Ciresi: Everything Our District Needs

(Jun 23, 2021)

He says the biggest fight is for equitable school funding to make sure his school districts have the money they need to invest in our children and save taxpayers money on local property taxes. In addition, he’s fighting hard for public transportation and a study to restore Reading-Philadelphia passenger train service. Read more


Webster: Reduce Methane Leaks

(Jun 23, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster talks about methane gas regulations on low producing wells that leak, creating 50% of the methane in Pa. He says that today we know a lot better than we used to, and we know that leaks, waste products, and by-products of these wells are toxic and hurting families. Read more


Ciresi: Fair and Equitable Education Funding

(Jun 23, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi introduces Julia Smith, a student at Pottstown School District, to talk about how her school district is underfunded. Read more


Webster: 2020 Election Was Fair And Secure

(Jun 17, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster says we should be talking about education, jobs, economic growth, healthcare, equity, and quality of life. Instead we continue to rehash the 2020 presidential election. We know our election was fair and secure. We must move past this and get back to working for Pennsylvania. Read more


Webster: Support Every Child

(Jun 16, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster talks about fair and equitable education funding in Pa. He says that we have a onetime opportunity with a budget surplus and money from the American Rescue plan to invest in our children and put all our education funding through the fair funding formula, not just new dollars. This will ensure that every child has the same opportunities, lower local school property taxes, and support our schools. Read more


Ciresi: Our Health Care Workers Deserve More

(Jun 16, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi stood with healthcare workers from across Pennsylvania as they rallied at the state Capitol for better wages and safer staffing levels. Ciresi says their sacrifices helped us through the pandemic and they deserve better. Read more


Daley: Retraining for Renewables

(Jun 14, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley wants Pennsylvania to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. She says there's a big focus on workforce development, as coal plants are closing. For the many people that have spent their career in that industry, RGGI would raise funds to help retrain them and provide them with new opportunities. Read more


Webster: Path Forward with RGGI

(Jun 14, 2021)

We have an opportunity to create sustainable energy and use fees and developmental dollars from that transition to fund workplace development, environmental cleanup, and other efforts. Read more


Sanchez, Schlossberg officially introduce LGBTQ+ Panic Defense bill

(Jun 11, 2021)

While similar bills have been introduced in previous legislative sessions, the Sanchez/Schlossberg legislation would extend beyond the “gay” and “trans” terminology to include all members of this marginalized community by prohibiting the court system from allowing a defense of this nature in consideration of serious provocation or insanity. Read more


Ciresi’s fair funding bill seeks to rectify disparities in PA school districts

(Jun 11, 2021)

“It’s time to commit ourselves to using real data based on actual need to fund education, which is the reason we created these formulas in the first place. H.B. 1595 would put Pennsylvania back on track to fairly distributing education dollars so that we can achieve equitable funding for every student.” Read more


Webster: Uphold the sanctity of democracy and the will of the voters

(Jun 10, 2021)

Ambition to create distrust is not a characteristic of an effective legislator, and it is not the job of a sitting Pennsylvania senator. Read more


O’Mara commemorates Delco Day with House citation

(Jun 09, 2021)

The citation will be presented at this year’s host for Delco Day festivities, Marty Magee’s Irish Pub, 1110 Lincoln Ave., Prospect Park. Live music and activities will take place from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, June 12 into Sunday, June 13. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus: Choice is crucial, and we will keep fighting anti-choice legislation

(Jun 09, 2021)

If you are ever faced with an unwanted or nonviable pregnancy, make no mistake: You have the right to choose how to handle it. The ultimate decision must be yours, and we will fight to ensure that remains true. Read more


Webster: Protect Veterans' Private Information

(Jun 09, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster supports all men and women in our armed forces, at every level of detail. He is working on a bill that would keep personal information private for veterans longer. Read more


Webster: Fully Fund Public Schools

(Jun 08, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster supports using budget surplus and federal dollars to fully fund our public schools. He wants to reset the fair funding formula so that every school benefits and no child loses any opportunity. Read more


Daley: Defending Women’s Rights

(Jun 08, 2021)

While reproductive rights are a major part of the caucus’ agenda, it considers all the issues important to women and their families. People from all over Pennsylvania are looking for legislators to support them and their families. Read more


Ciresi: Fully Funding Public Education

(Jun 08, 2021)

We want school children to have every opportunity, whether they reside in a rich, middle class, or economically disadvantaged district. Read more


Webster: Invest in Training Programs

(Jun 04, 2021)

Investing federal dollars through the PA Rescue Plan would help create training programs, infrastructure, energy projects, environmental upgrades and, ultimately, jobs for Pennsylvanians. Read more


Nelson establishes Emerging Technologies Caucus to help legislature keep pace with rapid tech growth

(Jun 03, 2021)

The purpose, Nelson said, would be to have members of the PA House of Representatives follow the latest policy and regulatory developments, educate members and committees, and develop and pass legislation that advances tech innovation while supporting responsible growth for these new markets. Read more


Ciresi announces $40K in historic preservation funds for Henry Muhlenberg House upgrades

(Jun 02, 2021)

Specifically, the Henry Muhlenberg House will use the funding to replace an outdated, failing HVAC system with a new, energy efficient HVAC system that will ensure preservation of both the historic structure and its irreplaceable contents. Read more