Lawmakers introduce landmark energy bills in Pa. House

(May 08, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 8 – State Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester, and state Rep. Aerion Abney, D-Allegheny, today introduced legislation advancing the Shapiro administration’s Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard (PRESS) and Pennsylvania Climate Emission Reduction (PACER) Program plans for Pennsylvania, respectively. The plans were first announced by Gov. Josh Shapiro in March . A companion PRESS bill was filed in the Senate by state Sen. Steven Santarsiero, D-Bucks, while state Sen. Carolyn Comitta, D-Chester, introduced the Senate version of the PACER legislation. “Right now in our commonwealth, we must take action to catch up in the race to create clean and reliable energy – to be more competitive, ensure consumers pay less for their electricity bills, and create more jobs and opportunities for our businesses to grow and our workers to get ahead,” Shapiro said. “I have made clear that any energy policy supported by my administration must meet the three-part test of protecting and creating energy jobs, taking real action to address climate change pollution, and ensuring reliable, affordable power for consumers in the long term – and my energy plan is built to do all three. Together with the support of leaders like Representative Abney and Representative Otten in the General Assembly, we’re going to ensure Pennsylvania will continue to be a national energy leader for decades to come.” Read more


Pielli’s business reporting bill heads to governor’s desk

(May 08, 2024)

“In order for Pennsylvania to succeed, we need to be more welcoming to businesses,” said Pielli. “For purposes of efficiency and consistency, my bill would change the requirement so all companies doing business in Pennsylvania have the same reporting date. Read more


Kim plan empowers Pennie enrollees with grants for premiums, expenses

(May 06, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 6 – Individuals who buy health insurance through Pennie could receive a new state subsidy to help pay for their insurance premiums under a proposal introduced by state Rep. Patty Kim, chair of the PA House Insurance Committee. Today, that proposal, H.B. 2234, was favorably voted out of that committee and is ready for a full House vote. Pennie provides excellent health care coverage for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians who fall outside of traditional work-related coverage options, Kim said, but many families still struggle to meet their deductibles or pay their premiums. More than two-thirds of uninsured people who applied for, but did not purchase, Pennie coverage said it was too expensive. And many Pennie plans have deductibles over $10,000. However, according to Federal Reserve data, 13% of adults are unable to pay a $400 unexpected expense at any given time – meaning many Pennie customers cannot afford their coverage. “We can lift struggling workers up to manage the rising costs of health care with a program that empowers them to pay their bills,” said Kim, D-Dauphin/Cumberland. “From a public policy perspective, small, targeted programs can deliver a difference in people’s lives.” Kim’s proposal answers Gov. Josh Shapiro’s call to create a pilot program giving Pennsylvanians cash subsidies so they can buy health insurance through Read more


Daley legislation to expand use of Alkaline Hydrolysis in PA passes House

(May 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – A Pennsylvania House bill providing for a human cremation process known as alkaline hydrolysis passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today, said Rep. Mary Jo Daley, sponsor of the legislation. Alkaline hydrolysis, sometimes called water cremation, is a method of cremation that uses an alkaline solution and a pressurized steel chamber to break the body down to an ash component. The combination of the alkaline solution, pressure, and heat creates the ash, similar to flame cremation, which requires high amounts of energy. “As the demand for cremation builds, it’s important to note that heat over 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit is necessary – and that requires a lot of energy consumption in crematoriums,” said Daley, D-Montgomery. “When people think that cremation offers a greener end of life than a burial does, it’s important to keep this perspective in mind.” Water cremation is estimated to use about a quarter of the energy traditional cremations use, according to the Mayo Clinic. "The proposed legislation aims to provide Pennsylvanians with interment choices that are not only kinder but also environmentally sustainable compared to existing options," Daley said. “Complex problems require complex solutions, and it is important to keep up with these advancements in end-of-life care.” “Cremation is typically seen as a more Read more


Williams congratulates area school districts for safety grants

(Apr 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 25 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, today announced that state grants have been awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to several Chester County schools to reduce gun and group violence. “Our children’s lives are our most precious resource, and we must do everything we can to protect them,” Williams said. “These grants, which were funded by our votes in Harrisburg, will help support and protect children’s lives by giving our schools the tools they need to increase school security, provide mental health resources for students, and reduce violence.” Residents can view a full list of awards, including dollar amount and school entities approved for funding, here: ? School Safety Awards . Nonpublic School Awards . Funds will advance the School Safety and Security Committee’s goal of ensuring that all Pennsylvania students can learn in safe, healthy school environments by helping school entities address basic safety needs and mental health services identified in the committee’s recently adopted Revised Baseline Criteria Standards . Read more


Ciresi congratulates area school districts for safety grants

(Apr 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 25 – State Rep. Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that state grants have been awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to reduce gun and group violence in Montgomery County schools. “One of my top concerns as a legislator is that all our kids get a great education and that requires them feeling safe in school so they can focus on learning,” Ciresi said. “These grants, which were funded by our votes in Harrisburg, will give our schools the tools they need to increase school security, provide mental health resources for students, and reduce violence.” View a full list of awards, including dollar amount and school entities approved for funding, here: School Safety Awards . Nonpublic School Awards . Funds will advance the School Safety and Security Committee’s goal of ensuring that all Pennsylvania students can learn in safe, healthy school environments by helping school entities address basic safety needs and mental health services identified in the Committee’s recently adopted Revised Baseline Criteria Standards . Read more


Brennan bill to ease restrictions on municipalities that take ownership of abandoned cemeteries passes House unanimously

(Apr 17, 2024)

“Only private, for-profit companies who sell burial plots to the public should be tasked with registering as a cemetery – not local governments,” Brennan said. “This requirement impedes the work of our already burdened municipalities, who are simply maintaining these burial grounds, not profiting from them. Read more


Lawmakers advocate for awareness, research on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy

(Apr 17, 2024)

Rep. Lisa Borowski called on the House yesterday to pass her legislation that would raise awareness about Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and enhance the accuracy of a SUDEP determination by coroners. Read more


Ciresi bill waiving vehicle registration fees for veterans in PA unanimously passes state House

(Apr 16, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 16 – In recognition of their valiant service to the nation, the PA House today unanimously passed a bill sponsored by state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, which would waive vehicle title and registration fees for veterans who were captured, injured or received the Congressional Medal of Honor while serving. “Following their service, veterans return home impacted by their experiences and face financial hurdles as they begin the transition to civilian life, including relocation, finding new homes, applying for jobs and registering their vehicles,” Ciresi said. “We owe it to these heroes to relieve some of the pressure by waiving vehicle registration fees. By permanently removing registration fees for veterans who were injured, captured, or received our highest military decoration, we would show our permanent appreciation for their sacrifices and service.” Currently, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, seriously injured veterans, and former POWs pay a $10 vehicle registration processing fee. Under H.B. 105, this fee would be removed, and they would no longer be subject to titling fees. For recipients of the Purple Heart, who currently have to pay titling and registration fees in full, they would no longer be subject to paying either. The bill is now on its way to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


Ciresi bill encouraging historical renovation across PA passes state House

(Apr 15, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 15 – A bill by state Rep. Joe Ciresi to create a pilot program to help fund the renovation of historic buildings across Pennsylvania passed the House today. Under H.B. 1573 , a two-year program would be administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development to help communities facing the challenges of updating and repurposing historic buildings, an expensive but worthwhile task in the commonwealth, said Ciresi, D-Montgomery. “Pennsylvania is home to some of the country’s most historical and beautiful communities, but with them come the high costs of renovation of older buildings,” he said. “Many of these buildings lack accessibility and weren’t built to meet modern building codes. With this grant program we will support reinvestment in our downtowns, assist with community revitalization, preserve historic properties and neighborhood character, and create jobs.” Improvements would be evaluated based on their ability to facilitate income-generating use of the property, their contribution to economic and community revitalization, and historic preservation and commercial or recreational opportunities for the public. Specifically, the program would help bring mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire-protection systems up to code through the installation of modern equipment such as sprinklers, efficient HVAC systems, elevators and extra stairs. Additionally, grants could be Read more


Shusterman celebrates passage of H.B. 1853

(Apr 15, 2024)

“We’re always looking to improve the lives of seniors in Pennsylvania,” Shusterman said. “By encouraging communication between the Department of Health and nursing home staff, we hope that the exchange of ideas and information between these two groups will lead to a unified effort to provide the best senior care possible. I want to thank my colleagues for their support of this legislation, including my fellow state Representative Kristin Marcell for her co-sponsorship and effort in delivering this legislation.” Read more


Otten bill to expand early intervention services passes House

(Apr 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 10 – State Rep. Danielle Friel Otten’s bill to provide early intervention services to children born to mothers struggling with postpartum depression passed the Pennsylvania House today. House Bill 1593 would expand services to children from birth through two years with mothers diagnosed with or at high risk for postpartum depression, ensuring that these vulnerable children and their families have access to the support they need. Early intervention services can reduce a family’s sources of stress and encourage healthy relationships among children, families and caregivers. Otten, D-Chester, introduced the legislation with a co-prime sponsor, state Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., who chairs the PA House Children and Youth Committee. “Welcoming a new baby should be a joyous time for a family,” Otten said. “And yet the reality is that a new baby can also mean sleepless days and nights, isolation from friendships, anxiety about stretched finances or missed career opportunities, and physical, hormonal changes that trigger postpartum depression.” “There’s an abundance of research that shows that a child’s development in the earliest years of their life is significantly impacted by the tenor of their earliest formative relationships with their family and loved ones,” Bullock said. “By supporting children and mothers throughout this delicate time and Read more


Shusterman & Davis family law arbitration bill heads to governor’s desk

(Apr 10, 2024)

State Reps. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester, and Tina Davis, D-Bucks, are excited to announce that H.B. 917 passed the state House of Representatives with full bipartisan support and sent it to the governor.The bill has seen unanimous, bipartisan support throughout the legislative process, from the House’s initial consideration of the bill last year, to its consideration in the Senate, and again with today’s unanimous concurrence in the House. Read more


Pielli’s artificial intelligence content disclosure bill passes PA House

(Apr 10, 2024)

“The bill is simple. If it’s AI, it has to say it’s AI,” Pielli said. “People deserve to know if what they’re looking at is real or not when making purchases. This disclosure will be clear and conspicuous in the same medium as the content generated to help consumers make better-informed and more secure purchases. We also hope to curb possible misinformation by malicious authors who knowingly or recklessly generate and spread this content with the goal of fooling the public.” Read more


House clears Sappey bill to ensure Pennsylvanians’ access to telemedicine

(Apr 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 10 – State House lawmakers today passed legislation introduced by Rep. Christina Sappey, D Chester, that would require insurers to cover telemedicine. “The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light just how critical telemedicine is in providing access to a variety of healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. Special needs families were able to receive therapies with consistency and many of us found mental health services available through telemedicine,” Sappey said. "Studies show that four out of five Americans have used telemedicine at some point in their life. Data also indicates that more than half of telemedicine visits are for mental health conditions—proving how vital telemedicine is in promoting mental health. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is one of a handful of states that do not require health insurers to cover telemedicine. This leaves Pennsylvanians at serious risk of not receiving care at all, and that’s unacceptable.” Under Sappey’s bill ( H.B. 1512 ) , a health insurer may not refuse to pay or reimburse a participating health care provider or a covered person for a medically necessary and appropriate covered healthcare service provided through telemedicine. Telemedicine does not include care provided solely through voicemail, email or instant messaging. “I am grateful to my House colleagues for voting to Read more


Bills to limit water and sewer system privatization move from committee to full Pa. House

(Apr 10, 2024)

A 2016 law changed how municipal utilities were valued in an effort to encourage the privatization of struggling municipal systems. But the majority of acquisitions since then have been well-maintained water and sewer systems, and residents in those systems have been hit with exorbitant rate hikes. Read more


Legislators and Education Leaders Gather to Call for Cyber Charter Reform

(Apr 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 9 - On Monday, legislators and education leaders gathered in the Capitol’s Media Center to call for common sense cyber charter reform.?? In 2002, Pennsylvania’s Charter School Law, originally enacted in 1997, was amended to authorize the creation of cyber charter schools as an alternative to traditional public schools and brick-and-mortar charter schools. Since that time, no substantial updates have been made to address the significant issues that school districts and taxpayers face due to flaws in the law. Cyber charter schools are currently funded with the same formula used for brick-and-mortar charter schools, which creates inconsistencies and overpayments to cyber charter schools. This formula uses a school district’s expenses, not what the cyber charter school needs to provide its educational program, in determining what school districts will be required to pay for each one of its students who chooses to attend a cyber charter. The result is that each of the 500 school districts in Pennsylvania pay a different inflated tuition rate to cyber charter schools, despite cyber charters providing all of their students with the same education and not having the same level of expenditures as brick-and-mortar schools. At the press conference, Representative Joe Ciresi expressed why this reform is necessary, “The point of cyber charter reform is simple: making sure everyone plays by the same rules. Taxpayers expect and Read more


Williams announces nearly $1 million in funding to build EV station in Coatesville

(Apr 05, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 5 – State Rep. Dan Williams today announced that CarCharge LLC was awarded $969,304 to build a charging station at the Marriott in Coatesville (US-30, Exit 293) through the Round 1A of the federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure funding. “This funding will help create an electric vehicle infrastructure in our region where it is most needed, especially along Route 30,” Williams said. “This charging station will be good for business as electric vehicles grow in popularity, good for drivers in terms of the location’s convenience and good for the environment as the station will have a solar carport over it that will generate electricity for charging vehicles.” The NEVI funds support the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of charging sites. The PA NEVI program is a reimbursement program and recipients are required to provide a minimum 20% match. Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to prevent gift card scams

(Apr 04, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 4 – As an advocate for customer protections in Pennsylvania, state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery), announced today he has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) that would help people avoid falling victim to gift card scams. According to Ciresi, gift cards have become an increasingly widespread way for scammers to defraud Pennsylvanians. Gift cards are easy to purchase, almost impossible to track and allow fraudsters to quickly move money on them, making them a popular payment method demanded by scammers. Sometimes fraudsters claim to be associated with government agencies, legitimate businesses, or even victims’ families, creating a sense of urgency to get their victims to buy gift cards as payment. Reports of gift card fraud to the Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker increased by 50% in 2023. “Last year, the Federal Trade Commission reported that victims lost $217 million due to gift card fraud last year,” Ciresi said. “In response to constituents telling me heartbreaking stories of being defrauded of thousands of dollars as a result of these scams, I’ve introduced my bill to help protect Pennsylvania’s consumers from gift card fraud.” Ciresi’s legislation would require retailers selling gift cards to post clear signage warning consumers about gift card scams where gift cards are displayed and at the point of sale. Retailers would also be required to train their employees on how to Read more


Williams announces $1.6 million in funding for multimodal projects in Coatesville, Atglen Borough and West Sadsbury Township

(Mar 28, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Mar. 28 – State Rep. Dan Williams today announced nearly $1.66 million in state funding for the city of Coatesville, Atglen Borough and West Sadsbury Township through the state’s Multimodal Transportation Fund, administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. “Building and maintaining a strong transportation system is key to our future economic growth and improving the quality of life in our district,” Williams said. “I am very pleased that $1.6 million in state funding has been awarded to projects which will improve safety and contribute to the redevelopment of Lincoln Highway in Coatesville and begin work on the western end of the Chester Valley Trail.” The Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure the commonwealth has a safe and reliable system of transportation. Funds may be used to develop, rehabilitate, and enhance transportation assets to existing communities, including streetscape, lighting, and sidewalk enhancement; implement pedestrian safety projects; improve the connectivity of transportation assets; and foster transit-oriented development. The following amounts have been awarded to assist in the completion of the following projects in the 74th District: $751,730 to complete Phase III construction of streetscape improvements on Lincoln Highway in the city of Coatesville. $907,000 to construct a connecting Read more


Lawmakers introduce landmark energy bills in Pa. House
May 08, 2024

Pielli’s business reporting bill heads to governor’s desk
May 08, 2024

Kim plan empowers Pennie enrollees with grants for premiums, expenses
May 06, 2024

Daley legislation to expand use of Alkaline Hydrolysis in PA passes House
May 01, 2024

Williams congratulates area school districts for safety grants
Apr 25, 2024

Ciresi congratulates area school districts for safety grants
Apr 25, 2024

Brennan bill to ease restrictions on municipalities that take ownership of abandoned cemeteries passes House unanimously
Apr 17, 2024

Lawmakers advocate for awareness, research on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
Apr 17, 2024

Ciresi bill waiving vehicle registration fees for veterans in PA unanimously passes state House
Apr 16, 2024

Ciresi bill encouraging historical renovation across PA passes state House
Apr 15, 2024

Shusterman celebrates passage of H.B. 1853
Apr 15, 2024

Otten bill to expand early intervention services passes House
Apr 10, 2024

Shusterman & Davis family law arbitration bill heads to governor’s desk
Apr 10, 2024

Pielli’s artificial intelligence content disclosure bill passes PA House
Apr 10, 2024

House clears Sappey bill to ensure Pennsylvanians’ access to telemedicine
Apr 10, 2024

Bills to limit water and sewer system privatization move from committee to full Pa. House
Apr 10, 2024

Legislators and Education Leaders Gather to Call for Cyber Charter Reform
Apr 09, 2024

Williams announces nearly $1 million in funding to build EV station in Coatesville
Apr 05, 2024

Ciresi introduces legislation to prevent gift card scams
Apr 04, 2024

Williams announces $1.6 million in funding for multimodal projects in Coatesville, Atglen Borough and West Sadsbury Township
Mar 28, 2024