State Rep. Chris Rabb to introduce resolution making Feb. 3 Emancipation Day, a state holiday

(Feb 03, 2022)

The holiday would celebrate the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in America – changing the lives of African Americans within and beyond Pennsylvania forever. Read more


Vitali: Commonwealth Budget Should Fully Fund Environmental Protection

(Feb 02, 2022)

Pennsylvania has the money to fully fund DEP. According to the commonwealth’s Independent Fiscal Office, Pennsylvania’s General fund revenue surplus for fiscal year 2021-22 is projected to be over 1.6 billion dollars -the second largest in a decade. Read more


McClinton supports Gov. Wolf's $1.7 Billion Plan to Secure a Brighter Pennsylvania for Generations

(Feb 02, 2022)

The funds for Gov. Wolf’s action plan for Pennsylvania would come from the American Rescue Plan Act, which is federal dollars and would not pull from any general fund appropriations. Read more


Manufacturing roundtable: Helping businesses grow and thrive

(Feb 01, 2022)

“We are always interested in hearing from business owners about the challenges businesses are facing in PA,” Schlossberg said. “We love being in State College and today, and I want to thank Kevin from Pennsylvania IRC for helping to make this roundtable what it was.” Read more


Freeman bill would promote redevelopment of derelict factory buildings

(Feb 01, 2022)

"Repurposing an old factory or mill for retail, office or arts space, or transforming them into dwellings, encourages economic development and improves the quality of life of a community," said Freeman. Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to provide for sustainable community safe houses

(Feb 01, 2022)

“This past year, many families in our communities have been left without shelter in the wake of serious storms like Ida,” Ciresi said. “Our residents need to have somewhere to go when their homes have been damaged by floods, wind or other types of natural disasters that we’re increasingly seeing in Pennsylvania.” Read more


Now open for applications: Violence prevention, economic development, and learning center funding opportunities

(Jan 31, 2022)

Read about the latest state grant programs open for applications. Read more


Freeman bill would provide voters with earlier information on campaign contributions

(Jan 31, 2022)

"The change would provide earlier disclosure and greater transparency on who is contributing to candidates for the General Assembly," Freeman said. "This is information voters should have access to earlier in a campaign than they currently do." Read more


McClinton joins Gov. Wolf to celebrate $225 million going to support healthcare workforce

(Jan 28, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton joined Governor Tom Wolf to celebrate $225 million going to support Pennsylvania’s heroic health care workforce. Read more


McClinton continues fight to raise the minimum wage in PA

(Jan 28, 2022)

“Raising the minimum wage is about valuing Pennsylvania’s workforce, ensuring fair pay and dignity for hard work, and helping more women – including countless essential workers – emerge from poverty.” Read more


Legislating by Constitutional Amendment is Not Legislating

(Jan 27, 2022)

Constitutional amendments (whether state or federal) should be rare. They should also be well-crafted, thoroughly researched, and reflect the basic principle of what it means to be a citizen, defining limits of government authority and protecting individual rights. Read more


Burns promoted to Democratic Chair of House Professional Licensure Committee

(Jan 27, 2022)

In the House, the Professional Licensure Committee reviews bills related to the state’s diverse professional and occupational licensing boards located administratively in the Department of State. Read more


Benham Introduces Legislation to Expand Eligibility Requirements for the Fostering Independence Tuition Waiver Program

(Jan 26, 2022)

According to Benham, H.B. 2288 would ease the financial struggles facing children in kinship care, providing a path for the same educational opportunities as those in foster care. Read more


Kosierowski Applauds $225M Investment in Healthcare

(Jan 26, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski applauds the investment of $225 million in funding to the commonwealth’s healthcare system in an effort to address issues that have negatively impacted patients and providers since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Kinsey seeks solutions for problems in Pa. prison system

(Jan 26, 2022)

State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., held a news conference Jan. 26 with House and Senate colleagues and prison-reform advocates to discuss legislation to help address systemic problems in Pennsylvania’s prison system. Read more


Rabb to introduce bill that would cut at heart of Commonwealth’s illegal drug trade

(Jan 26, 2022)

“Substance use should be recognized for what it is – a health issue – not a criminal justice issue,” Rabb said. Read more


Now open for applications: Justice assistance, regional policing, and community conservation funding opportunities

(Jan 25, 2022)

Read about the latest state grant programs open for applications. Read more


Kinkead introduces legislation to protect DNA privacy

(Jan 25, 2022)

“Selling data has become a big business, and quite a lucrative one,” Kinkead said. “People who provide genetic data to a company should have to be notified if their data is being sold and receive a piece of the profit their data generates.” Read more


Right to Know Requests Reveal Cyber Charter Waste, Lack of Oversight; Advocates, Lawmakers to Call for Immediate Reforms

(Jan 25, 2022)

“Wasteful spending in cyber charter school advertising further highlights the need for accountability and reforming our outdated and broken 25-year-old charter school law,” said PA State Representative Joe Ciresi. Read more


Deasy: Rushed hearing on constitutional amendment to privatize state liquor system leads to more confusion

(Jan 24, 2022)

“Asking a simple question on a ballot for a complex issue is a disaster in the making. It’s deceptive, and I fear it would result in even more confusion and frustration for Pennsylvanians,” said Deasy, D-Allegheny. “It’s premature because there is nothing in place to address how that privatization would work, not to mention how it would impact state revenue or the 5,000 state store workers.” Read more


State Rep. Chris Rabb to introduce resolution making Feb. 3 Emancipation Day, a state holiday
Feb 03, 2022

Vitali: Commonwealth Budget Should Fully Fund Environmental Protection
Feb 02, 2022

McClinton supports Gov. Wolf's $1.7 Billion Plan to Secure a Brighter Pennsylvania for Generations
Feb 02, 2022

Manufacturing roundtable: Helping businesses grow and thrive
Feb 01, 2022

Freeman bill would promote redevelopment of derelict factory buildings
Feb 01, 2022

Ciresi introduces legislation to provide for sustainable community safe houses
Feb 01, 2022

Now open for applications: Violence prevention, economic development, and learning center funding opportunities
Jan 31, 2022

Freeman bill would provide voters with earlier information on campaign contributions
Jan 31, 2022

McClinton joins Gov. Wolf to celebrate $225 million going to support healthcare workforce
Jan 28, 2022

McClinton continues fight to raise the minimum wage in PA
Jan 28, 2022

Legislating by Constitutional Amendment is Not Legislating
Jan 27, 2022

Burns promoted to Democratic Chair of House Professional Licensure Committee
Jan 27, 2022

Benham Introduces Legislation to Expand Eligibility Requirements for the Fostering Independence Tuition Waiver Program
Jan 26, 2022

Kosierowski Applauds $225M Investment in Healthcare
Jan 26, 2022

Kinsey seeks solutions for problems in Pa. prison system
Jan 26, 2022

Rabb to introduce bill that would cut at heart of Commonwealth’s illegal drug trade
Jan 26, 2022

Now open for applications: Justice assistance, regional policing, and community conservation funding opportunities
Jan 25, 2022

Kinkead introduces legislation to protect DNA privacy
Jan 25, 2022

Right to Know Requests Reveal Cyber Charter Waste, Lack of Oversight; Advocates, Lawmakers to Call for Immediate Reforms
Jan 25, 2022

Deasy: Rushed hearing on constitutional amendment to privatize state liquor system leads to more confusion
Jan 24, 2022