Fiedler, PA Building Trades, AFT, Evangelical Enviro Network, call on lawmakers to vote for Solar for Schools legislation

(Jun 05, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 5 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., today called on lawmakers to pass Solar for Schools legislation (H.B.1032). Fiedler was joined on the steps of the state Capitol by a diverse coalition including Mike Ford, secretary-treasurer of the PA Building & Construction Trades Council; Arthur Steinberg, president of PA American Federation of Teachers; Carolyn Heckman, PA policy and outreach coordinator for the Evangelical Environmental Network; Katie Blume, political and legislative director of Conservation Voters of PA; Tony Seiwell, business manager for LIUNA Eastern Region; and Bishop Dwayne Royster, executive director of POWER Interfaith. Fiedler’s bill passed was approved in committee with a unanimous bipartisan vote in late May. Fiedler said she anticipates a House floor vote on the bill before the end of June. “I’m excited that Solar is passing through the House. This legislation is truly blue-green, bringing new jobs to our Commonwealth while protecting and preserving our environment,” Fiedler said. She said the diverse coalition of supporters demonstrates the broad appeal of Solar for Schools. “Solar leverages state and federal dollars to support the creation of solar arrays at public schools across the Commonwealth. It will save school districts and taxpayers money, create new learning opportunities and invest in statewide clean Read more


Fiedler: Solar for Schools Creates Jobs, Fixes Schools

(Jun 05, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler brings legislators and stakeholders together on the steps of the state Capitol to tout the benefits of her Solar for Schools legislation. Fiedler’s Solar for Schools bill would help public schools across the Commonwealth take full advantage of available federal and state grants to install solar panels on the roofs and grounds of their school buildings. Some Pa. school districts are already seeing big returns on investments in solar energy and Solar for Schools would put that same green energy within reach for many more. Read more


PA lawmakers form Progressive Caucus

(May 23, 2023)

Focusing on prioritizing people over profit, fighting social inequality Read more


House committee unanimously approves Solar for Schools legislation

(May 23, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 23 – The House Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities Committee voted unanimously today in support of House Bill1032, state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler’s Solar for Schools legislation. Solar for Schools would provide grants to install solar to public k-12 schools, community colleges, and career technical schools across Pennsylvania. The program would fund 50% of the cost of project construction. Federal funds from the Inflation Reduction Act would cover 30- 50% of the remaining installation costs, with school districts responsible for the remaining 0- 20%, plus costs associated with operation and maintenance. The vote comes on the heels of Fiedler’s tour of solar arrays at various schools across Pennsylvania. "I've been able to see firsthand the value that solar arrays bring by reducing costs for school districts and taxpayers, limiting our carbon footprint, and creating new jobs,” Fiedler, D-Phila., said. “I am thrilled Solar for Schools passed the committee. This legislation merges labor and environmental priorities to improve our environment and bring new jobs to our commonwealth.” Committee Chair Robert Matzie, D-Beaver, commended the legislation after voting in favor of the bill. “Solar for Schools is a solid bill that will help school districts and taxpayers save money,” Matzie said. “As chairman of the committee, I was happy Read more


Fiedler co-hosts rally for after school programs

(May 04, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 4 – On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network held an advocacy day at the state Capitol. State Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Doyle Heffley, R-Carbon, co-chairs of the PA House Afterschool Caucus, joined them on the Capitol steps to rally for afterschool programs in Pennsylvania. Speakers at the rally included: Contrell Armor, PSAYDN director. Lt. Gov. Austin Davis. State Sen. Lynda Schlegel-Culver, R-Columbia/Luzerne/Montour/Northumberland/Snyder. State Sen. Mike Regan, R-Cumberland/York. Youth Keynote, Neha Shukla, Flight Crew Million Girls Moonshot. Youth Speaker, Enjalai Baillie, Harrisburg High School, Sci-Tech and PFEW. Youth Speaker, Aliyah Webster, chief science officer, Minersville Area Jr./Sr. High School. Youth Speaker, Sean Jackson, Braddock Hills High School, Pittsburgh. Youth Co-Speakers, Aaron Pravs & Nasir Harrison, South Philadelphia High School. Provider Speaker; Amy Burrows, assistant director of Propel Afterschool Programs, 2022 PSAYDN Afterschool Champion for Outstanding Quality. State Rep. Michael Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. Fiedler stressed the importance of afterschool programs to mentor young people and prevent violence. “At a time when violence has been increasing, we need to invest in high quality out-of-school-time programs that provide kids with safe Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – Today, H.B. 950 , introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would enshrine Pennsylvania workers’ right to organize in the state constitution passed the Pennsylvania House and now heads to the PA Senate for consideration. Currently, the Pennsylvania Constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 by the House is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers and expressed gratitude to her House colleagues who voted for the bill. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth. Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation,” Fiedler said. “I am grateful to all my colleagues in the House who voted for the bill, and I now call on the Senate to show their support for Pennsylvania’s workers and move this amendment forward.” Pisciottano said it’s important everything possible be done to protect and support workers’ right to organize. Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee

(May 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – Legislation ( H.B. 950 ) introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would give Pennsylvania workers the right to organize, was reported out of the House Labor and Industry Committee today. Currently, the Pennsylvania constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that may interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth,” Fiedler said. “Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation. The Workers’ Rights Amendment will support workers in using their numbers to secure better pay, hours and working conditions.” Fiedler and Pisciottano believe that workplace organizing should be a right, but anti-union employers routinely threaten and scare workers in anti-union workplace seminars, bombard workers with anti-union literature, and bring in consultants that use surveillance technology to sniff out the organizers and fire them. Under the Read more


Fiedler Touts Benefits of #Solar4Schools

(Apr 27, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler joined renewable energy advocates, legislators, and school administrators outside Steelton-Highspire High School to highlight the school district’s solar energy project. Steelton-Highspire is an underfunded school district that is using energy saving from solar technology to offset their lack of funding. Fiedler’s Solar for Schools legislation would issue grants to K-12 schools and community colleges so that they too could install solar arrays and save on energy costs. Read more


Fiedler Touts Benefits of #Solar4Schools

(Apr 27, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler joined renewable energy advocates, legislators, and school administrators outside Steelton-Highspire High School to highlight the school district’s solar energy project. Steelton-Highspire is an underfunded school district that is using energy saving from solar technology to offset their lack of funding. Fiedler’s Solar for Schools legislation would issue grants to K-12 schools and community colleges so that they too could install solar arrays and save on energy costs. Read more


Fiedler, Hanbidge ‘Patient Consent for Pelvic Exams’ bill passes House

(Apr 26, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 26 – Today, House Bill 507 introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, passed the Pennsylvania House unanimously. The legislation would require medical providers to receive explicit consent from a patient before performing an invasive pelvic or rectal exam on an unconscious patient for medical training purposes. Right now in Pennsylvania, medical students can legally perform a pelvic or rectal exam on a patient who is under anesthesia for an unrelated procedure. The invasive exam is done solely for medical students’ training purposes and not to ensure the health of the patient. The patient often is entirely unaware of what is being done to her/his body while are under anesthesia. Fiedler first learned about the practice from a constituent who was disturbed to learn that when she was a patient, a pelvic exam might have been conducted on her. Fiedler shared how her constituent’s experience inspired her to learn more about this practice and ultimately introduce this bill. She also expressed her joy to see this bill pass the House and called on the Senate to get it to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk. “The more I researched the situation, the more horrified I was,” Fiedler said. “Making sure we have highly trained medical professionals is incredibly important, and at the same time, patients should be asked for their consent ahead of time. This Read more


Fiedler, Madsen, Harris join Steelton-Highspire High School solar tour

(Apr 25, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 25 – Today, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila.; Dave Madsen, D-Dauphin; and House Democratic Appropriations Chair Jordan Harris, D-Phila.; joined a tour of the solar panel array at Steelton-Highspire High School. The tour was hosted by Generation 180, a nonprofit organization working to inspire and equip people to adopt clean energy. Last year, Steelton-Highspire School District unveiled a solar panel field to power the district’s schools and buildings. Fiedler recently introduced ‘Solar for Schools’ legislation that would create a grant program to fund solar energy projects at school districts, intermediate units, community colleges, and career and technical schools. She said she was pleased to see Steelton-Highspire’s new solar panel field. “Today, we got to see how much positive change solar panel arrays can bring to schools like Steelton-Highspire,” Fiedler said. “If we pass Solar for Schools legislation, we can save schools thousands each year in energy costs, bring federal money for green energy projects back to Pennsylvania, generate good-paying jobs for skilled workers, reduce pollution, create opportunities for hands-on education, and inspire a new generation of leaders.” Madsen, whose legislative district includes Steelton-Highspire School District, praised the school’s leadership. “I am proud of Read more


Fiedler visits Middleburg Elementary School, touts ‘Solar for Schools’ legislation

(Apr 21, 2023)

MIDDLEBURG, April 21 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., on Wednesday visited Middleburg Elementary School, where she toured the school’s solar panel array; met with school officials, teachers, and students; and advocated for her Solar for Schools legislation . Fiedler unveiled her bill (H.B. 137) at a news conference in March. If signed into law, the Solar for Schools program would issue grants to K-12 schools and community colleges for the purchase and installation of solar equipment, permit fees, energy storage, utility interconnection, and other costs approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development, which would manage the grant program. Paired with funds from the federal Inflation Reduction Act, schools could defray at least 80% of the cost of supplies and installation. Fiedler was joined by state Sen. Lynda Schlegel Culver, R- Columbia/Luzerne/Montour/Northumberland/Snyder; state Rep. David H. Rowe, R-Union/Juniata/Mifflin/Snyder; Michael Ford, secretary-treasurer of the PA Building and Construction Trades Council; Katie Blume, political and legislative director of Conservation Voters for PA; and Midd-West School District Superintendent Joe Stroup. On the tour, Fiedler visited with elementary students who participated in last spring’s “Sun Day,” an event where Middleburg focused educational programming on the topic of solar energy. Students learned about energy transfer and Read more


Workforce Development, Infrastructure, and Housing Funding Opportunities

(Apr 13, 2023)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: DEI in the Building and Construction Trades Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Organizations that serve as sponsors or intermediaries of Registered Apprenticeship and/or Pre-Apprenticeship in the building and construction trades. Use : To develop diverse talent pipelines and reach underrepresented populations within the building and construction trades. Funds : $1 million in total program funding. Application Deadline : April 26, 2023 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT): Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Program (Funding Source: State, Federal, & Private Funding) Who May Apply : Private companies. Use : To develop innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : April 30, 2023 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Youth Reentry Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Read more


Pa. House committee advances bill requiring informed consent for certain medical exams

(Mar 30, 2023)

The House Health Committee on Wednesday voted 20-1 to advance a bill requiring explicit verbal and written consent from a patient to receive a pelvic, rectal, or prostate exam performed by medical students while they’re under anesthesia or while they’re unconscious, still allowing exceptions for emergencies and exams deemed “within the scope of care.” Read more


House Health Committee advances bills to save lives of children, improve lives of seniors, protect dignity of all patients

(Mar 29, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 29 - Following through on their promise to put people first, today, the Democratic-led House Health Committee, chaired by Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, passed three bipartisan pieces of legislation that will safeguard Pennsylvania's youngest to wisest neighbors. “From Day 1, I said that my goal as Health Committee Chairman was to consider and pass legislation that helps people in every age group from communities across the state. Now is the time to put the needs of Pennsylvanians ahead of politics, and the bipartisan bills we passed today reflect that priority,” Frankel said. Responding to a near-tragedy last fall and overcoming years of partisan inaction, the committee approved Rep. Jeanne McNeill’s H.B. 494, which would require buildings housing child care facilities with possible sources of carbon monoxide to have one or more carbon monoxide alarms depending on the size of the building. Last October, children and staff at an Allentown day care were rushed to the hospital after a child became unconscious and first responders found dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide in the facility. McNeill introduced this bill in previous sessions, but Republican leaders prevented it from being considered. “It’s alarming that there are no statewide carbon monoxide alarm requirements in place for the facilities that care for our children,” McNeill said. “In October 2022, a tragic incident occurred right Read more


Fiedler bill to require patient consent for pelvic exams passes Health Committee

(Mar 29, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 29 – Today, a bill introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, to require patient consent for pelvic exams passed in the Health Committee. Right now, medical students can perform a pelvic exam on a female patient who is under anesthesia for an unrelated procedure. The pelvic exam is done solely for medical students’ training purposes and not to ensure the health of the patient. The patient often has not given explicit consent and is entirely unaware of what is being done to her body while under anesthesia. This bill, H.B. 507, will now head to the house floor for a vote. Fiedler first learned about the practice from a constituent who believed a practice pelvic exam might have been conducted on her while she was under anesthesia. Fiedler shared how her constituent’s experience inspired her to learn more about this practice and ultimately introduce this bill. “A couple of years ago, a resident of my district came to me concerned about what happened to her while she was a patient for a medical procedure, under anesthesia,” Fiedler said. “She worried that while she was unconscious, her body had been used for a practice pelvic exam. A year later she still didn't have answers, despite asking her doctor directly. “The more I researched the situation, the more horrified I was. I learned that, in our commonwealth, Read more


Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care

(Mar 29, 2023)

“Physicians testified before the committee about how eliminating the physician-only abortion laws in Pennsylvania would strengthen our health care workforce while at the same time improve care for pregnant people, and help reduce maternal mortality,” hearing co-host Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler said. “These are recommendations based on science, published reports by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, and by the very physicians who train advanced practice clinicians. This change would have a beneficial impact on the lives of many Pennsylvanians.” Read more


State funding for local projects

(Mar 27, 2023)

“Community support and historic preservation are both important in our community, and I’m glad the state is investing dollars in both right here in South Philly,” Fiedler said. Read more


Fiedler Expresses Concerns About Temple’s Public Image

(Mar 24, 2023)

Acknowledging the gravity of Temple University’s first labor strike in more than three decades and recent incidents of gun violence on campus, Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler questions Temple President Dr. Jason Wingard about damage done to the school's reputation and their plans to rebuild a positive public image. Read more


Fiedler Starts 3rd Term on Appropriations Committee

(Mar 21, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler says she’s ready to make sure funds allocated in the state budget go where they are needed the most. Fiedler highlights issues important to the people who sent her to Harrisburg including education, transportation and violence prevention. Read more


Fiedler, PA Building Trades, AFT, Evangelical Enviro Network, call on lawmakers to vote for Solar for Schools legislation
Jun 05, 2023

Fiedler: Solar for Schools Creates Jobs, Fixes Schools
Jun 05, 2023

PA lawmakers form Progressive Caucus
May 23, 2023

House committee unanimously approves Solar for Schools legislation
May 23, 2023

Fiedler co-hosts rally for after school programs
May 04, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House
May 03, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee
May 01, 2023

Fiedler Touts Benefits of #Solar4Schools
Apr 27, 2023

Fiedler Touts Benefits of #Solar4Schools
Apr 27, 2023

Fiedler, Hanbidge ‘Patient Consent for Pelvic Exams’ bill passes House
Apr 26, 2023

Fiedler, Madsen, Harris join Steelton-Highspire High School solar tour
Apr 25, 2023

Fiedler visits Middleburg Elementary School, touts ‘Solar for Schools’ legislation
Apr 21, 2023

Workforce Development, Infrastructure, and Housing Funding Opportunities
Apr 13, 2023

Pa. House committee advances bill requiring informed consent for certain medical exams
Mar 30, 2023

House Health Committee advances bills to save lives of children, improve lives of seniors, protect dignity of all patients
Mar 29, 2023

Fiedler bill to require patient consent for pelvic exams passes Health Committee
Mar 29, 2023

Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care
Mar 29, 2023

State funding for local projects
Mar 27, 2023

Fiedler Expresses Concerns About Temple’s Public Image
Mar 24, 2023

Fiedler Starts 3rd Term on Appropriations Committee
Mar 21, 2023