10/6/20 – Improving Internet Access for Education and Telehealth – Virtual

(Oct 06, 2020)

Materials from a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing held virtually and co-chaired by State Rep. Steve Malagari. Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee to hold virtual hearing on improving internet access Tuesday

(Oct 01, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 1 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee will hold a public hearing on improving internet access for education and telehealth in Pennsylvania. The hearing will be held virtually at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6. The media and public can watch the livestream at www.pahouse.com/live . Requested by state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, the hearing will feature testimony from state officials and various stakeholders about internet accessibility issues faced by seniors, rural areas and impoverished communities. Testifiers and members will speak remotely. Testifiers will include: Gladys Brown Dutrieuille, chair, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Kyle Kopko, director, The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Sasha Meinrath, Palmer chair in telecommunications, Penn State University Wayne Campbell, president, Pennsylvania State Grange Najja Orr, president and CEO, Philadelphia Corporation of Aging Ashley Henry Shook, spokesperson, Pennsylvania Partnership for 5G Thomas Musgrove, government affairs manager, Crown Castle International Corp. Following the hearing, testimony and full hearing video will be posted at www.pahouse.com/policycommittee . Read more


Malagari applauds $225K grant for Souderton Community Park

(Sep 24, 2020)

SOUDERTON, Sept. 24 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, announced that Souderton Borough received a $225,000 Recreation and Conservation grant to continue developing Souderton Community Park. Funding comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and will go toward the construction of a pedestrian walkway, installation of fitness and play equipment, enhancing the park’s ADA access, landscaping and other related site improvements. “Enjoying the outdoors is a safe and healthy option for people of all ages,” Malagari said. “I’m pleased to see this funding awarded to Souderton Community Park and I look forward to seeing the positive impact that these upgrades will have on our community.” Funds for the grant program come from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, which includes Key-Community and Key-Land Trust; the Environmental Stewardship Fund; the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund; Pennsylvania Trails fund; Pennsylvania Heritage Program; and the ATV Restricted Management Account Fund. For more information, contact Malagari’s office at (267) 768-3671. Read more


Malagari summer 2020 newsletter

(Sep 02, 2020)

Rep. Steve Malagari's 6-page September newsletter detailing COVID-19 resources, Pennsylvania police reform, grant funding awarded to the community and much more. Read more


Malagari to host shred event this weekend

(Sep 01, 2020)

LANSDALE, Sept. 1 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, invites constituents to his free shred event on Saturday, Sept. 5. The shred event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon at Indian Crest Middle School, 139 Harleysville Pike, Souderton. Attendees are welcome to bring up to three boxes or bags of personal documents to be securely shredded on site. “Shredding personal documents is one of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft, because someone with bad intentions may only need one piece of paper with your name and address on it to start wreaking havoc,” Malagari said. “I encourage everyone to bring old credit card applications, bank statements, tax forms or any documents containing sensitive information to be securely disposed of at my free event.” Malagari asks that attendees enter at the Harleysville Pike entrance of the school. They will be directed to the truck and exit at the Fourth Street entrance once they are done shredding. This is to avoid traffic issues and potentially long wait times. For more information, contact Malagari’s office at (267) 768-3671. Read more


Malagari announces $231K in grants awarded to three school districts’ special needs programs

(Aug 20, 2020)

LANSDALE, Aug. 20 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today announced that three area school districts received grants to heighten their education services for students with special needs who may be negatively impacted by COVID-19 mitigation efforts. The following school districts received Governor’s Emergency Education Relief grants: North Penn: $151,534.55. Souderton: $79,189.33. Souderton Charter School Collaborative: $1,000. “The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on everyone, particularly Pennsylvania’s youngest residents who have special needs,” Malagari said. “This school year will look completely different than years prior, and many students will need additional support getting acclimated to these changes. These grants will assist with a smooth, safe and comfortable start to the school year for everyone.” Grants may be used to provide enhanced synchronous (real-time) instruction to bolster remote services and supports for students with complex needs; and provide services and support to students with disabilities who experienced a loss in skills and behavior and/or a lack of progress due to the mandatory school closures. This funding comes from the $15 million in the commonwealth’s GEER fund and $5 million from the Department of Education’s federal funding through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The federal CARES Read more


Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall: Aug. 19, 2020

(Aug 20, 2020)

Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall with Penn State Extension. Read more


Malagari announces over $2 million in grant funding to improve local sewer systems

(Aug 17, 2020)

LANSDALE, Aug. 17 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today announced more than $2 million in grants have been awarded to three communities throughout his legislative district to help upgrade water, sewer, storm sewer and flood control infrastructure projects. The funding will be distributed through two grant programs by the Commonwealth Financing Authority . Details of grant recipients and projects are follows: H2O PA grants: Franconia Sewer Authority: $590,584 to go toward the installation of approximately 8,129 linear feet of various-sized sewer main and service lines, grinder pumps, service connections, road and property restoration. Hatfield Borough: $670,227 to go toward repairing the sinkholes on West Broad Street and North Main Street and the replacement of deteriorating storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure. PA Small Water and Sewer grants: Lansdale Borough: $323,570 to upgrade the community’s existing storm sewer system to accommodate increasing stormwater runoff from a combination of existing developments, redevelopment and higher intensity storm events located along Laurel Lane. Hatfield Borough: $423,106 to replace approximately 1,422 linear feet of defective sanitary sewer measures in the North Main Street area and provide repairs needed to improve the system. “I’m proud to help bring this funding home to Read more


Miss my Tele-Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.

(Aug 14, 2020)

Find out what your friends and neighbors had to say about the issues that matter. Read more


Malagari, Hanbidge announce $114K grant award for North Montco Technical Career Center

(Aug 07, 2020)

LANSDALE, Aug. 7 — State Reps. Steve Malagari and Liz Hanbidge today announced that the North Montco Technical Career Center received a $114,471 grant to help them prepare for the upcoming academic year. The money will help the TCC develop health and safety plans to resume operations in the fall. Such work could include purchasing protective equipment, hand sanitizer/cleaning products; equipment or technology to take classrooms online; installation of barriers or other protective devices in building structures; or to purchase health applications that help with contact-tracing operations and health monitoring. “I’m pleased to see this funding awarded to our local TCC, especially because the programs that they offer require a unique hands-on approach to learning,” Malagari said. “Providing these students, faculty and staff with adequate PPE and other safety necessities will ensure that they can continue their studies this fall and go on to work some of the most in-demand jobs in our commonwealth.” “North Montco TCC trains students to work in careers that make up the backbone of our economy. Ensuring that they're able to do so safely is a valuable investment in their future and the future of our community,” Hanbidge said. The grant was funded through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief program, which is funded by the federal CARES Act. Governor Tom Wolf announced that $10.5 million in Read more


Malagari hosting spotted lanternfly virtual town hall on Monday

(Jul 30, 2020)

LANSDALE, July 30 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, invites community members to tune in to his virtual town hall at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3, addressing the spotted lanternfly. Malagari will be joined by a representative from Penn State Extension to educate attendees about this invasive species and what everyone can do to mitigate their negative environmental impact. Those interested in participating must RSVP on Malagari’s website. “It’s peak season for spotted lanternflies in Montgomery County, and I know that many residents’ plants, yards, homes or just quality of life have been impacted by these invasive pests,” Malagari said. “These bugs are not only annoying, they also have a serious impact on Pennsylvania’s environment and our very successful agriculture industry. If you’re interested in learning more about this and actions that you can take to rid this pest from our commonwealth, I encourage you to tune in on Monday.” Questions may be directed to Malagari’s office by calling (267) 768-3671 or by emailing RepMalagari@pahouse.net . Read more


Relief to restaurants, bars & clubs to help workers a top priority in House Democratic legislative package

(Jul 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 27 -- Citing the distressing impacts COVID-19 is having on Pennsylvania’s restaurant industry and a recent Yelp survey showing more than half of restaurants could close permanently due to the virus’ impact, Democrats in Harrisburg have crafted a legislative package aimed at providing relief to community business owners and the workers that cook and serve our food. The package includes nine bills that would provide grants to local restaurants, bars and clubs, reduce and eliminate specific licensing fees, extend discounts to licensees and protect businesses by guaranteeing their insurance pays out in future emergencies. These efforts will provide direct relief to an industry of Pennsylvania businesses the virus has hit hard, House Democratic leaders said. Restrictions put in place have been necessary in the state’s response to COVID-19. The leaders said they recognize the hardship the virus has continued to place on the restaurant industry. Restaurants have served as the backdrop of many life occasions and special moments and they need support more now than ever. The House Democratic package includes: Earmarking CARES grant funding from the federal government to be directed to small, community restaurants instead of national chains to ensure those dollars are invested back into the region. ( Rep. Joe Ciresi, Montgomery County & Rep. Tina Davis, Bucks County ) Earmarking CARES grant Read more


Malagari hosting virtual town hall on financial aid available to small business owners

(Jul 07, 2020)

LANSDALE, July 7 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, invites area business owners to his virtual town hall at 6 p.m. this Thursday on Pennsylvania’s new Small Business Assistance Grant Program. Malagari will be joined by community leaders Ken Scott of Beech Capital and Jim Burnett of West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution to discuss requirements, eligibility and how business owners can apply for a small business grant. Grants of up to $50,000 are available for operating costs to help businesses recover from COVID-19. “I know that local business owners were seriously impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, so I want to do all that I can to connect them with the aid that is readily available to them,” Malagari said. “Two hundred million dollars in grants are available and I want to make sure our community gets our fair share.” The meeting will be held through Zoom. Those interested can log in with the following credentials: Meeting ID: 869 8544 6998 Password: 368094 Participants can also dial-in to the meeting. Call Malagari’s office at 267-768-3671 for this information or to ask any questions. Read more


Malagari announces $5,997 in grants for local environmental education

(Jun 26, 2020)

LANSDALE, June 26 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today announced that two facilities serving his legislative district each received Environmental Education Grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The funding will be distributed as follows: Montgomery County Conservation District: Conservation and Water Pollution Prevention Workshop for homeowners, emphasizing stormwater management practices ($2,997). Souderton Area School District : New plant science course for high school students using a campus greenhouse ($3,000). “This funding will help cultivate a desire in Montgomery County residents from youth to homeowners to learn about and protect Pennsylvania’s environment,” Malagari said. “Investing in environmental education is a worthwhile expense toward preserving our commonwealth’s health and vitality.” These grants will engage youth and adults in environmental justice, climate change, and/or water quality improvement, expand their understanding of these issues in Pennsylvania and provide people with skills to take responsible action to protect Pennsylvania’s environment. Souderton Area School District and Montgomery County Conservation District were two of 55 grant recipients. Funding was awarded to schools and colleges, environmental and community organizations, and conservation district Read more


State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children

(Jun 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded two Montgomery County programs a total of $247,007 to meet the needs of Montgomery County children and parents affected by domestic violence, substance abuse and crime. Family Services of Montgomery County, in partnership with the Montgomery County Reentry Initiative, was awarded $147,010 in Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program funding to expand the Positive Parenting Program helping parents who are recently released from incarceration. Montgomery County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Mission Kids program will receive $99,997 to continue family advocacy work, particularly to accompany children to medical evaluations court appearances. “In addition to providing direct support to returning parents, this money also supports a key position at Mission Kids,” said state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “With the increased demands for these services, Mission Kids needs a family advocate who can appropriately support the needs of our communities.” "In my role as a state representative – specifically with regard to my position on the Children and Youth Committee – and most importantly in my role as a parent, the safety and wellness of children and families will always be my top priority,” said state Rep. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery. “That is why I am grateful for this opportunity to improve Read more


Harkins, Delloso, Maligari statement on layoff of 500 Pennsylvania Turnpike workers

(Jun 02, 2020)

ERIE, June 2 – In response to news that the cashless, electronic toll system the Pennsylvania Turnpike implemented in March will become permanent — resulting in the immediate layoff of about 500 workers – state Rep. Pat Harkins released the following statement, also on behalf of Teamster President and state Rep. Dave Delloso, D-Delaware, and Teamster member and state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “This is heartbreaking. The governor and the Turnpike Commission had an agreement with the toll takers to phase out operations in 2022, but in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the commission voted to do away with these workers immediately. “These workers were expecting to return to work soon and were caught completely off guard. They understood that their jobs were being phased out, but they were led to believe that they would have time to plan ahead, and they were relying on that assurance. Instead, they had the rug pulled out from under them. “This could have been done as a phased response on a shorter timeline. It didn’t have to happen overnight.” Read more


Malagari thanks Wolf for limited reopening of restaurants in Yellow Phase

(May 27, 2020)

LANSDALE, May 27 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today praised Gov. Tom Wolf’s latest announcement of additional guidance on dining during the Yellow and Green phases and more details on personal care services, like hair salons and barbershops operating in the Green Phase. Malagari and several other members worked closely with the governor to clarify these guidelines. "I worked closely with several other members to call on the governor to rethink his Yellow Phase guidelines, and he has listened to our concerns and is taking action,” Malagari said. “We know that we can eat outdoors without fear and should be able to do so. I was happy to see a more clarified process of reopening defined for our dining establishments and a light at the end of the tunnel for hair salons and barbershops. I know how much our small-business owners want to get back to work, and I will continue to ensure that we do so quickly, while still following the mitigation guidelines in place to keep us safe. Safety measures and guidelines will need to be met in order to reopen. I will continue to work with the governor on a safe reopening strategy." Malagari signed onto a letter written by Rep. Joe Ciresi and also signed by Reps. Christina Sappey, Tina Davis, Dave Delloso, Jennifer O’Mara, Dan Williams, Danilo Burgos, Tim Briggs, Melissa Shusterman and Austin Davis in calling for these changes. The letter was also accompanied by Read more


Malagari sponsors Paycheck Protection Program Extension resolution

(May 21, 2020)

MONTGOMERY, May 21 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today announced that he will be sponsoring a resolution urging Congress to extend the eight-week maximum for loan forgiveness to a 16-week minimum for the Paycheck Protection Program. “While the recently implemented Paycheck Protection Program has allowed many of our hardworking Pennsylvanians to continue to make payroll or pay their rent, the current eight-week limit is not enough,” Malagari said. “By allowing for a 16-week limit, we allow an additional eight weeks to provide financial security and help so many that are struggling to keep up with costs. We have to provide our families with more ways to put food on their table and provide for themselves. Small businesses and employees benefit.” The Paycheck Protection Program is a U.S. Small Business Administration loan that helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the coronavirus pandemic. For more information, contact Malagari’s office at (267) 768-3671. ### Read more


Malagari votes to open Pennsylvania garden centers safely, quickly

(May 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 4 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, today announced that the House passed a bill Thursday to open garden centers, whose work is critical to helping Pennsylvanians provide food for themselves and the environment, after an amendment supported by Malagari and fellow Democrats was added on to provide critical health and public safety requirements for employees and customers. The bill must be passed in the Senate before going to Gov. Tom Wolf. Ciresi said the requirements to protect workers are in line with Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine’s direction to keep people safe and calm while reopening the economy. “We are trying to navigate through an unprecedented time,” Malagari said. “My first priority is the safety of my constituents. We believe that people can get back to shopping in our garden centers by following the state health department and the CDC’s guidelines. But it takes us all working together. This measure will start to get more of our people back to work and allow others to shop while maintaining safe distances and wearing masks. It also means providing protections for the employees we are asking to put at risk.” Under the bill, all stores that receive a waiver and operate would be required to provide, at minimum, the following protections for an essential employee: Additional hazard pay, relative to the employee's risk of exposure. Read more


Malagari and Hanbidge honor WNPV’s 60th anniversary, mark its closing

(Apr 28, 2020)

MONTGOMERY, APRIL 28 – State Reps. Steve Malagari and Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, today announced that WNPV 98.5 FM and 1440 AM has reached 60 years of service to Montgomery and Bucks counties and will be closing its doors as of April 30. “WNPV radio has been providing quality radio content since October of 1960,” Malagari said. “It’s unfortunate to see them closing their doors and leaving the airwaves after all of this time, but they have provided the community with a piece of local treasured history. They have received multiple awards, including from The Associated Press and the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters. We couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments.” “After almost 60 years of conducting the vital service of sharing the voices and views of our local community, it’s sad to contemplate WNPV’s final broadcast,” Hanbidge said. “I’ll especially miss the emphasis the station placed on local and state politics and news. I wish all those associated with the station good fortune in their future endeavors and thank them for all they’ve done for the community.” Malagari and Hanbidge recently honored WNPV with a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives paying tribute to the radio station’s legacy. For more information, contact Malagari’s office at (267) 768-3671 or Read more


10/6/20 – Improving Internet Access for Education and Telehealth – Virtual
Oct 06, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee to hold virtual hearing on improving internet access Tuesday
Oct 01, 2020

Malagari applauds $225K grant for Souderton Community Park
Sep 24, 2020

Malagari summer 2020 newsletter
Sep 02, 2020

Malagari to host shred event this weekend
Sep 01, 2020

Malagari announces $231K in grants awarded to three school districts’ special needs programs
Aug 20, 2020

Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall: Aug. 19, 2020
Aug 20, 2020

Malagari announces over $2 million in grant funding to improve local sewer systems
Aug 17, 2020

Miss my Tele-Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.
Aug 14, 2020

Malagari, Hanbidge announce $114K grant award for North Montco Technical Career Center
Aug 07, 2020

Malagari hosting spotted lanternfly virtual town hall on Monday
Jul 30, 2020

Relief to restaurants, bars & clubs to help workers a top priority in House Democratic legislative package
Jul 27, 2020

Malagari hosting virtual town hall on financial aid available to small business owners
Jul 07, 2020

Malagari announces $5,997 in grants for local environmental education
Jun 26, 2020

State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children
Jun 10, 2020

Harkins, Delloso, Maligari statement on layoff of 500 Pennsylvania Turnpike workers
Jun 02, 2020

Malagari thanks Wolf for limited reopening of restaurants in Yellow Phase
May 27, 2020

Malagari sponsors Paycheck Protection Program Extension resolution
May 21, 2020

Malagari votes to open Pennsylvania garden centers safely, quickly
May 04, 2020

Malagari and Hanbidge honor WNPV’s 60th anniversary, mark its closing
Apr 28, 2020