Schweyer: Protect Women's Health

(Jun 07, 2021)

At a Capitol news conference, Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer discusses the importance of protecting women's health, including from the hazards in several old and toxic school buildings in Allentown. Schweyer says the PA Rescue Plan could direct much needed funding to replace or modernize these school buildings and protect the health of educators and children alike. Read more


Schweyer Community Conversation with The Literacy Center

(Jun 04, 2021)

In this Community Conversation, Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer sits down with Jennifer Doyle and Kelly Gallagher from The Literacy Center in Allentown to discuss the educational programs and services they offer to the community. Read more


Schweyer Aims to Repeal State Fireworks Law

(Jun 03, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer discusses his legislation to repeal Pennsylvania's fireworks law, which allows the sale and use of large-scale fireworks for the general public. Schweyer says Allentown is a hot bed for fireworks at all hours of the night, causing safety concerns and affecting the quality of life for residents and pets. Read more


Schweyer: PA Rescue Plan Will Boost Our Pandemic Recovery

(May 25, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer discusses the importance of the PA Rescue Plan which would invest in job creation, broadband access, education, and health care infrastructure to help the people of Allentown bounce back from the pandemic. Read more


Schweyer announces district office to resume walk-in visitors starting June 1

(May 24, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 24 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, today announced his district office in Allentown will resume walk-in visitors starting Tuesday, June 1. “For nearly a year, my staff and I continued to provide the services and assistance our constituents need through in-person appointments and by phone and email out of an abundance of caution and safety,” Schweyer said. “Now, with more residents continuing to get vaccinated and guidelines being eased, it is time to start returning to normal and welcome walk-in visitors once again.” Schweyer added that those who need assistance should still first contact the district office by phone at 610-791-6270 or email at to avoid overcrowding. The office will continue following CDC guidelines and all persons who enter the office must be properly wearing a mask. Schweyer said constituents who are not feeling well or have been recently exposed to someone with COVID-19 should contact the office by phone or email for assistance. Read more


PASSHE consolidation, potential impacts focus of virtual House Democratic Policy Committee hearing

(May 20, 2021)

ERIE, May 20 – Positive and negative impacts of the proposed consolidation of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education were vetted at today’s House Democratic Policy Committee virtual hearing. The hearing, hosted by committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, and state Reps. Peter Schweyer and Emily Kinkead, included testimony from educators, facility management, PASSHE leadership and students. The committee heard testimony from Dr. Sam Claster, Sociology Department Chair, Edinboro University; Lydia Laythe, Washington Township Councilperson in Erie; and Mary Jo Campbell, Professor Emeritus, Edinboro University; who all cautioned that moving forward without hearing from those directly involved in educating students and keeping schools in operation and how consolidation without addressing investment and system strains may not have the desired intention. “The bottom line is Pennsylvania ranks 48th in investment in higher education. If we want to attract and retain Pennsylvania students and prepare them for a successful future, we must address the system’s shortcomings and invest in students so we can build a stronger higher education system that positions Pennsylvania with a vibrant workforce,” explained Bizzarro. “We do need to take our time and take an approach that can have positive, longstanding impacts on our commonwealth.” Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Chancellor Dr. Daniel Greenstein and Clarion Read more


Proposed PASSHE consolidation focus of Thursday’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing

(May 19, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 18 – The impact of a proposed consolidation of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education on students, staff and communities will be the focus of Thursday’s virtual House Democratic Policy Committee hearing hosted by state Representatives Ryan Bizzarro, Peter Schweyer and Emily Kinkead. The virtual hearing will begin at 1 p.m. Thursday, May 20 and can be viewed online at . The public and media are encouraged to tune in and may submit questions via email to . Bizzarro, D-Erie and chairman of the committee will join with Schweyer, D-Lehigh, and Kinkead, D-Allegheny, to discuss how consolidation will impact educational opportunities, extracurricular offerings, employment and the economic impact of the communities state system schools call home. PASSHE’s first plan—the west integration plan—aims to consolidate California University of Pennsylvania, Clarion University, and Edinboro University. The second—the northeast integration – would consolidate Bloomsburg University, Lock Haven University and Mansfield University. Read more


Schweyer: Professional license waivers to end when COVID-19 disaster declaration ends

(May 17, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 17 – The temporary suspension of laws and regulations regarding licensed professionals, which was granted by Gov. Tom Wolf, will no longer be in effect when the emergency disaster declaration is ended, according to state Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “From increasing access to telemedicine, to increasing access to COVID-19 vaccines at sites in Allentown and across the state, these waivers were a crucial part of fighting the pandemic,” Schweyer said. “It is important that these industries are aware that as cases continue to drop and the emergency disaster declaration is terminated, the professional license waivers will also end.” According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, nearly 100 waivers regarding professional licensing have been approved to quickly and safely free up every available healthcare professional who wanted to assist in any way, including retirees, military and out-of-state practitioners. Schweyer added, currently the emergency declaration remains in place and the waivers continue to remain in effect. The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs will provide additional updates regarding the expiration of waivers should the disaster declaration be terminated prematurely. Anyone who may have any questions or concerns should contact the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs at 833-DOS-BPOA (833-367-2762). Read more


Schlossberg, Schweyer: Tour further highlights needs of service providers, nonprofits

(May 13, 2021)

LEHIGH, May 13 – At a tour of the Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living, PA House Democrats saw first-hand the strain on nonprofits that provide services to people living with disabilities and shared how the PA Rescue Plan could alleviate some of those challenges with an investment of federal funding. The tour, led by the center’s executive director, Amy Beck, highlighted how empowering people living with disabilities is an integral component of operation. LVCIL is one of 17 centers for independent living in the state. Centers are governed, managed and staffed at all times by a majority of people with disabilities. State Rep. Mike Schlossberg said, “This pandemic has exposed significant injustices and shortfalls in our world. In most of our communities, access to emergency resources starts with the friendly face and compassionate heart of community-based nonprofit organizations. While performing miracles, these organizations have seen their bottom lines take enormous hits. The staff are overworked and underpaid. Volunteers have put their health on the line with no expectation of personal gain. The Pennsylvania Rescue Plan will offer these organizations, serving our most vulnerable neighbors, extra support to offset increased expenses and lost revenue from contributions or events so they can meet demand in our community.” “The PA Rescue Plan provides a unique opportunity for us to invest in humans, not government,” added state Read more


PA House Dems to tour Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living, identifying where PA Rescue Plan can help

(May 11, 2021)

ALLENTOWN, May 11 – The pandemic further strained those providing services to our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians and state Reps. Mike Schlossberg and Pete Schweyer will explain how proposed investments of over $350 million via the PA Rescue Plan would close the service gap by helping the helpers provide much-needed services. The media are invited to join members for the tour of Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living at 1 p.m. Thursday, May 13, followed by a 2 p.m. opportunity to discuss the impact investments with legislators and Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living. The PA Rescue Plan aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . Read more


Schweyer Continues Push for Minimum Wage Increase

(Apr 29, 2021)

At a virtual press event with the Pa. Department of Labor and Industry, state Rep. Peter Schweyer continues to push for raising Pennsylvania's minimum wage, which is lower than surrounding states and doesn't reflect the value of the labor our workers are providing. Read more


Schweyer: We Must Protect our Food Processing Workers

(Apr 28, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer joined Carmen Dominguez, a meatpacking worker from Allentown, as she shared her experiences in the food processing industry during the pandemic and the need for additional worker safety protections. Read more


Schweyer: We Can Disagree on Policy, But Not Facts

(Apr 26, 2021)

At a meeting of the Performance Based Budget Board discussing tax credits, Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer says that both chambers and parties should be able to disagree on policy, but not on facts, and urged continued cooperation as they move forward with additional hearings. Read more


Schweyer, Schlossberg announce $100,000 in funding for homeless assistance and prevention

(Apr 20, 2021)

ALLENTOWN, April 20 – As part of the ongoing efforts to assist people and families experiencing homelessness in the city of Allentown, seven organizations will share a portion of $100,000 in federal CARES Act funding. “There is no question that life during the pandemic has been especially challenging, but the difficulty of those challenges has risen exponentially for those Pennsylvanians facing homelessness,” state Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, said. “This is critical funding to ensure these entities can continue their dedication to helping those in need.” The following organizations will each receive a portion of the grant funding: Allentown City: Valley Youth House - Rapid Rehousing. The Lehigh Conference of Churches - Rapid Rehousing. Allentown Rescue Mission - Emergency Shelter. Salvation Army Hospitality House - Emergency Shelter. Sixth Street Shelter - Emergency Shelter. YMCA Warming station - Emergency Shelter. Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Turning Point of Lehigh Valley - Emergency Shelter. State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, also D-Lehigh, added, “Health and housing are so critically connected. When somebody’s housing is in doubt, it makes it difficult to stay safe and healthy. In the midst of a pandemic, this becomes more pronounced as families in crisis end up in overcrowded Read more


Schweyer: Three weeks remain to apply for home heating assistance

(Apr 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 5 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is reminding residents that the window to apply for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program closes at the end of the month. “Many Pennsylvanians are living on fixed incomes or have household budgets that are being pushed to the limit,” Schweyer said. “Programs like LIHEAP are available for these families to get some much-needed financial relief and ensure their homes will have warmth when cold weather arrives.” LIHEAP assists lower-income families in paying their heating bills in the form of a cash grant. Households in immediate danger of being without heat are eligible for crisis grants. It is available for both renters and homeowners. The application period for LIHEAP cash and crisis benefits ends Friday, April 30. Schweyer added, “Anyone interested in applying can contact my office at 610-791-6270 to schedule an appointment at my district office – 1501 Lehigh St., Suite 206 in Allentown -- or through local county assistance offices.” Masks will be required to be worn during those appointments and CDC safety guidelines will also be in place while inside the office. Applications can also be downloaded from the Department of Human Services website. In addition to helping families sign up for LIHEAP, Schweyer and his staff are available to assist visitors with any state government-related Read more


Schweyer: Allentown City School District, local charter schools to receive over $90M in federal funding

(Mar 29, 2021)

ALLENTOWN, March 29 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, today congratulated the Allentown City School District and two Allentown charter schools who are expected to receive federal funding totaling $93.17 million to help return students to classrooms. “The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a significant toll on students, their families and school districts across Pennsylvania,” Schweyer said. “These federal dollars will ensure that our schools have the necessary equipment, training, and support to allow students and faculty to return to a safe and clean learning environment.” Schweyer said the breakdown of the federal funding for schools in Allentown is as follows: Allentown School District - $88.1 million Roberto Clemente Charter School -$3.15 million Arts Academy Elementary Charter School - $1.92 million The funding is part of the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund passed by Congress and signed by President Biden. The money can be used for food service; professional training; technology purchases; sanitization and cleaning supplies; summer and after-school programs; mental health supports and more. At least 20% of this money is meant to address learning loss and the social, emotional, and academic needs of Read more


PA House Democrats Launch Effort to Defend Democracy

(Mar 29, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 29 – Responding to the Capitol insurrection in January and the signing of new restrictions on voting rights last week in Georgia, House Democrats are taking action to protect American democracy. Today, a website was launched that summarizes policy proposals to defend democracy as well as links to more information and the ability for people to quickly email their elected officials, noting their support of the bills. The House Democratic Caucus has been working on these proposals since a House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing in January, when members were briefed by legal scholars, hate crimes experts and members of Congress on the language of false conspiracy and election fraud being used to undermine democracy. That same language has shifted from encouraging outright attack to what many perceive as insidiously undermining basic voting rights. “We cannot allow the outrage and disgust of the American people watching an armed invasion of our government to be subverted by a slick rebranding into attacks on our right to fair and free elections” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. Members of the House Democratic Caucus have introduced dozens of measures to expand voting rights, preserve election security, protect access to mail-in ballots and polling places, and to clarify and consolidate the often-outdated Election Code. Bizzarro said the site – -- will serve as a great Read more


Instead of disbanding PASSHE, Chancellor Greenstein should resign

(Mar 19, 2021)

For the better part of the last two years, we have been hearing from PASSHE Chancellor Dan Greenstein that we need to reform the way we manage our Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education or increase the state’s funding for it. Yesterday, he publicly offered another solution: disband the system all together. I am here to offer an even better next step: Dan Greenstein should resign. Despite many in the legislature supporting higher state investment in the PASSHE schools (myself included), he has been unable to secure a greater increase in funding from the state. But candidly, he has not tried very hard. Instead, he has offered his own plan of consolidation, essentially turning six colleges into two. I have participated in several public hearings with the chancellor where he has been, in my opinion, evasive and vague, explaining just how his plan helps Pennsylvania’s students. If he hasn’t been able to convince me – a strong supporter of the PASSHE system – then it stands to reason that perhaps he is struggling to gain support for his consolidation plan. So, he offers what can only be described as a nuclear option: disband the entire system. There are more than 84,000 Pennsylvanians who are learning either full or part time at a PASSHE school, 2,452 of whom reside in Lehigh County. What kind of message is he sending to those students? As someone who has been in Harrisburg for some time, Read more


Schweyer, prime co-sponsors introduce bill to repeal Pa. fireworks law

(Mar 19, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 19 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, along with state Reps Jeanne McNeill, D-Lehigh, Robert Freeman, D-Northampton, Steve Samuelson, Mike Schlossberg, all D-Lehigh, and Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, today introduced a bill which would repeal Pennsylvania’s law allowing residents to purchase and set-off powerful fireworks. “For the past few years, I, along with many of my neighbors have been awakened at all hours of the night from the loud barrage of fireworks near my home and with the Fourth of July holiday approaching, it is time again to address this problem,” Schweyer said. “This goes beyond the borders of Allentown. Many of my colleagues in the House from Philadelphia to Easton and Pittsburgh to Erie have all shared similar fireworks problems in their communities. This legislation would repeal the most recent changes made to the fireworks law and would provide all municipalities more power to enforce the law and help restore quality of life back to city residents.” "As the Memorial Day weekend draws closer, followed by the July Fourth holiday, so too will the inevitable calls and complaints to my office about fireworks activity," McNeill said. "Last summer, as noted by conversations I had with many residents throughout Lehigh County, it seemed as though the COVID pandemic produced an uptick in pyrotechnic use. This increased nighttime activity added to the stresses in our communities: upsetting pets, Read more


Community Conversation with Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz Jr.

(Mar 11, 2021)

In this Community Conversation, Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer virtually joins Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz Jr. to discuss the recent reduction of crime in Allentown and some new initiatives to make the community a better place to live, work, and raise a family. Read more


Schweyer: Protect Women's Health
Jun 07, 2021

Schweyer Community Conversation with The Literacy Center
Jun 04, 2021

Schweyer Aims to Repeal State Fireworks Law
Jun 03, 2021

Schweyer: PA Rescue Plan Will Boost Our Pandemic Recovery
May 25, 2021

Schweyer announces district office to resume walk-in visitors starting June 1
May 24, 2021

PASSHE consolidation, potential impacts focus of virtual House Democratic Policy Committee hearing
May 20, 2021

Proposed PASSHE consolidation focus of Thursday’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing
May 19, 2021

Schweyer: Professional license waivers to end when COVID-19 disaster declaration ends
May 17, 2021

Schlossberg, Schweyer: Tour further highlights needs of service providers, nonprofits
May 13, 2021

PA House Dems to tour Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living, identifying where PA Rescue Plan can help
May 11, 2021

Schweyer Continues Push for Minimum Wage Increase
Apr 29, 2021

Schweyer: We Must Protect our Food Processing Workers
Apr 28, 2021

Schweyer: We Can Disagree on Policy, But Not Facts
Apr 26, 2021

Schweyer, Schlossberg announce $100,000 in funding for homeless assistance and prevention
Apr 20, 2021

Schweyer: Three weeks remain to apply for home heating assistance
Apr 05, 2021

Schweyer: Allentown City School District, local charter schools to receive over $90M in federal funding
Mar 29, 2021

PA House Democrats Launch Effort to Defend Democracy
Mar 29, 2021

Instead of disbanding PASSHE, Chancellor Greenstein should resign
Mar 19, 2021

Schweyer, prime co-sponsors introduce bill to repeal Pa. fireworks law
Mar 19, 2021

Community Conversation with Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz Jr.
Mar 11, 2021