Ciresi highlights historic investment in education, cyber charter reform in PA budget

(Jul 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 11 – After his vote to approve the state budget tonight, state Rep. Joe Ciresi highlighted its progress in delivering historic education funding and investing in Pennsylvanians without raising taxes as the reasons for his support. Pennsylvania’s 2024-25 budget includes $1.3 billion in funding for public schools statewide, including reforms to the state’s cyber charter school law to require transparency in advertising and reducing special education overpayments by better aligning tuition to the real cost of educating students. Ciresi had proposed cyber charter reforms in his H.B. 1422, which passed the House with bipartisan support last year. “This budget delivers historic progress for public education, investing more than a billion new dollars in our schools and relieving overburdened property taxpayers,” Ciresi said. “Even though we have more work to do, we’ve also taken an important step for the first time in reforming our broken charter school law by ensuring transparency in cyber charter school advertising, providing relief to school districts paying for mandatory charter school costs, and returning $60 million each year back to the taxpayers. Our successes in delivering more funding for local schools has given them more resources for students and let them rely less on property taxes, and I look forward to seeing that continue with this budget.” Locally, the budget increases funding for Montgomery Read more


PA House passes legislation to stop proliferation of ‘health deserts’ across PA

(Jul 11, 2024)

The state House passed legislation today authored by state Reps. Lisa Borowski and Paul Takac that would protect communities from losing access to vital health care services due to health system consolidations and closures, by providing the state attorney general with tools to shield Pennsylvanians from corporate mergers that would devastate the availability of health services and increase patient costs. Read more


Hanbidge, Cerrato bill safeguarding freedom of speech headed to the governor

(Jul 10, 2024)

"The passage of House Bill 1466 marks a significant victory for free speech and the protection of public participation in Pennsylvania,” Cerrato said. Read more


Ciresi proposal waiving vehicle fees for decorated and injured veterans heading to governor’s desk

(Jul 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 10 – An omnibus transportation bill (HB 2301) including language from a bill introduced by state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, to waive vehicle title and registration fees for veterans who were captured, injured or received the Congressional Medal of Honor while serving has been sent to the governor’s desk. The proposal had been previously introduced by Ciresi as a standalone bill (HB 105), which passed the House unanimously in April. With its inclusion in and the passage of HB 2301, it is now on its way to be signed into law. “When veterans return home, the impact of their traumatic experiences are further compounded by financial hurdles such as relocation, finding new homes, applying for jobs and registering their vehicles,” Ciresi said. “These heroes deserve our compassion and gratitude, and that’s why I introduced this legislation to help relieve some of the pressure by waiving vehicle registration fees. By permanently removing registration fees for veterans who were injured, captured, or received our highest military decoration, we would show our permanent appreciation for their sacrifices and service.” Currently, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, seriously injured veterans, and former POWs pay a $10 vehicle registration processing fee. Under the recently passed legislation, this fee will be removed, and they will no longer be subject to titling fees. For recipients of the Purple Heart, Read more


Ciresi, Marcell bipartisan bill to allow intermediate units to own facilities for instructional use passes the House

(Jul 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 9 – Bipartisan legislation ( H.B. 1526 ) introduced by state Reps. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, and Kristin Marcell, R-Bucks, which would allow Intermediate Units to own facilities for instructional space passed the state House today. IUs are regional educational service agencies created by the legislature in 1970. IUs provide high-quality programs to K-12 public school districts and non-public/private schools. Intermediate units also serve as liaisons between school districts and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Pennsylvania’s 29 intermediate units provide special education, professional development, and technical assistance services to school districts, charter schools and private schools. Every year, more than 175,000 students and 50,000 educators receive services and training from IUs, meeting a variety of needs for students and school districts. Currently, IUs are only permitted to own office space and warehouse facilities, a limitation that prohibits them from owning facilities used for instructional space; a limitation that does not apply to school districts, area career and technical schools, or charter schools. Many IUs operate classrooms and other instructional spaces as providers of important special education, pre-school programs and other educational services. All these instructional facilities must be leased, burdening IUs with rental costs that sometimes greatly exceed what it would cost the IU to purchase and own the Read more


Bipartisan bill strengthening Pennsylvania’s election code passes the House

(Jul 09, 2024)

"Ensuring a standardized and timely certification process for election results is crucial to upholding the integrity of our democracy,” Sanchez said. Read more


Brennan bill to prevent cardiac arrest death in students passes House

(Jul 03, 2024)

“Undiscovered heart conditions that affect the cardiovascular system, as well as sudden blows to the chest – common occurrences in many youth sports – are the most common causes of cardiac arrest in kids, and schools with AEDs and a plan increase the chances of survival to up to 80% from this usually fatal condition,” said Brennan. “Supporting a commonsense, inexpensive remedy to an urgent health issue ought to be an obvious choice, so I’m expecting fast concurrence from the Senate.” Read more


Ciresi bill to outlaw early termination fees for deceased persons signed into law

(Jul 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 2 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi’s bill that protects a deceased person’s family or estate from being charged early termination fees when canceling certain service contracts and vehicle leases was signed into law last Friday as Act 29 of 2024. “Death comes with many burdens for the survivors, but one of them shouldn’t be termination fees,” Ciresi said. “It’s hard enough to lose a family member, but it is just salt in the wound for a grieving relative to have to pay an early termination fee because the customer has died. And it is simply gross that companies profit off a person’s death through these fees. My legislation prohibits cable, phone, telecommunications, utility, and other companies from imposing early termination fees on a recently deceased person’s family for services that would no longer be used.” Act 29 requires that written notice along with a copy of a death certificate be provided to end such leases or contracts without financial penalty. Ciresi has championed the legislation in previous sessions. This session, the bill had 24 co-sponsors, including both Democrats and Republicans. Ciresi said he was grateful to his colleagues for their support of this bill to provide additional protections for consumers. “Act 29 is going to help many, many Pennsylvania families during their time of grief by removing one less hassle as they settle their loved one’s Read more


Bill would ease debt and tax bills for student borrowers

(Jul 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 2 – As Pennsylvania lawmakers work to finalize the state budget and tuition bills are hitting mailboxes for the fall semester, two state lawmakers are looking to provide needed financial relief to student borrowers. State Reps. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware, and Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., have introduced legislation ( H.B. 2476 ) that would exempt tuition reimbursement from the personal income tax, as well as codify that student loan forgiveness is not taxable income. According to the lawmakers, current and former college students in the U.S. have taken out approximately $1.75 trillion in student loans. Pennsylvania borrowers have an average of $39,375 in debt, making the state the third-highest average for student loan debt. The cost of both public and private four-year colleges has tripled since 1980, even when accounting for inflation, contributing to the need for students to take out more loans. “Pennsylvania is a state where borrowers struggle with student loans more than most,” O’Mara said. “It’s even more disheartening when they are handed a tax bill for what relief they do get from their employers in the form of tuition reimbursement. Students are constantly evaluating their career and financial paths to include ways to make college more affordable. When they find an employer who wants to help with those costs in exchange for getting a great employee, they shouldn’t be Read more


Hanbidge and Schemel bill updating state Slayer Statute signed into law

(Jul 02, 2024)

A bill by state Reps. Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, and Paul Schemel, R-Franklin, to protect Pennsylvania seniors from abuse has been signed into law. Read more


Sappey bill to create permanent Office of Child Advocate passes PA House

(Jul 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 1 – State House lawmakers today passed legislation ( H.B. 2175 ) introduced by Rep. Christina Sappey, D Chester, that would create a permanent Office of Child Advocate in Pennsylvania to help combat child abuse and child exploitation. Created through an executive order by Gov. Tom Wolf in 2019 over concerns related to complaints of abuse of children in congregate care facilities, the primary role of the Office of Child Advocate is to prevent child abuse and neglect. “OCA provides our state’s most vulnerable children with a direct line to assistance, serving a critical role in our government to ensure the children of Pennsylvania have a voice,” Sappey said. “Because it was established by executive order, the office ever remains in peril of being dissolved by future administrations. To better protect the children of Pennsylvania, the Office of Child Advocate should be codified as a permanent independent agency, as my bill would do.” According to Sappey, 34 other states have created permanent OCAs. The Joint State Government Commission Advisory Committee on Services to Children and Youth and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force are among groups that have recommended OCA be a permanent office. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Daley bill to foster Ireland-Pennsylvania relations passes Pa. House

(Jun 28, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 28 – The state House today passed a bill that would create a Pennsylvania-Ireland Trade Commission, announced its sponsor, state Rep. Mary Jo Daley. House Bill 2132 , which passed with Republican and Democratic support, would boost Pennsylvania’s economic prospects through fostering international trade and cooperation with Ireland. “Pennsylvania has a rich history of innovation, industriousness and cultural diversity,” said Daley, D-Montgomery. “By establishing a trade commission specifically focused on Ireland, we can tap into the unique opportunities that this partnership presents. Ireland, known for its robust economy and advanced technology sector, offers a gateway for Pennsylvania businesses to expand their reach and increase their competitiveness on the global stage.” Daley said that a Pennsylvania-Ireland Trade Commission could also serve as a bridge, fostering diplomatic relations and ensuring that Pennsylvania remains a key player in international trade discussions. “Strengthening our ties with Ireland would also enhance cultural and educational exchanges, enriching our communities and fostering a greater understanding between our citizenries,” she added. “This can lead to more student exchange programs, joint academic ventures and cultural festivals that celebrate our shared heritage.” Irish companies have nearly 400 locations in Read more


Fleming bill for diabetes awareness passes Pa. House

(Jun 27, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 27 – A bill directing Pennsylvania schools to send home information about Type 1 diabetes and its warning signs passed the state House today. Sponsored by state Rep. Justin Fleming, D-Dauphin, the bill passed 182-20, with bipartisan support. “Empowering individuals with diabetes education is the cornerstone of effective management, and transforming knowledge into action fosters a healthier life,” Fleming said. “This bill is also very personal as my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in June 2020.” Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the pancreas shuts down, failing to provide insulin that the body needs to regulate blood glucose. Those who have Type 1 diabetes are dependent on pharmaceutically manufactured insulin for life. For many, the signs of Type 1 diabetes can go unnoticed for longer periods of time resulting in a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, leading to serious health complications that may even be fatal. Recognizing the signs of diabetes early, along with targeted screening and monitoring, have been shown to reduce the incidence of DKA, reduce rates of hospitalization and, most importantly, save lives. "The most common age range for a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes is between 6-16. It’s critical that we reach parents and guardians with this information to identify this disease and save kids from needless suffering," Read more


Kim applauds bill to establish state Alzheimer’s, dementia office

(Jun 27, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 27 – A bill that would establish a state office to respond to Alzheimer’s, dementia and related disorders passed the House today, announced state Rep. Patty Kim, who co-sponsored the measure. House Bill 2400 would create a permanent Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Office and establish a 28-member advisory committee, both within the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, to coordinate across state agencies, advocate policy and leverage resources to better respond to the unique and complex needs of those living with Alzheimer's and other dementia. “Supporting specialized care can significantly enhance the quality of life for dementia patients, providing them with the necessary medical, psychological, and social support through a public-facing office,” Kim said. “Public health initiatives can promote early diagnosis and intervention, which can slow disease progression and improve outcomes.” By 2025, the number of Pennsylvanians living with Alzheimer’s is expected to increase to 320,000 with the total Medicaid costs to care for them expected to increase by over 10%. “Because patients eventually are unable to care for themselves, Alzheimer’s and dementia are major cost drivers in the state’s Medicaid budget,” Kim said. “Our taking a proactive and public approach to this specialized aging care could help us get ahead of the curve in fighting and Read more


House passes Borowski bill to protect lives of domestic violence survivors

(Jun 27, 2024)

House Bill 1441 would amend the Landlords and Tenants Act to provide for exceptions that give victims of domestic violence or abuse the option to terminate a rental lease early and/or change the locks or means of entry to their housing unit. Read more


House bill would allow Pa. AG to turn down hospital mergers

(Jun 27, 2024)

According to a primary sponsor of the bill, Rep. Lisa Borowski, D-Delaware, 14 out of the past 15 hospital closures in the commonwealth were preceded by a merger or acquisition. Read more


State police protection for small towns 'unsustainable'

(Jun 27, 2024)

Pennsylvania localities are getting rid of small, part-time police departments — requiring Pennsylvania State Police to take on public safety duties without any extra funding. To find a long-term solution, state Rep. Tim Brennan wants a study. Read more


Ciresi bill to outlaw early termination fees for deceased people on its way to governor’s desk

(Jun 26, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 26 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi’s bill that will protect a deceased person’s family or estate from being charged early termination fees when canceling certain service contracts and vehicle leases passed the PA Senate today and is now headed to the governor’s desk. “Death shouldn’t come with fees, and companies shouldn’t be making money off a customer’s death.” Ciresi said. “It’s hard enough to lose a family member, but it is just salt in the wound for a grieving relative to have to pay an early termination fee because the customer has died. My legislation, which will hopefully become law soon, would prohibit cable, phone, telecommunications, utility, and other companies from imposing early termination fees on a recently deceased person’s family for services that would no longer be used.” Once signed into law, bill will require that written notice along with a copy of a death certificate be provided to end such leases or contracts without financial penalty. Ciresi has championed the legislation in previous sessions. This session, the bill had 24 co-sponsors, including both Democrats and Republicans. Ciresi said he was grateful to his colleagues for their support of this bill to provide additional protections for consumers. “This legislation will help Pennsylvania families by removing one less hassle during their time of grief as they try to settle their loved Read more


Nelson bill to expand prison oversight passes Pa. House

(Jun 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 25 – A bill that would further empower counties in criminal justice oversight passed the state House Monday, announced its sponsor, state Rep. Napoleon Nelson. Specifically, H.B. 1509 would remedy a gap in Pennsylvania law by which Montgomery County cannot appoint a county jail oversight board. It is the only county without this option. The bill would also create the option of adding public members to prison oversight boards statewide. “Over 70,000 Pennsylvania residents are incarcerated, nearly half of them in county jails, prisons or correctional facilities,” said Nelson, D-Montgomery. “These residents and their families retain the right to proper jail governance while incarcerated. Well-appointed oversight boards are a critical measure to ensure and protect that right.” Oversight boards can consist of county commissioners along with other designated officers. They exert significant influence over how county prisons operate. “The added transparency and accountability are the keys to effective reform. Including an array of members on a board that are elected officials and members of the public ensures that the board reflects as many concerns and values as possible,” Nelson said. “This can lead to initiatives that support inmate reintegration and reduce recidivism rates. An expanded board can also enhance monitoring and reporting functions, Read more


Kim applauds passage of contraceptive access proposal

(Jun 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 25 – Pennsylvanians could see increased access to contraceptive care under a proposal that passed the state House today. House Bill 1140 , introduced by state Rep. Leanne Krueger, D-Delaware, would require health insurance policies to cover all forms of contraceptive care without any out-of-pocket costs to consumers. “Nine out of 10 women of reproductive age have used some form of contraception at some point in their lives, but many contraceptives are still difficult to access,” House Insurance Committee Chair Patty Kim said. “I’m proud to vote to protect access to contraceptives so that women in Pennsylvania can choose the right time to start a family. “No one right method of contraceptive care is right for everyone, and this bill keeps women in control of their own sexual and reproductive health.” Contraceptives are used to prevent unintended pregnancies and to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, including very serious ones. Despite these benefits, no Pennsylvania law requires health insurers to cover contraceptive care. House Bill 1140 now heads to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Ciresi highlights historic investment in education, cyber charter reform in PA budget
Jul 11, 2024

PA House passes legislation to stop proliferation of ‘health deserts’ across PA
Jul 11, 2024

Hanbidge, Cerrato bill safeguarding freedom of speech headed to the governor
Jul 10, 2024

Ciresi proposal waiving vehicle fees for decorated and injured veterans heading to governor’s desk
Jul 10, 2024

Ciresi, Marcell bipartisan bill to allow intermediate units to own facilities for instructional use passes the House
Jul 09, 2024

Bipartisan bill strengthening Pennsylvania’s election code passes the House
Jul 09, 2024

Brennan bill to prevent cardiac arrest death in students passes House
Jul 03, 2024

Ciresi bill to outlaw early termination fees for deceased persons signed into law
Jul 02, 2024

Bill would ease debt and tax bills for student borrowers
Jul 02, 2024

Hanbidge and Schemel bill updating state Slayer Statute signed into law
Jul 02, 2024

Sappey bill to create permanent Office of Child Advocate passes PA House
Jul 01, 2024

Daley bill to foster Ireland-Pennsylvania relations passes Pa. House
Jun 28, 2024

Fleming bill for diabetes awareness passes Pa. House
Jun 27, 2024

Kim applauds bill to establish state Alzheimer’s, dementia office
Jun 27, 2024

House passes Borowski bill to protect lives of domestic violence survivors
Jun 27, 2024

House bill would allow Pa. AG to turn down hospital mergers
Jun 27, 2024

State police protection for small towns 'unsustainable'
Jun 27, 2024

Ciresi bill to outlaw early termination fees for deceased people on its way to governor’s desk
Jun 26, 2024

Nelson bill to expand prison oversight passes Pa. House
Jun 25, 2024

Kim applauds passage of contraceptive access proposal
Jun 25, 2024