Virtual Town Hall: Pennsylvania’s Election Infrastructure and Law

(Jan 26, 2021)

Watch the replay of an online forum on Pennsylvania's election infrastructure and law, ft. Sec. Kathy Boockvar. Read more


Warren bill targeting rising flood insurance premiums approved by committee

(Jan 26, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 26 – State Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, announced that his bill, which would establish a Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force to help reduce the cost of flood insurance premiums, was approved unanimously today by the House Insurance Committee. Warren’s H.B. 70 would address this financial issue which resulted from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s redrawing of its flood maps. When FEMA in recent years revised its flood maps to require many more properties in Pennsylvania to hold flood insurance, its goal was to mitigate the financial harm and help lessen the emotional devastation caused by floods. However, the remapping has had a negative financial impact on homeowners and communities in floodplains as many more Pennsylvanians now are struggling to pay rising flood insurance premiums, and many more communities along Pennsylvania's rivers and creeks are at risk of reduced property sales and values due to those premiums. “The increasing number of homes required to have flood insurance has had a deleterious effect on homeowners’ finances, local property values and our communities’ economies,” Warren said. “My legislation would address the problem of rising premiums through the establishment of a Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force, which would help to reduce flood insurance costs by recommending potential programs that provide premium discounts and by supporting programs Read more


Guenst, Sanchez host socially distanced outdoor peace vigil for Holocaust Remembrance Day

(Jan 26, 2021)

This event will be held outside. Face masks and adherence to social-distance practices are required. Candles and hot cocoa will be available, and attendees are encouraged to bring handmade posters. Read more


Daley advocates for affordable, reliable child care

(Jan 25, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley, co-chair of the Women's Health Caucus, encourages Governor Wolf to allocate the $302 million allocated for PA for child care in December's federal relief package during a recent forum with Public Citizens for Children & Youth. Read more


O’Mara appointed to Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency board

(Jan 21, 2021)

As a founder of the bipartisan Student Debt Caucus, O’Mara said that finding solutions to Pennsylvanians’ rising student debt balance is among her top priorities as a legislator. She added that mounting student debt could impact not only the borrowers’ finances, but also the finances of their families, partners and grandparents. Read more


REPLAY: Virtual Town Hall on Vaccination Operations

(Jan 19, 2021)

State Rep. Napoleon Nelson hosts Montgomery County Commissioner Dr. Val Arkoosh and Rev. Marshall Mitchell online to answer questions about Pennsylvania's vaccination operations. Read more


Ciresi appointed to Education Committee, highlights goals for term

(Jan 14, 2021)

“I am grateful to be given the opportunity to serve on the Education Committee and look forward to working on many important priorities, including achieving real fair funding for education, charter school reform, comprehensive education reform, cost savings and shared services, and more.” Read more


Briggs: Judicial gerrymandering bill rammed through committee with no public hearing

(Jan 13, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 13 – House Republicans rammed a proposed constitutional amendment that threatens the independence of the judiciary system through a newly formed committee today, with little notice and no public hearing, said state Rep. Tim Briggs, Democratic chairman of the Judiciary Committee. House Bill 38 would amend the state constitution so that appellate judges would be elected by district rather than statewide. It advanced from the Judiciary Committee by a 13-12 vote. “This bill would have a devastating effect on the balance of power in our government. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the independent role of our judiciary and further politicizes our courts. Some Republicans want to rig the system, and they want to do it quickly – without public input,” said Briggs, D-Montgomery. “A vote on legislation that would substantially change our courts should be given proper consideration and discussion. And yet, the Judiciary Committee was given less than 24 hours’ notice that our reorganization meeting would take place today and would include a vote on this constitutional amendment, which amounts to judicial gerrymandering.” Briggs added that the bill will disenfranchise all Pennsylvania voters. Under the current system, voters have an opportunity to vote on all 31 statewide judges and justices, but under H.B. 38, voters would only have the opportunity to vote for three judges and justices. Today, Briggs made Read more


Ciresi named vice chair of Policy Committee

(Jan 12, 2021)

“I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Policy Committee, now as one of its vice chairs,” Ciresi said. “The committee’s policy agenda is one that will help us lead the way out of this pandemic and create a better, stronger economy for all Pennsylvanians. I look forward to working on these important issues – the work we were sent to Harrisburg to do – with my fellow committee members.” Read more


O’Mara elected chairwoman of powerful Southeast Delegation

(Jan 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 12 – The House Democratic Caucus’ Southeast Delegation elected Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, as the delegation’s chair for this legislative session. As chairwoman, O’Mara will lead the 35-member delegation on legislative initiatives and negotiations. The southeast delegation is the caucus’ largest and fastest-growing delegation, consisting of members from Berks, Bucks, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery and York counties. “I’m humbled that my colleagues chose me to lead the southeast delegation for the next two years,” O’Mara said. “As someone who doesn’t come from a political family -- my dad was a firefighter and my mom a school bus driver-- my experiences growing up are the reality of many hard-working Pennsylvanians. I am honored to lead the delegation and look forward to lifting up the voices of not just my constituents, but every Pennsylvanian in need of social and economic equity.” O’Mara took the oath of office on Jan. 5 to begin her second term. She said that she will continue to focus in the new term on supporting first responders, addressing the student debt crisis and removing the stigma surrounding mental health. Questions may be directed to O’Mara’s office by calling 610-544-9878. Read more


Webster retains three key committee assignments, adds Appropriations

(Jan 12, 2021)

“I am grateful to our House Democratic leadership for entrusting me with the great responsibility of serving on these outstanding committees," Webster said. "The work we do as legislators is largely determined by what takes place in committee. I look forward to offering my perspective and identifying ways to help important pieces of legislation get the bipartisan votes that they deserve.” Read more


Nelson announces first House committee assignments

(Jan 11, 2021)

“I hope to be able to fight for our seniors and their abilities to age in the right place, to fight for fair tax policies for our residents and small businesses, and to invest in our youth, the future of our communities and society.” Read more


Guenst announces first term committee appointments

(Jan 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Nancy Guenst today announced her appointments to the PA House Agriculture, Children & Youth, Game & Fisheries, and Human Services committees. “I am honored be in a position to influence legislation supporting Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable communities -- our seniors and our financially disadvantaged -- on these powerful committees,” Guenst, D-Montgomery/Phila., said. “Agriculture is a leading economic driver in our state,” Guenst said. “On this vitally important committee, I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to formulate legislation that will both grow opportunities and ensure that the necessary regulatory oversight needed to protect human, livestock, environmental and plant health is in place. “And, as a sporting aficionado, I’ll make sure that our sportsmen and women can easily hunt and fish in Pennsylvania,” Guenst added. “I take to heart my role as a public servant in Harrisburg, as I did first when I was in the military and later when I was in local government in Hatboro,” Guenst continued. “I am here to be your voice in Harrisburg, and I will make sure that your concerns and your needs are heard and heeded.” The descriptions of the committee functions are as follows: The Agriculture & Rural Affairs Read more


Howard announces committee appointments for 2021-22 session

(Jan 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Kristine Howard announced today her committee appointments for the 2021-22 session are to the Agriculture & Rural Affairs, Children & Youth, State Government and the Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness committees. “I am proud to have these opportunities to use my expertise and experience to shape and advocate for legislation that will improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians, from our youngest citizens to our esteemed veterans,” said Howard, D-Chester. “I’ll be a voice for our farmers who grow the food on our tables, and for every single Pennsylvanian by ensuring the security of our elections. “As a former child welfare investigator, I’m very glad I will continue serving on the Children & Youth Committee, as the well-being and safety of the most vulnerable members of our society are very close to my heart. “As an American committed to our constitutional right to free and fair elections, I will work to ensure that our elections are safe, secure and beyond question. As a supporter of Pennsylvania’s great agriculture industry, I will guarantee we have legislation that both regulates and protects agriculture in PA. As someone who cares deeply about the welfare of our veterans, I will strive to pass legislation that addresses their needs.” The description of the committees on which Howard will serve are the Read more


Sanchez announces committee assignments for 2021-22 legislative session

(Jan 11, 2021)

“I am encouraged by these assignments, and I am very much looking forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to help the people of Pennsylvania, local businesses and municipalities push forward during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and political unrest,” Sanchez said. “These committees, I feel, are a great fit for me, and I am confident in our collective ability to achieve progress for the greater good of the commonwealth.” Read more


Williams announces committee assignments for second term

(Jan 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today his committee assignments for the 2021-2022 session are Aging and Older Adult Services, Human Services, Urban Affairs and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness. Williams, D-Chester, said, “I am humbled to have these opportunities to influence legislation that will improve the welfare of our society’s most vulnerable communities like our seniors, our low-income communities, our veterans, our housing insecure individuals and families, and our communities plagued by violence. “As a member of these important committees, I have a chance to make sure that legislation that will better the lives of the powerless gets heard on the House floor,” Williams continued. “This is what representative democracy is all about. I speak for you, in your name, about your concerns and your needs in the halls of Harrisburg. That’s what being a public servant is all about.” The House committees’ descriptions are: The House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee deals with a wide range of issues to improve the lives of Pennsylvania's senior citizens. The committee works with the Department of Aging and reviews bills which affect senior citizens of the commonwealth. The Human Services Committee reviews bills pertaining to social service issues in Pennsylvania. The committee reviews the Office of Read more


Warren announces committee appointments for 2021-22 term

(Jan 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Perry Warren announced today that he has been named to the PA House of Representatives’ Commerce, Insurance, Local Government and Transportation committees for the 2021-22 session. “I am pleased to be named to these influential and diverse committees, as I will be able to influence legislation in the important areas of commerce, insurance, local government and transportation,” Warren, D-Bucks, said. The roles of the committees are as follows: The Commerce Committee reviews legislation involving the banking and financial services industries, economic development agencies and programs, and housing agencies and programs, as well as provides legislative oversight for regulations proposed for those areas of the economy. The Insurance Committee has jurisdiction over the state Department of Insurance, the State Workers’ Insurance Fund and the Underground Storage Indemnification Fund. The committee reviews bills that regulate home, auto and health insurance, as well as fraternal society group benefits. The Local Government Committee reviews legislation that affects counties, cities, boroughs and townships. Statewide zoning regulations, municipal pensions and other rules pertaining to local government are all within the committee’s scope. The committee has oversight of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System. The Read more


Webster: Call the insurrection what it was: domestic terrorism

(Jan 08, 2021)

This was insurrection. It was a violent attempt to subvert the legitimate functioning of our government led by a defeated president seeking any means possible to hold onto power. These individuals – including and especially President Trump – have shamed and embarrassed the United States, and history will not forget it. Nor should we. Read more


Ciresi highlights completion of PennDOT study on Reading-Philadelphia rail service

(Jan 07, 2021)

Ciresi has long been a proponent of returning rail service to Berks and western Montgomery counties. Passenger rail service operated from Philadelphia to Reading starting in the mid-1800s and lasting until its suspension in 1981 during SEPTA’s transition to an all-electric network. Read more


Davis takes oath for sixth term

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – State Rep. Tina Davis took the oath of office at the state Capitol today to begin her sixth term representing the 141 st Legislative District in Bucks County. The noon swearing-in ceremony marked the beginning of the 2021-22 session of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Davis is also serving her first term as secretary of the House Democratic Caucus. Davis said she will focus on economic development and opportunity, job creation, pay equity, property tax reform, and programs assisting families, seniors and veterans in the new term. She will receive committee assignments later in the month. “I am honored that the residents of the 141 st District have once again chosen me to be their advocate in Harrisburg,” Davis said. “I will use my extensive legislative experience working across the aisle to achieve the bipartisan solutions needed to address the unprecedented crisis posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. My time in the House has taught me that when the legislature comes together to tackle a problem, all Pennsylvanians benefit.” Davis said her office can help with a variety of state-related services, including home heating, children’s health insurance, prescription drug and Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program assistance. Her office phone number is 267-580-2660 . Residents also can learn more about Davis’ legislative priorities and the Read more


Virtual Town Hall: Pennsylvania’s Election Infrastructure and Law
Jan 26, 2021

Warren bill targeting rising flood insurance premiums approved by committee
Jan 26, 2021

Guenst, Sanchez host socially distanced outdoor peace vigil for Holocaust Remembrance Day
Jan 26, 2021

Daley advocates for affordable, reliable child care
Jan 25, 2021

O’Mara appointed to Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency board
Jan 21, 2021

REPLAY: Virtual Town Hall on Vaccination Operations
Jan 19, 2021

Ciresi appointed to Education Committee, highlights goals for term
Jan 14, 2021

Briggs: Judicial gerrymandering bill rammed through committee with no public hearing
Jan 13, 2021

Ciresi named vice chair of Policy Committee
Jan 12, 2021

O’Mara elected chairwoman of powerful Southeast Delegation
Jan 12, 2021

Webster retains three key committee assignments, adds Appropriations
Jan 12, 2021

Nelson announces first House committee assignments
Jan 11, 2021

Guenst announces first term committee appointments
Jan 11, 2021

Howard announces committee appointments for 2021-22 session
Jan 11, 2021

Sanchez announces committee assignments for 2021-22 legislative session
Jan 11, 2021

Williams announces committee assignments for second term
Jan 11, 2021

Warren announces committee appointments for 2021-22 term
Jan 11, 2021

Webster: Call the insurrection what it was: domestic terrorism
Jan 08, 2021

Ciresi highlights completion of PennDOT study on Reading-Philadelphia rail service
Jan 07, 2021

Davis takes oath for sixth term
Jan 05, 2021