Featured News

McNeill appointed chair of Northeast Democratic Delegation

Bill envisions new era for school construction and maintenance

(Jun 21, 2023)

Said Schweyer: “There are schools across the state that have mold, lead paint, asbestos, don’t have access to internet, are not accessible to students in wheelchairs or have other special needs and – it’s about time the commonwealth starts investing in this.” Read more


House Education Committee takes action for safer and better schools

(Jun 21, 2023)

“We can and must do better for our students. Under my bill, a grant program would be created which would support school districts with much needed infrastructure maintenance which the current school construction program does not cover.” Read more


Haddock supports raise for minimum wage workers

(Jun 20, 2023)

“It is past time for Pennsylvania’s lowest-earning workers to receive at least the same wages as their counterparts in surrounding states, all of which have higher minimum wages than we do. The stepped increase in this bill would give the economy time to adjust as workers earn more," said Haddock. Read more


Kosierowski votes to increase Pennsylvania minimum wage

(Jun 20, 2023)

"It is past time for us to help thousands of Lackawanna County workers and today we took a step in that direction. I was glad to vote for this incremental increase that would help us get to a reasonable wage and provide a mechanism for future increases to keep up with inflation,” said Kosierowski. Read more


Probst votes to increase PA minimum wage

(Jun 20, 2023)

“Today’s vote is a start that would provide a long overdue raise for more than a million Pennsylvania workers, including thousands of hardworking people in Monroe and Pike counties," said Probst. Read more


Schlossberg votes for minimum wage hike compromise

(Jun 20, 2023)

“We have more than a fiscal obligation to increase the minimum wage -- we also have a moral one,” Schlossberg said. Read more


McNeill releases statement on passage of minimum wage bill

(Jun 20, 2023)

State Rep. Jeanne McNeill released a statement on today’s passage of H.B. 1500 – the minimum wage bill. Read more


Donahue releases statement on the passage of a minimum wage bill

(Jun 20, 2023)

State Rep. Kyle Donahue today applauded the House passage of legislation (House Bill 1500) that would increase the minimum wage in Pennsylvania. Read more


Pashinski: Takes a Special Person to be a Social Worker

(Jun 20, 2023)

Majority Chairman of the Pa House Agriculture Committee and former teacher, state. Rep. Eddie Pashinski spoke of the important role that social workers have in our society. From our children to our senior citizens, social workers play vital roles in lifting everyone up, especially during times of crisis. Read more


PA House passes Freeman land bank legislation

(Jun 20, 2023)

“Land banks are a transformative resource that allow affected neighborhoods and business districts to be revitalized. We should be doing everything we can as a state to encourage economic development and improve quality of life in all municipalities, big and small,” said Freeman. Read more


$15 minimum wage in Pa.? House passes bill, measure faces uncertain future in Senate.

(Jun 20, 2023)

“Increasing the minimum wage also is a suicide prevention strategy as higher wages reduce despair and are a key part of addressing Pennsylvania’s mental health crisis,” Schlossberg said. Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jun 16, 2023)

Here are several grant programs that recently opened for applications. Read more


Police and fire gear from Pennsylvania might help protect people of war-torn Ukraine

(Jun 15, 2023)

“This is a way for those municipalities that feel they have surplus property they can dispose of and benefit the Ukrainian people to be able to do so without receiving a surcharge for the, for the actual disposal of the property,” Rep. Freeman said. Read more


Madden: Minimum Wage Raise Long Overdue

(Jun 14, 2023)

During a House floor debate on Wednesday, June 14, state Rep. Maureen Madden, D-Monroe, said that if Pennsylvania had raised its minimum wage as economists suggested more than a decade ago, people would be better off today, and fewer folks would be reliant on government programs. Raising the wage now, she said, will mean savings in the future that can be used toward mental health, education, fixing schools, and more. Read more


Pa. budget 2023: How a landmark school funding lawsuit is shaping negotiations

(Jun 14, 2023)

“We know we’re going to need to invest a significant number in education as a result of the lawsuit in the next, you know, X number of budgets,” said state Rep. Peter Schweyer (D., Lehigh), who chairs the House Education Committee. Read more


Schweyer Fighting to Fix Toxic Schools

(Jun 14, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chair of the House Education Committee, says the quality of a school building has a direct impact on a child's ability to learn. Schweyer is fighting to secure additional funding in this year's state budget to end toxic schools across Pennsylvania. Read more


Pennsylvania seeks to address adult mental health

(Jun 14, 2023)

“It’s time to get this money out the door to serve Pennsylvanians,” said State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, the bill’s sponsor, in a statement. “I am grateful for the bipartisan support the legislation received and look forward to working with the Senate and Governor Josh Shapiro to get this done so we can get people the help they need.” Read more


Rep. Schweyer and House Democrats call for more school construction dollars in state budget

(Jun 14, 2023)

“The quality of that building will have a dramatic and direct impact on that child’s ability to learn,” Schweyer said. “It’s really hard to teach things like computer literacy if you don’t have the internet. It’s really hard to teach a health class when the air that our children breathe is toxic.” Read more


State Reps. Fiedler, Schweyer, Merski, Hill-Evans and advocates urge PA Legislature to fund school facilities in 2023-24 state budget

(Jun 14, 2023)

Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, chair of the House Education Committee, reminded everyone that school buildings are learning environments. Read more


Pa. lawmakers move ahead on stipends to ease financial burdens for student teachers

(Jun 13, 2023)

The House Education Committee headed by Rep. Schweyer voted 20-1 to send the full chamber a bill providing up to $15,000 as a stipend for student teachers and $2,500 for teachers who serve as mentors to aspiring educators. Read more


Bill envisions new era for school construction and maintenance
Jun 21, 2023

House Education Committee takes action for safer and better schools
Jun 21, 2023

Haddock supports raise for minimum wage workers
Jun 20, 2023

Kosierowski votes to increase Pennsylvania minimum wage
Jun 20, 2023

Probst votes to increase PA minimum wage
Jun 20, 2023

Schlossberg votes for minimum wage hike compromise
Jun 20, 2023

McNeill releases statement on passage of minimum wage bill
Jun 20, 2023

Donahue releases statement on the passage of a minimum wage bill
Jun 20, 2023

Pashinski: Takes a Special Person to be a Social Worker
Jun 20, 2023

PA House passes Freeman land bank legislation
Jun 20, 2023

$15 minimum wage in Pa.? House passes bill, measure faces uncertain future in Senate.
Jun 20, 2023

Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities
Jun 16, 2023

Police and fire gear from Pennsylvania might help protect people of war-torn Ukraine
Jun 15, 2023

Madden: Minimum Wage Raise Long Overdue
Jun 14, 2023

Pa. budget 2023: How a landmark school funding lawsuit is shaping negotiations
Jun 14, 2023

Schweyer Fighting to Fix Toxic Schools
Jun 14, 2023

Pennsylvania seeks to address adult mental health
Jun 14, 2023

Rep. Schweyer and House Democrats call for more school construction dollars in state budget
Jun 14, 2023

State Reps. Fiedler, Schweyer, Merski, Hill-Evans and advocates urge PA Legislature to fund school facilities in 2023-24 state budget
Jun 14, 2023

Pa. lawmakers move ahead on stipends to ease financial burdens for student teachers
Jun 13, 2023