Featured News

McNeill appointed chair of Northeast Democratic Delegation

Schlossberg Demands Adequate Mental Health Funding

(Jul 28, 2023)

With more than 2 million Pennsylvanians struggling with mental health issues, Pa. state Rep. Mike Schlossberg wants to know why the state Senate removed from the state budget $100 million in federal funding for adult based mental health. Schlossberg says with one in six Pennsylvanians in need of mental health resources, the state can't afford to lose this funding. Read more


State Rep. Steve Samuelson, Glorilex Vasquez, and Serving the Local Community | Charla Comunitaria

(Jul 28, 2023)

Aurea Ortiz welcomes State Rep. Steve Samuelson, D-135 and Constituent Services Advisor Glorilex Vasquez for a conversation about business in Harrisburg, the state budget, as well as the range of resources and constituent services available at Rep. Samuelson's office in Bethlehem. Read more


Texas nixed child ID kits after our investigation. Now a bill to spend taxpayer money on the kits in Pennsylvania is in trouble.

(Jul 28, 2023)

“This just never seemed like it was all that well thought out,” Schweyer, a Democrat, said, adding that addressing school violence and mental health are more urgent priorities. “I’d rather hire a couple more cops or spend money on a couple more psychologists in our most at-risk schools.” Read more


PennDOT secretary tours problematic Berks roads

(Jul 27, 2023)

The conversation with local leaders from several municipalities took place in state Rep. Manny Guzman’s office, where they shared some of the biggest transportation issues facing their communities. Read more


Rep. Schlossberg pushes for bill funding mental health programs for adults in Pa.

(Jul 27, 2023)

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg is hoping it's not too late to get through funding for a bill near and dear to his heart: House Bill 849, which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support last year. Read more


Democrats say stalled Pa. budget leaves behind adult mental health patients

(Jul 27, 2023)

State Sen. Maria Collett (D., Montgomery) and state Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D., Lehigh) sat on the Behavioral Health Commission and drafted the legislation to spend the $100 million. They’re now calling for the money to be restored to its original purpose. Read more


The final Pennsylvania budget doesn’t include adult mental health funding. Democrats want it added

(Jul 27, 2023)

“Let’s be clear about something contrary to what the Senate would have you believe, this is not an either/or proposition. We need to fund both,” said the bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. Read more


House Reps: Run For One Office At A Time

(Jul 27, 2023)

One of the memorandums was submitted by Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, with support from Reps. Mark Gillen, R-Berks, and Maureen Madden, D-Monroe. Read more


Schlossberg, Collett rally mental health professionals and advocates for restoration of $100 million in adult mental health funding

(Jul 27, 2023)

Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, said the event provided a space to display the importance of mental health resources and funding for people throughout Pennsylvania. Read more


Rozzi, Cepeda-Freytiz affirm their commitment to supporting Pennsylvania’s public schools

(Jul 26, 2023)

“We must protect public schools and equitably allocate resources. We are prioritizing working families; we are committed to strengthening public education in Pennsylvania." Read more


$100M in funds for adult mental health shifted to student mental health in delayed state budget

(Jul 25, 2023)

“I look forward to working with the Senate to try to pass a fiscal code that does fund this $100 million appropriation,” Schlossberg said. “But I think what happened in the budget is extremely frustrating, disheartening and downright damaging to people whose lives could be improved by enhanced funding for mental health.” Read more


Pa. dog licensing bill waits to reach finish line

(Jul 22, 2023)

“We’ve been working on this bill for five years,” said Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, D-Luzerne, majority chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. Mr. Pashinksi said passing the bill is a top priority. Read more


Fiedler, Rozzi, and House Democrats rally with Teamsters members as UPS strike looms

(Jul 21, 2023)

“Enough is enough. I’m a proud pro-union legislator, and I’m honored to stand beside Teamsters members in their fight for a fair and just contract.” Read more


Pisciottano, Rozzi rally with Pittsburgh UPS workers

(Jul 21, 2023)

“UPS’ collective bargaining agreement ends in under two weeks, yet negotiations remain at a stalemate. A strike of 340,000 workers can be avoided with the promise of fair wages, good benefits and improved working conditions." Read more


UPS employees rally in Steelton

(Jul 20, 2023)

State Rep. Mark Rozzi (D-Berks) was marching at the rally with his community to send a message to President Biden. Read more


Rozzi Protecting Workers

(Jul 20, 2023)

At a rally in Steelton for workers' rights, Pa. state Rep. Mark Rozzi stood with UPS Teamsters in their fight for better wages and working conditions. Rozzi also introduced a House resolution urging the federal government to stay out of the negotiating process, so they don’t ultimately damage the outcome. Read more


Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce purchases new home

(Jul 19, 2023)

State Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, D-121, Wilkes-Barre, congratulated the chamber “for their vision, hard work and success in receiving the necessary funds to initiate their Project Elevate proposal.” Read more


Pennsylvania's addiction treatment database grows

(Jul 17, 2023)

“If it is our intention to rehabilitate people and to make sure they come out of prison in the best possible shape, in the best possible recovery, why on Earth wouldn’t we do this?” Madden said. “In the long run, we’re saving money by not reincarcerating people.” Read more


Pennsylvania Expands Directory to Simplify Access to Addiction Services

(Jul 17, 2023)

Representative Maureen Madden, a Democrat who sponsored HB1515, argued that expanding treatment for inmates could not only benefit the incarcerated individuals but also improve the overall prison system. Read more


School Vouchers are a Hot Topic for Pa Budget

(Jul 17, 2023)

State Representative Peter Schweyer, Chair of the Education Committee, also shares a personal connection to the issue, as his own children attend underfunded schools that struggle to perform. Schweyer expresses concern about diverting funds away from K-12 schools, as it would result in fewer teachers and resources for students. Read more


Schlossberg Demands Adequate Mental Health Funding
Jul 28, 2023

State Rep. Steve Samuelson, Glorilex Vasquez, and Serving the Local Community | Charla Comunitaria
Jul 28, 2023

Texas nixed child ID kits after our investigation. Now a bill to spend taxpayer money on the kits in Pennsylvania is in trouble.
Jul 28, 2023

PennDOT secretary tours problematic Berks roads
Jul 27, 2023

Rep. Schlossberg pushes for bill funding mental health programs for adults in Pa.
Jul 27, 2023

Democrats say stalled Pa. budget leaves behind adult mental health patients
Jul 27, 2023

The final Pennsylvania budget doesn’t include adult mental health funding. Democrats want it added
Jul 27, 2023

House Reps: Run For One Office At A Time
Jul 27, 2023

Schlossberg, Collett rally mental health professionals and advocates for restoration of $100 million in adult mental health funding
Jul 27, 2023

Rozzi, Cepeda-Freytiz affirm their commitment to supporting Pennsylvania’s public schools
Jul 26, 2023

$100M in funds for adult mental health shifted to student mental health in delayed state budget
Jul 25, 2023

Pa. dog licensing bill waits to reach finish line
Jul 22, 2023

Fiedler, Rozzi, and House Democrats rally with Teamsters members as UPS strike looms
Jul 21, 2023

Pisciottano, Rozzi rally with Pittsburgh UPS workers
Jul 21, 2023

UPS employees rally in Steelton
Jul 20, 2023

Rozzi Protecting Workers
Jul 20, 2023

Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce purchases new home
Jul 19, 2023

Pennsylvania's addiction treatment database grows
Jul 17, 2023

Pennsylvania Expands Directory to Simplify Access to Addiction Services
Jul 17, 2023

School Vouchers are a Hot Topic for Pa Budget
Jul 17, 2023