Pashinski, O’Mara, Comitta and advocates discuss Hospital Closure Reform

(May 03, 2023)

“When hospitals and health care facilities close or significantly reduce services, patients, doctors, nurses, staff and entire communities suffer,” Pashinski said. “These facilities need oversight because they are not like other businesses, they make the difference between life or death and improve the quality of life for local patients. Even the healthiest person will at some point need help – whether that’s a visit to the emergency room, care for mental health, preventative medicine, or treatment for cancer. House Bill 158 and Senate Bill 184 would ensure that patients, doctors, nurses, staff and their communities have a voice in any major decision to close or reduce services.” Read more


Bill provides up to $8,000 a year in scholarships aid to aspiring teachers passes Pa. House

(May 03, 2023)

“We find ourselves in a serious teacher shortage in Pennsylvania and if we don’t quickly find solutions, this crisis will only worsen when more teachers leave and they are leaving,” said Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks County, the bill’s sponsor. Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers establish Black-Jewish caucus

(May 03, 2023)

State Reps. Jordan Harris and Jared Solomon, both Democrats from Philadelphia, said the new caucus will explore “the historic relationship between the two groups, reignite the current relationship, and work together to promote social justice.“ Read more


Rozzi legislation addressing statewide teacher shortage passes the House

(May 02, 2023)

“Educators are among the most qualified and credentialed professionals, yet they are also deeply burdened with loans stemming from higher education. We need to establish stronger incentives to attract professionals to the field and keep quality teachers here in Pennsylvania,” Rozzi said. Read more


House passes Harkins bill to bring OSHA safety protections to public workers

(May 02, 2023)

"Today, the House took a critical step toward better protecting hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania workers." Read more


Schweyer: House delivers bills to get – and keep – more teachers on the job

(May 02, 2023)

Pennsylvania has been facing a serious teacher shortage problem for many years now as high-caliber teachers are leaving early and districts have been struggling to recruit and retain the same quality teachers. With these measures moving to the Senate, we are now one step closer in helping to improve the quality of education for our children. Read more


PA state House passes Freeman tutoring legislation

(May 02, 2023)

“This proposal is a win-win situation for the students serving as tutors, as well as the students receiving the tutoring," Freeman said. Read more


Pashinski & Madden’s PA Preferred Organic trademark bill passes House

(May 02, 2023)

“Creating an easily identifiable PA Preferred Brand logo for PA-made organic products is a win for Pennsylvania’s farmers and producers as well as our consumers who know that label means their purchase was grown in PA, by PA Farmers, for PA families,” Pashinski said. Read more


Ciresi legislation to simplify unclaimed property claims for heirs passes House

(May 02, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 2 – The House yesterday passed state Rep. Joe Ciresi’s red-tape cutting legislation that would make it easier for relatives to claim a deceased person’s property being held by the state. According to Ciresi, the Pennsylvania treasury holds some $4 billion in unclaimed property, such as uncashed checks, lost stocks or bonds, or closed bank accounts. Due to an inconsistency in inheritance law, some categories of relatives have a harder time legitimately claiming that property on behalf of their deceased relatives. Under current law, surviving spouses, children, parents and siblings can file for unclaimed property using a notarized sworn relationship affidavit, saving them the effort and expense of having to open or re-open the deceased’s estate. But grandchildren, nephews, nieces and others cannot claim by affidavit even if they are the closest surviving relative. “My legislation would change Pennsylvania’s law for claiming unclaimed property to match the existing intestate succession law, making it easier for grandchildren and other relatives to claim money held in the name of their deceased relatives,” Ciresi, D-Montgomery, said “This would only apply to situations where an affidavit can already be used to claim: for properties under $11,000 and when no estate was ever opened or five years have passed since it was opened.” Ciresi learned about this issue from the work his staff was doing trying to Read more


Frankel, Schwank encourage colleagues to wear blue ribbons May 3 to support family, survivors of Pittsburgh synagogue attack

(May 02, 2023)

“Family members and survivors of the Oct. 27th attack live with those events every single day, and the court proceedings and media attention they generate stand to intensify those painful memories,” said Frankel, D-Allegheny. “We can’t erase the trauma for those hurting, but by wearing this ribbon, we can let them know that we stand with them and wish them strength." Read more


Lawmakers establish legislative Black-Jewish caucus

(May 02, 2023)

Black and Jewish people have come together since the Civil Rights Movement to work together for equity and social justice. We are here to revitalize this relationship to take on the challenges of today. Every legislative victory begins with relationship building and two groups working together to address bigotry will be a great start. Read more


Fairness Act passes PA House

(May 02, 2023)

“Today is a historic day, as we take a critical step to make Pennsylvania fairer. The Fairness Act is as simple as it is substantive. H.B. 300 would protect LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians from facing discrimination and allow all individuals in the commonwealth to file complaints with the PA Human Relations Commission. Read more


Pennsylvania State House forms Black-Jewish Caucus

(May 02, 2023)

Concerns over an increase in hate crimes and bigotry have led to a new caucus in the state house. Two minority groups are once again joining forces to be a positive force for good Read more


Boyle champions his insurance cyber security bill passing PA House

(May 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 739 ) introduced by state Rep. Kevin Boyle that would require insurance companies and agents to develop cybersecurity policies and report cybersecurity events to the state insurance commissioner passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously. Boyle expressed gratitude to his colleagues for supporting and passing this legislation he championed in the House. “This legislation will go a long way in ensuring insurance consumers’ data is protected online from breachers,” said Boyle, D-Phila. “I applaud my colleagues for joining me to pass this important legislation in the House. Now, it’s up to the Senate to get this bill to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.” This legislation now goes to the PA Senate for consideration. Read more


Schlossberg bill to ‘Grow Our Own Educators’ passes House

(May 01, 2023)

“It is so important for Pennsylvania students to have teachers who come from the community where the students live," Schlossberg said. Read more


Kim hosts celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Month

(May 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, joined legislators, community members and fellow Asian Americans to celebrate the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander Month. The event also celebrated the formation of the Pennsylvania Legislative Asian Pacific American Caucus. The goal of the caucus is to ensure the full participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and reflect the concerns and needs of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. “This is about giving Asian Americans a voice in our state legislature and also creating a group that gives us a way to share a piece of our heritage,” Kim said. “I’m so happy to see so many people of different backgrounds come out to celebrate with us.” The Pennsylvania Legislative Asian Pacific American Caucus is comprised of members of the General Assembly who have a strong dedication to addressing the needs and promoting the well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Personal experiences about life as an Asian American were shared by state Rep. Tarik Khan, state Rep. Arvind Venkat and Hossain Akbar. PA House Speaker Joanna McClinton and state Sens. Nikil Saval and Maria Collett also spoke at the event. The event began and closed with performances by the Nandanik Dance Troupe, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit organization that seeks to promote, propagate and preserve Indian Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee

(May 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – Legislation ( H.B. 950 ) introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would give Pennsylvania workers the right to organize, was reported out of the House Labor and Industry Committee today. Currently, the Pennsylvania constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that may interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth,” Fiedler said. “Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation. The Workers’ Rights Amendment will support workers in using their numbers to secure better pay, hours and working conditions.” Fiedler and Pisciottano believe that workplace organizing should be a right, but anti-union employers routinely threaten and scare workers in anti-union workplace seminars, bombard workers with anti-union literature, and bring in consultants that use surveillance technology to sniff out the organizers and fire them. Under the Read more


Solomon and Harris join together to create Black-Jewish Caucus

(May 01, 2023)

At a Capitol news conference today, state Reps. Jared Solomon and Jordan Harris and other colleagues announced the creation of the Black-Jewish Caucus. The caucus’ goal is to explore the historic relationship between the two groups, reignite the current relationship, and work together to promote social justice. “Black and Jewish people have come together since the Civil Rights movement to work together for equity and social justice,” Solomon said. “We are here to revitalize this relationship to take on the challenges of today. Every legislative victory begins with relationship building and two groups working together to address bigotry will be a great start.” Solomon said they would work with Republican colleagues so this can become a bipartisan effort in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Read more


Bill seeking to fill teacher shortage through a grow-your-own program passes Pa. House

(May 01, 2023)

Schlossberg said this program would help to cultivate teachers from within a community where students live particularly ones with a high percentage of students of color or from diverse ethnic backgrounds or who live in rural areas. Read more


Ciresi and Webster dedicate Trooper Branden T. Sisca Highway in Trappe

(Apr 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 28 – State Reps. Joe Ciresi and Joe Webster, both D-Montgomery, held a road dedication ceremony today in Trappe to unveil a memorial sign in honor of Trooper Branden T. Sisca, who was killed in the line of duty in 2022. “Branden Sisca dedicated his life to protecting others in service of the community he loved,” Ciresi said. “Although nothing can fill the void that Branden’s tragic passing left, Rep. Webster and I thought weaving Branden’s legacy into the fabric of the community through the road dedication would help us all heal. From this day forward, everyone traveling through Trappe will be reminded of Branden’s life of public service as a volunteer firefighter and Pennsylvania State Trooper. Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly to make today’s ceremony a tremendous success.” The memorial sign designates a portion of State Route 4031 (Main Street) between Fifth Avenue and State Route 4048, also known as Seventh Avenue, in Trappe as the Trooper Branden T. Sisca Memorial Highway. “Today we honor the life and service of Trappe Fire Chief and PA State Trooper Branden Sisca who dedicated his life to public service and protection of our community,” Webster said. “This dedication stands as a show of our sincere gratitude for his service and our pledge to honor his memory and sacrifice. Thank you to everyone who ensured today’s ceremony was a fitting tribute.” Read more


Pashinski, O’Mara, Comitta and advocates discuss Hospital Closure Reform
May 03, 2023

Bill provides up to $8,000 a year in scholarships aid to aspiring teachers passes Pa. House
May 03, 2023

Pennsylvania lawmakers establish Black-Jewish caucus
May 03, 2023

Rozzi legislation addressing statewide teacher shortage passes the House
May 02, 2023

House passes Harkins bill to bring OSHA safety protections to public workers
May 02, 2023

Schweyer: House delivers bills to get – and keep – more teachers on the job
May 02, 2023

PA state House passes Freeman tutoring legislation
May 02, 2023

Pashinski & Madden’s PA Preferred Organic trademark bill passes House
May 02, 2023

Ciresi legislation to simplify unclaimed property claims for heirs passes House
May 02, 2023

Frankel, Schwank encourage colleagues to wear blue ribbons May 3 to support family, survivors of Pittsburgh synagogue attack
May 02, 2023

Lawmakers establish legislative Black-Jewish caucus
May 02, 2023

Fairness Act passes PA House
May 02, 2023

Pennsylvania State House forms Black-Jewish Caucus
May 02, 2023

Boyle champions his insurance cyber security bill passing PA House
May 01, 2023

Schlossberg bill to ‘Grow Our Own Educators’ passes House
May 01, 2023

Kim hosts celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
May 01, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee
May 01, 2023

Solomon and Harris join together to create Black-Jewish Caucus
May 01, 2023

Bill seeking to fill teacher shortage through a grow-your-own program passes Pa. House
May 01, 2023

Ciresi and Webster dedicate Trooper Branden T. Sisca Highway in Trappe
Apr 28, 2023