Students, advocates, and elected officials rally for dedicated afterschool program funding

(Jun 05, 2024)

HARRISBURG, JUNE 5 -- A coalition of elected officials, students and advocates rallied in the state Capitol today to support a dedicated funding source for after-school programs across Pennsylvania. Led by Sunrise of Philadelphia , a community-based after-school program and family resource provider, advocates spoke about the need for safe environments for students after traditional school hours. After-school programs — sometimes called out-of-school, or OST, programs — are defined as programs that provide learning opportunities, workforce development, or mentoring relationships following the school day. Many of these programs focus on STEM, art, or other areas that may be overshadowed during school hours. They give students space to receive mentorship, develop socially, and learn career and leadership skills to prepare them for the work force. “My daughter went to the after-school program at Shine, and some of my colleagues had their children go through the Shine after-school program. It’s in every community, no matter urban district or rural district, poor district or wealthy district,” said state Rep. Doyle Heffley, R-Carbon , co-chair of the House Afterschool Caucus. “Each student needs that opportunity to learn after school.” Attendees called for dedicated, recurring funding in the state budget for after-school programs. In his budget address earlier this year, Read more


Guest commentary: Solar energy at schools like mine could be the key to a brighter future

(May 28, 2024)

Op-Ed discussing Rep. Fiedler's solar for schools legislation Read more


House Health Committee approves postpartum depression bill

(May 21, 2024)

Harrisburg, May 21 —On Tuesday the House Health Committee voted to advance HB2127, the Postpartum Depression Screening and Care Act (HB 2127), introduced by Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler (D-Phila.), Gina Curry (D-Delaware), and Lisa Borowski (D-Delaware). The bill would create a public awareness push by requiring clinicians to provide expectant and new mothers with information about perinatal or postpartum depression, mood, and anxiety disorders. It would also require patients receive regular screenings for symptoms until their baby is one year old. “Our society expects new parents to be filled solely with happiness, joy, and updates about the baby’s weight and sleep,” Fiedler said. “There is little time—or desire—for talk of depression. The good news is that with greater awareness and diagnoses, there is hope for these new moms, and their babies.” “The health of the mother is directly tied to the wellbeing of the family. As a young mother I can remember feeling overwhelmed and sometimes hopeless. We need to help women put a name on these feelings, know it is normal, and connect them with the best options for support. Postpartum depression can affect even the most seasoned mother,” Borowski said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on this legislation to help families thrive.” Postpartum depression is distinct from what some call “baby blues,” Read more


West Greene School District explores going solar with state Sen. Camera Bartolotta, state Reps. Bud Cook, Elizabeth Fiedler

(May 09, 2024)

WAYNESBURG, May 9 – Last Friday, state Sen. Camera Bartolotta, R-Beaver/Greene/Washington, and state Reps. Bud Cook, R-Washington/Greene, and Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., visited West Greene School District to discuss the possibility of building a solar array on West Greene’s campus. The legislators met with school officials, labor leaders and technical experts from the PA Solar Center to discuss locations, financing and workforce development options. Officials at West Greene School District are interested in installing a solar array to reduce high, market-rate electricity costs. The federal Inflation Reduction Act would fund 30% to 50% of any renewable energy project, and Fiedler’s Solar for Schools legislation (H.B. 1032) would fund up to 50% of solar projects for PA public schools. House Bill 1032 passed the state house in June of 2023 and is awaiting consideration in the state Senate. “The cost of energy is huge. If we can alleviate that by using Solar for Schools and providing that wonderful resource with some federal funding, I think that is a win-win-win for all of us,” Bartolotta said. “I commend West Greene School District officials for exploring solar as an option that may help save taxpayer dollars,” Cook said. “Now is the time to think outside the box when it comes to dealing with rising energy costs.” Labor leaders expressed support for exploring a solar project Read more


Fiedler Works to Improve Public School Conditions, Funding

(May 01, 2024)

PA state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler stands with House and Senate Democrats and Make the Road PA to call on her Republican counterparts to fix the state’s broken, outdated public school funding system. Read more


Fiedler, Green join legislators, coalition of community and labor organizations to oppose private school vouchers

(Apr 29, 2024)

PHILADELPHIA, April 29 -- On Friday, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler and Roni Green, both D-Phila., attended a news conference at City Hall to voice their support for investing in public education and rejecting voucher schemes in the 2024 state budget. Organized labor, education advocates, and community organizations were in attendance to support fully funding Pennsylvania’s public schools. The event followed the bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission’s recommendations to address Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional K-12 school funding system, recommendations that included $300 million for facilities upgrades last year. Private school vouchers divert tax dollars that could be used to repair school buildings, instead affording them to the elite (more than half the time to families making over $200,000 ) to support institutions that openly discriminate against students, the legislators said. “Every tax dollar given to voucher programs is another tax dollar diverted from our neighborhood public schools,” said Fiedler. “At a time when so many of our schools are struggling to stay open due to toxins and overdue repairs, our priority must be fully funding public schools and their buildings. As Democrats, we cannot allow vouchers to have a place in our state budget.” "We can't afford entitlement programs. We must first fix what's broken," said Green. Read more


Philadelphia City Council passes Gilmore Richardson, Gauthier resolution urging state legislature to pass Fiedler’s Solar for Schools bill

(Apr 18, 2024)

PHILADELPHIA, April 18 – On Thursday, Philadelphia City Council unanimously approved a resolution urging the state legislature to pass Solar for Schools , a bill introduced by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila. Solar for Schools would create a grant program using a combination of state money and federal Inflation Reduction Act funds to help Pennsylvania public schools install solar panels. The bill is touted by education, labor, environmental, and faith-based organizations thanks to its potential to save schools money on high energy costs, create union jobs, and boost Pennsylvania’s production of renewable energy. “I was thrilled to introduce a resolution in City Council calling on the Pennsylvania General Assembly to adopt state Representative Elizabeth Fielder’s Solar for Schools Act,” said Council Majority Leader Katherine Gilmore Richardson, At-Large. “Not only is this legislation a win for the education and environmental communities, but it would be a victory for skilled labor as well. We have a unique opportunity to provide Pennsylvanians, especially our young people, with a pathway to a family sustaining and supporting career opportunity. I am hopeful that the Pennsylvania Senate will pass this legislation and help us achieve these goals and much more.” Councilmember Jamie Gauthier (3rd District), chair of City Council's Committee on the Environment, said: "Today, City Read more


Fiedler tours Carlisle Area School District solar array with labor and environmental leaders

(Apr 17, 2024)

CARLISLE, April 11 – On Thursday, state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila. toured a solar array at Carlisle Area School District with labor and environmental leaders. The visitors met with school officials and discussed the benefits of their solar project and Fiedler’s Solar for Schools legislation . Bellaire Elementary School in Carlisle Area School District is run 100% on solar energy. District-wide, energy bills have been cut 14% thanks to its solar array. Superintendent Colleen Friend said that the economic benefits to the district have been “incredible,” and she’s looking forward to sharing the benefits of the solar array, from energy costs and educational opportunities, with more schools. Friend even described a “Shark Tank”-style student project, in which eighth grade students pitched school administrators on ways to make their school buildings more energy efficient. “Carlisle has always looked toward the future. Since our adoption of solar energy more than 10 years ago, we’ve been able to save on energy costs and bring educational opportunities to our students,” said Friend. “Now, we want to share what we’ve learned about the technology, savings, and maintenance to help other Pennsylvania schools explore renewable energy. Solar for Schools will make it easier for the next generation of districts to adopt solar in a way that works for their schools’ unique needs and Read more


Labor and environmental leaders join House Democrats in announcing joint Blue-Green legislative agenda

(Apr 17, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 17 – On Tuesday, Labor and environmental advocates from across Pennsylvania joined members of the state House of Representatives’ Blue-Green Caucus to announce a joint legislative agenda to combat climate change while creating good-paying union jobs. The 11-bill package would boost clean energy production, advance key conservation goals, and create union jobs in growing clean-energy fields like weatherization and the solar energy industry. Bills in the package would also lower energy costs for consumers, increase funding for public transit, and protect Pennsylvania families and union workers from attempts to privatize water and wastewater systems. The 55 member Blue-Green Caucus, led by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., have been convening labor and environmental leaders to break down imposed barriers that often polarize the groups and instead tapping into their shared belief that strong environmental policies must go hand-in-hand with labor protections. “Everyone, from electricians to clean-air advocates, wants the same thing: a better future for their kids,” said Fiedler. “It’s time to challenge the narrative that labor and environmental interests are at odds. This package of nearly a dozen bills proves we can unite around a vision for a blue-green future.” “Pennsylvanians don’t have to choose between good jobs and protecting the environment,” Read more


Fiedler applauds state funding for local transportation project

(Mar 26, 2024)

HARRISBURG, March 26 – Today, state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., announced that state funding worth $300,000 was awarded to Wharton Piers JCE LLC to construct roads and sidewalks for new development at Wharton Piers. Fiedler, who represents Pennsylvania’s 184th Legislative District in south Philadelphia, emphasized the importance of this project to the community. “Safe roads and sidewalks promote connection between neighbors and access to new areas,” Fiedler said. “I’m glad to see state funding awarded to support transportation, including walking, in south Philly. I look forward to seeing the finished product.” This funding comes from the Multimodal Transportation Fund from the Commonwealth Financing Authority. The MTF provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth. Read more


House Democrats Introduce Eviction Record Sealing Legislation

(Mar 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, March 25 – State Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, and Elizabeth Fiedler, Rick Krajewski and Majority Appropriations Committee Chairman Jordan Harris, all D-Phila., today introduced H.B. 1769 that would seal some records in certain cases such as no-fault evictions. “Millions of renters across the commonwealth are struggling to find housing because one mistake or emergency had led to an eviction on their records,” Smith-Wade-El said. “After these no-fault evictions, households often struggle -- sometimes for months -- to find housing, which can result in devastating consequences, including the breakup of families, the loss of employment, and even ending up homeless. This legislation would help give Pennsylvania renters a fair chance at finding housing by establishing procedures for limited access to eviction records. Our Fair Housing Access legislation is a commonsense step that would make it easier for working-class Pennsylvanians to access housing.” According to the legislators, as soon as an eviction is filed, it becomes a permanent mark on someone’s background, making harder to find housing. The record remains even if the case was withdrawn, the tenant endured domestic violence, or the court found in favor of the tenant. Smith-Wade-El said that evictions disrupt workforce development for large swaths of communities and strain existing social support systems throughout the state. These records can put vulnerable Read more


Fiedler introduces Perinatal and Postpartum Screening Act

(Mar 25, 2024)

The bill is cosponsored by Rep. Gina Curry and Rep. Lisa Borowski and is part of a “Momnibus” legislative package introduced by the PA Black Maternal Health Caucus. Other bills in the package propose expanding Medicaid coverage for doula services, requiring private insurance coverage of blood pressure cuffs for new parents, distributing “welcome baby kits” to some new mothers and more. Read more


PBMHC co-chairs introduce Pennsylvania’s Momnibus legislative package

(Mar 19, 2024)

The co-chairs, as well as Reps. Lisa Borowski, D-Delaware, Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Mandy Steele, D-Allegheny, modeled Pennsylvania’s Momnibus legislation after federal bills introduced by U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Illinois, and U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey. Read more


Solar for Schools Benefits Taxpayers AND Schools

(Mar 15, 2024)

PA state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler and labor leaders toured Central Cambria School District in Cambria County and spoke to students and staff about the benefits of her Solar for Schools legislation. Students shared excitement about taking climate action and using solar panels to create new educational opportunities at their school. Read more


Central Cambria tour focuses on solar possibilities

(Mar 14, 2024)

Rep. Fiedler tours Central Cambria High School to discuss her Solar for Schools legislation. Read more


State Rep. promotes solar projects through school visit

(Mar 14, 2024)

Rep. Fiedler Tours Central Cambria High School, touting her Solar for Schools legislation Read more


Central Cambria School District discusses ‘going solar’ during tour with Fiedler, labor leaders

(Mar 14, 2024)

EBENSBURG, March 14 – Yesterday, state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and labor leaders toured Central Cambria School District and spoke about potentially installing solar panels. Owning a solar array could save the district money on dramatically rising energy costs. Fiedler introduced state Solar for Schools legislation in May to help districts fund the construction and maintenance of solar panels. Visitors heard from district officials about their financial challenges and how solar projects have cost similar school districts hundreds of thousands of dollars. Dr. Jason Moore, superintendent of the Central Cambria School District, said owning a solar array would benefit the district financially, allowing them to eschew volatile market-price energy in favor of cheap renewables. “The work our teachers and staff do each day to support kids and families is only possible with adequate funding,” Moore said. “But in the last school year, our electric bills alone totaled over $540K, an amount that equates to roughly seven teachers’ salaries and benefits. I’d love to know our school can generate its own electricity and not have to worry about that number each month. With the help of Solar for Schools, we could!” Also on the tour were labor leaders, school board members and faith groups, including: Sarah Hammond, legislative director of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Alexander Tomasko, Read more


Philly Dems say boost for SEPTA just one of highlights for city in Shapiro’s budget proposal

(Feb 08, 2024)

State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (D-Philadelphia) called Shapiro’s education budget a “truly bold proposal.” It includes more than $1 billion in new funding for K-12 public schools and another $1.5 billion over the next five years for repairs to schools. Read more


Fiedler celebrates education funding in state budget proposal

(Feb 07, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 6 – Gov. Josh Shapiro today delivered his 2024-2025 state budget address to the state legislature. State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., lauded proposed investments in education, including $1.1 billion in basic education funding and $300 million in school facilities updates to address asbestos, lead, and mold in school buildings. “This proposal is a big step in the right direction. As a working parent and as a lawmaker, I know how much underfunded schools can negatively impact students and school workers," said Fiedler. The announcement follows the bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission’s recommendations to address Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional K-12 school funding system, which recommended $300 million for facilities upgrades last month. “Governor Shapiro’s proposed investment in education is a direct response to the tireless advocacy of students, parents, educators, unions, and lawmakers,” said Fiedler. “It’s a fraction of what we need to address our unconstitutional school funding crisis, but it’s a good starting point and a sound investment in the future of our city and state.” Discoveries of asbestos and other toxins have led to school closures across the Commonwealth, including seven Philadelphia schools in 2023 alone. In the same year, 100 schools statewide closed due to excessive heat. Read more


State lawmakers roll out legislation to facilitate safe abortion access

(Jan 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 22 – Today, on the 51st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Roe v. Wade , state Rep. Tarik Khan, D-Philadelphia, hosted a news conference at the state Capitol announcing the introduction of legislation regarding abortion rights. Rep. Khan was joined by fellow legislators and abortion-rights advocates. The legislation aims to remove unnecessary obstacles to safe abortion access by eliminating the requirement that abortion facilities meet the same regulations as ambulatory surgical centers. It would also remove the excessive mandate that abortion providers maintain admitting privileges or have transfer agreements at hospitals, which only blocks access to care. The legislators who have also prime-sponsored Khan’s bill are state Reps. La'Tasha D. Mayes, D-Allegheny; Mary Jo Daley, D-Montgomery; Mary Issacson, D-Phila.; Gina H. Curry, D-Delaware; Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester; Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester; Tara Probst, D-Monroe/Pike; Heather Boyd, D-Delaware; Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery; Leanne Krueger, D-Delaware; and Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Philadelphia. "As a nurse, I know that restrictive abortion laws do not lower abortion rates — they just make them less safe," Khan said. "We must remove any unnecessary requirements from facilities that provide this care. Our bill increases access to safe abortion by increasing people's access to safe abortion Read more


Students, advocates, and elected officials rally for dedicated afterschool program funding
Jun 05, 2024

Guest commentary: Solar energy at schools like mine could be the key to a brighter future
May 28, 2024

House Health Committee approves postpartum depression bill
May 21, 2024

West Greene School District explores going solar with state Sen. Camera Bartolotta, state Reps. Bud Cook, Elizabeth Fiedler
May 09, 2024

Fiedler Works to Improve Public School Conditions, Funding
May 01, 2024

Fiedler, Green join legislators, coalition of community and labor organizations to oppose private school vouchers
Apr 29, 2024

Philadelphia City Council passes Gilmore Richardson, Gauthier resolution urging state legislature to pass Fiedler’s Solar for Schools bill
Apr 18, 2024

Fiedler tours Carlisle Area School District solar array with labor and environmental leaders
Apr 17, 2024

Labor and environmental leaders join House Democrats in announcing joint Blue-Green legislative agenda
Apr 17, 2024

Fiedler applauds state funding for local transportation project
Mar 26, 2024

House Democrats Introduce Eviction Record Sealing Legislation
Mar 25, 2024

Fiedler introduces Perinatal and Postpartum Screening Act
Mar 25, 2024

PBMHC co-chairs introduce Pennsylvania’s Momnibus legislative package
Mar 19, 2024

Solar for Schools Benefits Taxpayers AND Schools
Mar 15, 2024

Central Cambria tour focuses on solar possibilities
Mar 14, 2024

State Rep. promotes solar projects through school visit
Mar 14, 2024

Central Cambria School District discusses ‘going solar’ during tour with Fiedler, labor leaders
Mar 14, 2024

Philly Dems say boost for SEPTA just one of highlights for city in Shapiro’s budget proposal
Feb 08, 2024

Fiedler celebrates education funding in state budget proposal
Feb 07, 2024

State lawmakers roll out legislation to facilitate safe abortion access
Jan 22, 2024