Schweyer to host free paper shredding event Sept. 10

(Aug 24, 2022)

ALLENTOWN, Aug. 22 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer will hold a free community paper shredding event to help residents safely dispose of their unwanted and personal documents. The event will be held 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 10 at South Mountain Middle School, 709 W. Emaus Ave. Shredding will take place in the parking lot on South Church Street. “All it takes is just one piece of paper or envelope with your name and address on it that’s improperly disposed of, and a thief could be able to steal your identity,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “Shredding is a great way to safely dispose of personal documents and I am pleased to be offering this free event to allow people to protect their personal information and prevent it from getting into the hands of criminals.” Schweyer added common types of unwanted items for shredding include credit card statements, credit card applications, bank and investment statements, canceled checks, income tax information, insurance and health records, and retirement or pension fund information. This event is only for residential documents. Business documents will not be accepted. There is a limit of 10 boxes of documents per car and no electronics will be accepted for recycling or disposal at this event. Documents will be shredded on site. For more information, residents may call Schweyer’s office at 610-791-6270. Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Aug. 19

(Aug 05, 2022)

ALLENTOWN, Aug. 5 – Area veterans who would like to learn more about the benefits and programs available to them and their families for their service are encouraged to attend state Rep. Peter Schweyer’s next monthly veterans support program on Friday, Aug. 19 at his district office, 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206, Allentown . “There are many benefits available to veterans for their service to their country and many don’t know about them,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “This is a great opportunity for veterans to meet in person with an outreach specialist to review these benefits and also receive assistance with the paperwork.” According to Schweyer, a representative from the American Legion Service Office Outreach program will be in his office to provide information on education, health care and death benefits. Appointments with the outreach specialist are available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the third Friday of each month. Those interested in meeting with the specialist should make an appointment by calling 610-791-6270. Read more


Schweyer: Pa. Senate GOP are Cowards

(Jul 08, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Pete Schweyer says that he will never vote to take away women of their rights. Last night, while many people were getting ready to go to bed, the Pa. Senate Republicans passed a proposed Constitutional amendment that would deprive women of their right to choose and to healthcare access. He says they did this in the middle of the night because they're cowards, but he is standing up now in the light of day to say they will not get away with this. Read more


Schweyer to hold next monthly veterans outreach July 22

(Jul 08, 2022)

ALLENTOWN, July 8 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer is alerting area veterans that his monthly veterans support program will be held on Friday, July 22 at his district office, 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206. A representative from the American Legion will be available for in-person appointments from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The representative will be able to discuss pensions and other compensation, as well as education, health care and death benefits. “This is an important way we can connect our area veterans to the many benefits available to them and their families that they earned for their service and may not know about,” Schweyer said. “I am pleased to offer this program every month to make it as easy as possible to help our service men and women access their benefits in the most convenient manner.” According to Schweyer, the monthly veterans outreach is typically offered on the third Friday of every month. However, a scheduling conflict is preventing the outreach specialist from being available on Friday, July 15 – the third Friday this month. Appointments instead are being accepted for Friday, July 22 to offer this service. Legion membership is not required; however, anyone interested in speaking with the adviser should schedule appointments by contacting Schweyer’s office at 610-791-6270. Masks are required and CDC guidelines must be followed during the appointment. Read more


Schweyer applauds state budget deal

(Jul 07, 2022)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer issued the following statement regarding the bipartisan 2022/2023 state budget which passed the House of Representatives today. “This budget features a truly historic increase in funding for public education; as such, students in every district will see more resources than they ever have before. But more importantly, by prioritizing our investment in the most at-risk school districts, we are actually leveling the playing field for all our kids regardless of their zip code. “In addition, the legislature recognized the impact on learning due to the pandemic and has authorized additional funding for school districts to address our students’ mental health and school safety. These dollars will go a long way to help school districts to implement important programming for those significantly impacted by the changes forced on education by the pandemic. “This has been my eighth budget as State Representative. And this is the first time I truly believe that we have turned a corner for the students, parents and professionals of the Allentown School District. For far too long we have spent just enough to avoid layoffs and keep the lights on, but today we are doing something very different: we are giving ASD a chance to actually add to our children’s education. “As the parent of two ASD students, I know firsthand what these additional dollars will mean to the students and families in Read more


Schweyer: This Budget is a Win

(Jul 07, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Pete Schweyer has been in the legislature for eight years, but this is the first time a budget has invested in schools in such a meaningful way. He says this budget is a historic win for kids, and older adults by giving more affordable housing options and lowering property taxes. As a result of this budget, he feels the Allentown area will be stronger and safer than ever. Read more


Schweyer: Protect the Right to Choose

(Jun 27, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer believes that the government has no right in come between an individual and their personal health choices. He firmly stands as pro-choice and vows to fight back against any attempt to remove a person’s right to choose. Read more


Schweyer Calls on GOP to Lead with Courage Not Cowardice

(Jun 23, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer is frustrated with the way his GOP colleagues are choosing to ignore the public’s call for sensible gun safety reform. He believes that refusing even to discuss or debate the issue is a blatant act of cowardice. Read more


Browne, Schlossberg, Schweyer welcome $500K for stadium

(Jun 22, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 22 – A plan to enhance amenities at Coca-Cola Park received a $500,000 financial boost from the state Tuesday, according to state Reps. Mike Schlossberg and Peter Schweyer and state Sen. Pat Browne. Read more


Schweyer: Majority party tactics on gun bills are shameful, dangerous

(Jun 22, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 22 – In response to the House Judiciary Committee’s political maneuver on his legislation and other tactics on bills to address gun violence in Pennsylvania, state Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, issued the following statement today: “It has become quite clear with this week’s move and previous procedures earlier this month with other commonsense gun legislation that the Republican majority cares more about the gun lobby than saving Pennsylvania lives. “Tragically, we are seeing more shootings happen across the country with the same type of military-style rifles being used by the perpetrators and more victims being tragically killed or having to live with wounds for the rest of their lives. We cannot live in a society that accepts mass shootings as a norm and we cannot become complacent. The violence must stop. “I have said gun reform is one of my biggest issues as both a legislator and a parent. After witnessing the horrific and tragic images from the Uvalde, Texas, shooting last month, where an 18-year old purchased two AR-15 rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition for his birthday and massacred 19 elementary schoolchildren and two teachers, and a similar tragic story that unfolded in Buffalo, N.Y., where another 18-year-old legally purchased his AR-15 and took a 200-mile trip to the Topps Supermarket and murdered 10 people, it's well past time to act on commonsense gun reform measures. "These mass Read more


Schweyer Frustrated with Lack of Gun Safety Reform

(Jun 21, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer is frustrated with the way his GOP colleagues are choosing to ignore the public’s call for sensible gun safety reform. Most notably, his legislation which would have raised the legal age to purchase an assault riffle from 18 to 21 was gutted by the House Judiciary Committee. The entire language of House Bill 717 was replaced with unrelated language that would remove some existing requirements for handgun background checks. Read more


Judiciary committee deletes age restrictions for assault weapon ownership

(Jun 21, 2022)

The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to amend Rep. Peter Schweyer’s, D-Lehigh, bill that would have prevented anyone under 21 from obtaining the types of weapons used in school shootings in Uvalde, Texas; Newtown, Conn.; and elsewhere. Read more


As bill to limit fireworks advances in Pa. Senate, some ask: Does it go far enough?

(Jun 20, 2022)

Unless police see someone light a firework’s fuse, they can’t take any action against them for detonating fireworks illegally, and aren’t allowed to confiscate any unlit fireworks, Schweyer said. The bill in the Senate would allow officers to confiscate fireworks. Read more


Lehigh Valley lawmaker pushes bill for Pa. under-21 assault weapons ban as ‘cultural divide’ stalls gun law debate

(Jun 17, 2022)

Schweyer filed a new resolution to force action on his long-stalled bill to outlaw possession of assault weapons by people under 21. Read more


Schweyer: Restrict Ownership of AR-15 Style Rifles to Adults Aged 21 and Above

(Jun 15, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer speaks on the need for his bill to restrict ownership of AR-15-style so-called “modern sporting rifles” to adults aged 21 and over. The AR-style rifle is overwhelmingly the weapon of choice in mass shootings, and a ban of this type would have kept the rifle out of the hands of the Buffalo and Uvalde shooters. Read more


Schweyer: Mental Health Services Are Overworked

(Jun 14, 2022)

At a Capitol news conference, Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer discusses the HOPE for PA plan which would invest $100 million to address the growing mental health crisis across Pennsylvania. Schweyer says the pandemic has shown just how overworked our mental health services are and these dollars would provide much needed resources that would really make a difference. Read more


Schweyer, Schlossberg announce state funding for Allentown fire and police departments

(Jun 14, 2022)

ALLENTOWN, June 14 – State Reps. Peter Schweyer and Mike Schlossberg today announced state funding totaling $15,000 was awarded to help support Allentown fire and police departments. “This funding is crucial to the safety for everyone who lives and works in the city of Allentown, and it ensures our police officers and fire personnel have the equipment they need to keep themselves and the people they protect every day safe from harm,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “I am pleased to support projects like these, which help make our city a safer place.” “The LSA program provide a significant savings to the people of Allentown,” said Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. “Without funding like this, the city would have to rely on taxpayers to pay for the critical public safety equipment. It’s a win-win, our departments are able to get the tools they need to serve and protect us without a financial burden on residents or businesses.” The legislators added the Commonwealth Finance Authority approved funding for the following two projects in the city of Allentown: $10,000 for the Allentown Fire Department for equipment and furnishings for the Allentown Fire Academy. $5,000 for the Allentown Police Department for surveillance cameras at the public safety building. The Local Share Account includes funds from casinos located in host or contiguous counties and are distributed by the Department of Community and Economic Development Read more


Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence

(Jun 09, 2022)

As Americans, we cannot turn a blind eye to gun violence. We must address this crisis of gun violence that has destroyed so many innocent lives by comprehensively addressing the issue and enacting common sense gun safety measures. Read more


Pa. House bill hikes cost of birth, death certificates to fight veteran suicides

(Jun 09, 2022)

The bill, sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Peter Schweyer, would hike the fee for birth and death certificates by $2 to establish a permanent funding source for a grant program aiding organizations that are working to reduce suicide deaths among veterans. Read more


State House makes progress on reining in abusive use of fireworks

(Jun 08, 2022)

Responding to the many concerns they have heard from local residents, Lehigh Valley lawmakers today voted to put some sensible restrictions on the use of consumer fireworks. Read more


Schweyer to host free paper shredding event Sept. 10
Aug 24, 2022

Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Aug. 19
Aug 05, 2022

Schweyer: Pa. Senate GOP are Cowards
Jul 08, 2022

Schweyer to hold next monthly veterans outreach July 22
Jul 08, 2022

Schweyer applauds state budget deal
Jul 07, 2022

Schweyer: This Budget is a Win
Jul 07, 2022

Schweyer: Protect the Right to Choose
Jun 27, 2022

Schweyer Calls on GOP to Lead with Courage Not Cowardice
Jun 23, 2022

Browne, Schlossberg, Schweyer welcome $500K for stadium
Jun 22, 2022

Schweyer: Majority party tactics on gun bills are shameful, dangerous
Jun 22, 2022

Schweyer Frustrated with Lack of Gun Safety Reform
Jun 21, 2022

Judiciary committee deletes age restrictions for assault weapon ownership
Jun 21, 2022

As bill to limit fireworks advances in Pa. Senate, some ask: Does it go far enough?
Jun 20, 2022

Lehigh Valley lawmaker pushes bill for Pa. under-21 assault weapons ban as ‘cultural divide’ stalls gun law debate
Jun 17, 2022

Schweyer: Restrict Ownership of AR-15 Style Rifles to Adults Aged 21 and Above
Jun 15, 2022

Schweyer: Mental Health Services Are Overworked
Jun 14, 2022

Schweyer, Schlossberg announce state funding for Allentown fire and police departments
Jun 14, 2022

Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence
Jun 09, 2022

Pa. House bill hikes cost of birth, death certificates to fight veteran suicides
Jun 09, 2022

State House makes progress on reining in abusive use of fireworks
Jun 08, 2022