Plastic bags: Public policy vs. political power

(May 10, 2021)

Legislation regulating plastic bags is sorely needed. Shoppers worldwide use about 500 billion single-use plastic bags annually. Without significant action, there may be more plastic than fish in the ocean by weight by 2050, according to a 2016 World Economic Forum report. Read more


Reading tour showcases successful implementation of opportunity zones and regional needs

(May 10, 2021)

“Our PA Rescue Plan would get money to local businesses, working people and schools to help them recover and thrive as we make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic,” Guzman said. Read more


Green collar jobs and clean energy investments focus of PA Rescue Plan hearing

(May 10, 2021)

“Green collar jobs are high-tech, high-wage and the fastest-growing career sector in any industry,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “By investing in the clean energy industry and supporting job training to get workers on the job, the PA Rescue Plan is creating a greener future in more ways than one.” Read more


Deasy: Pa. should resolve outstanding unemployment issues before launching new UC system

(May 07, 2021)

“For those deemed eligible, they have waited far too long for benefits they have earned and desperately need. For those the department deems ineligible, let us move the process forward now and provide these claimants their right to an appeal.” Read more


Bullock condemns misleading mailings to Black and Brown communities

(May 07, 2021)

"Voters, especially Black voters, are not easily fooled by these orchestrated efforts to mislead the public with stock images, false alliances, and lies.” Read more


National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes

(May 06, 2021)

In 2021, we have the chance to build back better using the same tool used by great presidents of the past, with an even better America emerging in the face of national tragedy and challenges. Read more


Burns: Disabled veterans should get elk hunting license lottery

(May 06, 2021)

“My bill would earmark one bull and one cow elk tag for this dedicated drawing – and there would be no cost for the tags to the veterans selected,” said Burns, a senior member of the House Veterans Affairs & Emergency Management Committee. Read more


Warren introduces legislation to aid child service providers, local government officials

(May 06, 2021)

After speaking to local officials about the need for change, state Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, has introduced two pieces of legislation to support child service providers and local government officials. Read more


Briggs introduces legislation to create paid family leave in PA

(May 06, 2021)

Creating a paid sick and family leave program is one component of PA House Democrats’ Pennsylvania Rescue Plan – a plan for investing the billions of dollars in federal COVID-19 relief funds coming to Pennsylvania. Read more


PLBC outlines legislative agenda for systemic equity

(May 05, 2021)

Members spoke about bills that would resolve bias, create diversity and provide inclusion, bridging the racial divide and inequities in legislation, state government agencies and health care. Read more


Madden to introduce bill for full bariatric health insurance coverage

(May 05, 2021)

Madden said bariatric surgery is a procedure of last resort for people, who, despite adopting medically recommended weight-loss programs, are unable to improve their body mass index. Read more


House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan

(May 05, 2021)

"We have to make sure that money is invested properly, not hidden away in a government vault for a rainy day – because it’s hard to imagine a storm that could hit harder than COVID-19. People need help now." Read more


House advances Klunk, Cephas bill to protect workers from sexual harassment

(May 05, 2021)

H.B. 938 would forbid employers from requiring employees and potential employees to sign nondisclosure agreements related to sexual harassment as a stipulation of employment. Read more


PA Women’s Health Caucus Responds to Today’s Dangerous Anti-Abortion Hearing in the House Health Committee.

(May 04, 2021)

We thank those Representatives on the committee who have continually stood up for reproductive justice throughout these hearings, including our own co-chair Representative Morgan Cephas, and one of the WHC’s founders, Representative Dan Frankel. Read more


Frankel: Stop the Attacks on Science

(May 04, 2021)

Heath Committee hearing on organ donation veers into pseudoscience, unfairly attacks Pitt Read more


Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors

(May 03, 2021)

Health care is one-sixth of our economy, but for home care workers and workers in long-term care facilities, their pay isn’t living up to how important their jobs are to seniors and their families. Our plan will make the investments, help the providers and help the workers – and help seniors in the process. Read more


Pisciottano, Mihalek: Bill would protect Pennsylvanians’ personal health information

(Apr 30, 2021)

Pisciottano said in light of a recent data breach this week, where health and other personal information of more than 70,000 Pennsylvanians collected during contact tracing was compromised, it’s even more important that protections are immediately put in place. Read more


It’s time to be responsible with federal dollars

(Apr 29, 2021)

We have an opportunity to responsibly utilize the billions in federal funding Pennsylvania is slated to receive in COVID and economic relief; investments that would provide all Pennsylvanians a positive path forward. Read more


Tonie Willis and Rep. Tina Davis: To cut down on crime, give newborns a fair shot

(Apr 29, 2021)

How does shackling expecting mothers protect public safety in Pennsylvania? The answer is clear: It doesn’t, not by a mile. Read more


Pennsylvania’s waitlist system is an injustice to its disabilities community

(Apr 29, 2021)

For years, openings for these life-sustaining services and housing have remained stagnant. It’s time we reform this ineffective system and prioritize the needs of vulnerable Pennsylvanians. Read more


Plastic bags: Public policy vs. political power
May 10, 2021

Reading tour showcases successful implementation of opportunity zones and regional needs
May 10, 2021

Green collar jobs and clean energy investments focus of PA Rescue Plan hearing
May 10, 2021

Deasy: Pa. should resolve outstanding unemployment issues before launching new UC system
May 07, 2021

Bullock condemns misleading mailings to Black and Brown communities
May 07, 2021

National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes
May 06, 2021

Burns: Disabled veterans should get elk hunting license lottery
May 06, 2021

Warren introduces legislation to aid child service providers, local government officials
May 06, 2021

Briggs introduces legislation to create paid family leave in PA
May 06, 2021

PLBC outlines legislative agenda for systemic equity
May 05, 2021

Madden to introduce bill for full bariatric health insurance coverage
May 05, 2021

House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan
May 05, 2021

House advances Klunk, Cephas bill to protect workers from sexual harassment
May 05, 2021

PA Women’s Health Caucus Responds to Today’s Dangerous Anti-Abortion Hearing in the House Health Committee.
May 04, 2021

Frankel: Stop the Attacks on Science
May 04, 2021

Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors
May 03, 2021

Pisciottano, Mihalek: Bill would protect Pennsylvanians’ personal health information
Apr 30, 2021

It’s time to be responsible with federal dollars
Apr 29, 2021

Tonie Willis and Rep. Tina Davis: To cut down on crime, give newborns a fair shot
Apr 29, 2021

Pennsylvania’s waitlist system is an injustice to its disabilities community
Apr 29, 2021