesterday to allow BYOB restaurants to collaborate with local limited wineries to sell wine to diners. Ciresi, who has made the promotion and protection of small businesses a cornerstone of his role as state representative for the 146th District, said his legislation will benefit BYOB establishments, small Pennsylvania wineries and Pennsylvania dining patrons. “Our small local restaurants are a foundation of our communities and provide a wonderful place for people to come together,” Ciresi said. “Sometimes diners will go out to a restaurant and not realize it is BYOB. Though the restaurant might wish to provide wine to its patrons, it can’t afford to purchase a liquor license which costs thousands of dollars. “My legislation would allow a BYOB restaurant to collaborate with a local limited winery to sell wine so customers could enjoy wine with their meal in the restaurant. My goal is to support our small local restaurants, which are still trying to recover from the financial impact of the pandemic, and our growing Pennsylvania winery industry, as well as to enhance our diners’ patronage of local restaurants.” The legislation would permit limited wineries to apply for and obtain an off-premise catering permit they could use to partner with community restaurants to benefit both local businesses. Read more


State lawmakers announce $1.75M flood assistance program for Bucks residents

(Sep 15, 2021)

BRISTOL, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Tina Davis, D-Bucks, along with state Sen. Robert “Tommy” Tomlinson, R-Bucks, today announced the opening of a flood relief assistance program to aid Bucks County residents affected by the severe weather and flash flooding on July 12. Also in attendance at the Bucks County Redevelopment Authority in Bristol Wednesday afternoon were Rep. K.C. Tomlinson, R-Bucks, Bristol Township Council President Craig Bowen, Bensalem Mayor Joe DiGirolamo, Bucks County Redevelopment Authority representatives Board President Sean Schaefer and Executive Director Jeff Darwak. The Neighborhood Flood Assistance Program is funded by a $1.75 million grant secured by the lawmakers from the Department of the Community and Economic Development and will be administered by BCRDA. The program’s goal is to offer financial support to those who faced significant property loss or damage and were uninsured or underinsured. Assistance will not be given to landlords, businesses, or non-profit organizations. “I’m very glad to have been instrumental in securing this critical state funding for our residents who have been struggling since the July 12 th storm and flash foods destroyed their homes and so upended their lives,” Davis said. “Many have been forced to relocate in the storm’s aftermath. This state money will help our neighbors come home once again to rebuild their homes and their Read more


Nelson: Community colleges in Pa. could be – and should be – free

(Sep 15, 2021)

Community colleges are such a valuable component of public education that 25 states are already promoting community college opportunities for free to their residents. Red states and blue states alike are investing in their own kids right now and growing because of it. Read more


Hanbidge: If We Fail to Act on Behalf of Women’s Reproductive Rights, Pa. will Become the Next Texas

(Sep 15, 2021)

We are closer to being like Texas than you can imagine. It’s up to all of us to ensure we don’t end up there, which we can do by demanding our elected state officials protect our rights. Read more


Napoleon Nelson hosting ‘fireside chats’ with blockchain technology insiders

(Sep 14, 2021)

Nelson launched the Emerging Technologies Caucus this spring to help the commonwealth’s elected leaders learn about new and developing technology by working closely with innovators, including academics, entrepreneurs and businesses, and to help foster innovation while responsibly allowing Pennsylvania to compete in the new digital era. Read more


Hanbidge earns appointment to Task Force on Child Pornography

(Sep 14, 2021)

“As a child advocate, I witnessed the incredible power of working with a diverse group of professionals and experts united in the goal of making sure every child is safe. I look forward to working with and learning from the other members of the task force to ensure that every child in the commonwealth is safe from exploitation and victimization." Read more


Sappey introduces resolution designating September as International Underground Railroad Month

(Sep 13, 2021)

“It’s critical to recognize the importance of the Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania’s history, not only for the sake of those who put their lives on the line so that all Americans could be free before the Civil War, but also to remember that in Pennsylvania the fight for the true freedom of all people is still being fought.” Read more


Women’s Health Caucus condemns Texas’ ban on abortion

(Sep 02, 2021)

Members of the Women’s Health Caucus said they want to remind Pennsylvanians that, while they are standing in solidarity with those negatively impacted by the new Texas law, abortion remains legal in Pennsylvania, and Gov. Wolf has guaranteed a veto if any restrictive legislation reaches his desk. Read more


Guenst highlights the importance of National Recovery Month 2021

(Sep 01, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Nancy Guenst talks with Pa. Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Secretary Jennifer Smith about National Recovery Month and getting rid of the stigma that surrounds addiction. Read more


Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefit Programs Ending Sept. 4

(Aug 25, 2021)

Job search assistance and non-unemployment assistance is available to help those in need. Read more


Sanchez proposes only allowing PA ballot questions during bigger election turnout years

(Aug 20, 2021)

“Democracy works better when more people participate. This proposal brings better transparency to the process and will help ensure that the voices of more Pennsylvanians will be heard when it comes to constitutional changes that affect us all.” Read more


Shusterman, Hill-Evans to introduce Child and Adult Care Food Program Supplement to help feed care facility participants
Oct 25, 2021

Ciresi announces $3.7 million grant to replace Pottstown lead service lines
Oct 21, 2021

Ciresi introduces legislation to fund PPE in schools, ensure safe in-person instruction
Oct 19, 2021

Lawmakers introduce legislation to ensure paid time off for workers experiencing pregnancy loss
Oct 15, 2021

Otten calls for halt of Mariner East pipeline following Attorney General Shapiro’s filing of 48 criminal charges
Oct 05, 2021

Krueger, Lawrence introduce bill to protect water system customers
Oct 01, 2021

Sanchez: Constitutional amendments are better determined during high voter turnout elections
Sep 22, 2021

Ciresi introduces legislation exempting injured and decorated veterans from vehicle registration fees
Sep 21, 2021

Daley: Protecting All Children
Sep 21, 2021

Ciresi introduces legislation allowing limited wineries to partner with BYOBs
Sep 17, 2021

State lawmakers announce $1.75M flood assistance program for Bucks residents
Sep 15, 2021

Nelson: Community colleges in Pa. could be – and should be – free
Sep 15, 2021

Hanbidge: If We Fail to Act on Behalf of Women’s Reproductive Rights, Pa. will Become the Next Texas
Sep 15, 2021

Napoleon Nelson hosting ‘fireside chats’ with blockchain technology insiders
Sep 14, 2021

Hanbidge earns appointment to Task Force on Child Pornography
Sep 14, 2021

Sappey introduces resolution designating September as International Underground Railroad Month
Sep 13, 2021

Women’s Health Caucus condemns Texas’ ban on abortion
Sep 02, 2021

Guenst highlights the importance of National Recovery Month 2021
Sep 01, 2021

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefit Programs Ending Sept. 4
Aug 25, 2021

Sanchez proposes only allowing PA ballot questions during bigger election turnout years
Aug 20, 2021