Featured News

McNeill appointed chair of Northeast Democratic Delegation

Schweyer's Legislation Would Improve School Buildings

(Jun 28, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chair of the House Education Committee, comments on House passage of his legislation to fund improvements in the commonwealth's school buildings through new construction and maintenance work such as the removal of toxic substances and upgraded accessibility. Read more


Guzman Defends Immigrant Communities

(Jun 28, 2023)

During debate on legislation regarding SNAP benefits, Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman stood up for immigrant communities who were insinuated as being criminals and drug dealers by fellow members of the House. Guzman urged his colleagues to rise above political rhetoric and better represent all the communities they serve. Read more


House committee clears bill that would nix constitutional questions in off-year elections

(Jun 28, 2023)

“This has been nothing but the weaponization of a critical process deliberately scheduled during low-turnout elections in the hopes that a few, select group of voters weigh in,” said Rep. Joshua Siegel, D-Lehigh. Read more


Pa. House passes Schweyer’s Safer, Better Schools legislation

(Jun 27, 2023)

“The average age of public schools in Pennsylvania is roughly 70 years old and many are in need of repairs and upgrades to ensure students and staff have safe and comfortable learning environments,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “I am pleased to see bipartisan support for this bill as this would benefit schools across the commonwealth in urban, suburban and rural communities.” Read more


Cepeda-Freytiz on Growing Teacher Shortage

(Jun 27, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz urged support for her legislation which would remove restrictions for non-citizens in order to make it easier for them to become teachers. Cepeda-Freytiz says that in the Reading School District alone they have almost 100 vacancies and this legislation would help to fill that gap. The bill passed the House 110-93. Read more


Non-US citizens would be eligible to teach in Pennsylvania under a bill passed by the state House

(Jun 27, 2023)

“Let’s as a collective tackle this growing problem and let’s continue to eliminate some of these barriers that don’t apply to most careers in the Commonwealth, let alone in the United States,” said the bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, a Democrat from Berks County. Read more


Madden Co-Host’s 5th Monroe Women’s Expo

(Jun 26, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden co-hosted her 5th Women’s Expo with Rep. Tarah Probst in Stroudsburg, Monroe County, on Saturday, June 24. Madden and her staff worked hard with Probst and her staff to bring over 80 vendors providing a variety of resources that the women of Monroe County can use to improve their family’s lives. Read more


Probst Co-Hosts Monroe Women’s Expo

(Jun 26, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Tarah Probst co-hosted Rep. Maureen Madden’s 5th Women’s Expo in Stroudsburg, Monroe County. Probst and her staff worked hard with Madden to bring over 80 vendors providing a variety of resources that the women of Monroe County can use to improve their family’s lives. Read more


Following I-95 collapse, Lehigh Rep. infrastructure bill advanced to PA House floor

(Jun 26, 2023)

Sponsored by state Rep. Josh Siegel, D-Lehigh, the legislation would create a statewide contractor law, establishing requirements that would have to be met by companies bidding on infrastructure projects that are publicly funded. Read more


Cepeda-Freytiz praises passage of bill that would lessen teacher shortages

(Jun 26, 2023)

“Education is the foundation of progress. We need a commonsense approach that can help us put Pennsylvania back on track. I am proud to champion this issue and I cannot wait until this bill is signed into law,” Cepeda-Freytiz said. Read more


Siegel releases statement on the passage of minimum wage bill

(Jun 23, 2023)

State Rep. Josh Siegel released a statement on the passage of H.B. 1500 – a minimum wage bill – in the House this week: Read more


In Pa., 1.2 million registered voters can’t take part in primaries. Election experts urge House lawmakers to change that

(Jun 23, 2023)

Said Rep. Madden: “For all the issues that Act 77 may still have, Pa. voters embraced the no-excuse mail-in voting with open arms. We came out to vote in numbers never seen before. And I expect that Pa. voters will react quite similarly to open primaries.” Read more


Legislators offer comments on passage of minimum wage bill

(Jun 22, 2023)

Rep. Jim Haddock was joined by fellow Luzerne County Democrat Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, who noted that it’s been 16 years since the last minimum wage increase in Pennsylvania, in voting for the legislation. Read more


PA House Labor & Industry Committee approves infrastructure legislation

(Jun 22, 2023)

House Bill 1449, sponsored by state Rep. Josh Siegel, D-Lehigh, would establish a statewide responsible contractor law, setting clear requirements that firms bidding on publicly funded infrastructure projects must meet and requiring firms to have a state or federal registered apprenticeship program and pay the prevailing wage rate. Read more


Funding the 500: Revisiting Pennsylvania charter schools after a quarter-century

(Jun 22, 2023)

The lack of accountability for academic performance and the flawed funding scheme represent broken promises to students and taxpayers, Rep. Tarah Probst, D-Monroe, said, adding the windfall charter schools receive sometimes gives rise to waste and outright fraud. Read more


'Magical unicorn' substitute teacher bill advances

(Jun 22, 2023)

Committee Chairman Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Allentown, referred to the bill as a “magical unicorn” given its unanimous support from teachers unions, the Department of Education, school administrators, and the legislature. Read more


Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro affirms support for funding private school vouchers amid budget push

(Jun 22, 2023)

State Rep. Pete Schweyer (D., Lehigh), who chairs his chamber’s Education Committee, told Spotlight PA that he “fundamentally” opposes lifeline scholarships and believes it would be a mistake to route state money into public school alternatives when the courts have said the public school system itself needs funding. Read more


Pashinski releases statement on passage of minimum wage bill

(Jun 21, 2023)

State Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski released a statement on the passage of H.B. 1500 – the minimum wage bill. Read more


Bill to increase state minimum wage moves forward

(Jun 21, 2023)

“Today’s vote is a start that would provide a long overdue raise for more than a million Pennsylvania workers, including thousands of hardworking people in Monroe and Pike counties,” Rep. Tarah Probst said. Read more


Plan to fix toxic and crumbling schools passes House Education Committee with GOP reservations

(Jun 21, 2023)

"It's about time that the commonwealth starts investing in this,” Education Committee Chairperson Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, who is the bill’s prime sponsor, said. Read more


Schweyer's Legislation Would Improve School Buildings
Jun 28, 2023

Guzman Defends Immigrant Communities
Jun 28, 2023

House committee clears bill that would nix constitutional questions in off-year elections
Jun 28, 2023

Pa. House passes Schweyer’s Safer, Better Schools legislation
Jun 27, 2023

Cepeda-Freytiz on Growing Teacher Shortage
Jun 27, 2023

Non-US citizens would be eligible to teach in Pennsylvania under a bill passed by the state House
Jun 27, 2023

Madden Co-Host’s 5th Monroe Women’s Expo
Jun 26, 2023

Probst Co-Hosts Monroe Women’s Expo
Jun 26, 2023

Following I-95 collapse, Lehigh Rep. infrastructure bill advanced to PA House floor
Jun 26, 2023

Cepeda-Freytiz praises passage of bill that would lessen teacher shortages
Jun 26, 2023

Siegel releases statement on the passage of minimum wage bill
Jun 23, 2023

In Pa., 1.2 million registered voters can’t take part in primaries. Election experts urge House lawmakers to change that
Jun 23, 2023

Legislators offer comments on passage of minimum wage bill
Jun 22, 2023

PA House Labor & Industry Committee approves infrastructure legislation
Jun 22, 2023

Funding the 500: Revisiting Pennsylvania charter schools after a quarter-century
Jun 22, 2023

'Magical unicorn' substitute teacher bill advances
Jun 22, 2023

Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro affirms support for funding private school vouchers amid budget push
Jun 22, 2023

Pashinski releases statement on passage of minimum wage bill
Jun 21, 2023

Bill to increase state minimum wage moves forward
Jun 21, 2023

Plan to fix toxic and crumbling schools passes House Education Committee with GOP reservations
Jun 21, 2023