Freeman bill would provide additional public health insurance option

(Mar 30, 2023)

"Health insurance rates continue to rise. I believe my proposal would effectively bring health care policies back to an affordable range for the average Pennsylvanian. It also would offer a less costly alternative to the current private health plans available today," Freeman said. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation amplifying tactical pressure on gun safety reforms

(Mar 30, 2023)

“Ending gun violence is a top priority for us. We're approaching this with a multi-pronged strategy, working closely with our state and city stakeholders. We cannot wait any longer to take action. Gun violence is preventable,” Cephas said. Read more


Hearing House testimony, Warren introduces 3 commonsense gun safety bills

(Mar 30, 2023)

The committee hearing, called by the new Democratic majority, included testimony relating to the pressing needs for safe-storage, lost-and-stolen, and background-check legislation. Read more


Abney introduces bills to help small businesses and streamline criminal justice data collection

(Mar 30, 2023)

“Successful, local businesses help grow our economy and create good jobs everywhere,” Abney said. “A financial jumpstart to help them get established should encourage entrepreneurship." Read more


Fiedler bill to require patient consent for pelvic exams passes Health Committee

(Mar 29, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 29 – Today, a bill introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, to require patient consent for pelvic exams passed in the Health Committee. Right now, medical students can perform a pelvic exam on a female patient who is under anesthesia for an unrelated procedure. The pelvic exam is done solely for medical students’ training purposes and not to ensure the health of the patient. The patient often has not given explicit consent and is entirely unaware of what is being done to her body while under anesthesia. This bill, H.B. 507, will now head to the house floor for a vote. Fiedler first learned about the practice from a constituent who believed a practice pelvic exam might have been conducted on her while she was under anesthesia. Fiedler shared how her constituent’s experience inspired her to learn more about this practice and ultimately introduce this bill. “A couple of years ago, a resident of my district came to me concerned about what happened to her while she was a patient for a medical procedure, under anesthesia,” Fiedler said. “She worried that while she was unconscious, her body had been used for a practice pelvic exam. A year later she still didn't have answers, despite asking her doctor directly. “The more I researched the situation, the more horrified I was. I learned that, in our commonwealth, Read more


House Health Committee advances bills to save lives of children, improve lives of seniors, protect dignity of all patients

(Mar 29, 2023)

Since taking the majority of the state House in January, House Democrats continue to put students, seniors and working-class families at the top of their agenda. Read more


Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care

(Mar 29, 2023)

“Frankly, nurses and midwives would be as thoughtful and professional in providing abortion care as the doctors that are currently allowed to do so.” Read more


House Health Committee approves bill to require carbon monoxide alarms in Pa. child care facilities

(Mar 29, 2023)

“It is my hope that the legislature, as a whole, votes in favor of protecting the youngest and most vulnerable part of our population,” McNeill said. Read more


Kinkead rebukes Sen. Martin for dismissing food insecurity

(Mar 28, 2023)

"I maintain that feeding our most vulnerable residents, especially kids in public schools, is a worthwhile and necessary investment from the state." Read more


Freeman bill would promote redevelopment of vacant factory buildings

(Mar 28, 2023)

"Repurposing an old factory or mill for retail, office or arts space, or transforming them into dwellings, encourages economic development and improves the quality of life of a community," Freeman said. Read more


Venkat pushes for medical debt relief in budget negotiations

(Mar 28, 2023)

“As an emergency physician and a state legislator, I have seen and talked to many families who are heavily burdened by their medical debt, with many choosing to avoid health services they need just to afford to put food on the table for their family,” Venkat said. “If we don’t start addressing this problem now, it will continue to spiral, and families will continue to avoid critical treatment.” Read more


Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis

(Mar 28, 2023)

“While our caucus continues to lead the way on issues, including education and employment, all of that work will be undermined if we cannot address the affordable housing crisis and ensure our families will be able to a find a place to lay their head every night.” Read more


Ciresi, James introduce legislation to create tax credit to rehabilitate and preserve historic homes

(Mar 28, 2023)

“Historic preservation preserves our cultural and historic resources for future generations, and plays a key role in revitalizing communities, creating jobs, supporting local tax bases, and improving quality of life,” Ciresi said. Read more


Fleming, Kutz unveil leadership of bipartisan Future Caucus

(Mar 27, 2023)

The Future Caucus focuses on bringing together a bipartisan group of legislators aged 45 and younger to help foster a generational shift towards collaboration and bipartisanship. Read more


Steele to introduce legislation for strengthening community safety

(Mar 27, 2023)

“Recruitment and retention of volunteer first responders in our communities is vital,” Steele said. “Unfortunately, many volunteer companies and departments are suffering from the inability to recruit and retain the personnel needed to keep our communities healthy and safe.” Read more


Pielli introduces Consumer Credit Protection Bill

(Mar 27, 2023)

“In today’s world, our data can be accessed from anywhere in the world in a split-second,” Pielli said. “As much as we should be focusing on protecting our data, we must also be prepared for the next big breach. The people of Pennsylvania deserve more. It’s time we held these agencies accountable for their mistakes.” Read more


Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage

(Mar 27, 2023)

“We are here to fight on behalf of workers, and – I think I can speak for my colleagues here today – we will not stop until we get it done,” said hearing host Rep. Roni Green from Philadelphia. “The old cliché holds true, a happy worker is a productive worker. We can do better, we must do better.” Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to replace state song

(Mar 24, 2023)

“State symbols bring us together,” Ciresi said. “When we see our state flag and hear our state song, we should be able to share our commonality and celebrate our heritage as fellow Pennsylvanians. Unfortunately, our current state song is known by few and does not reflect the dynamic and diverse Pennsylvania of today.” Read more


Matzie, Marshall to introduce legislation strengthening PA rail safety

(Mar 22, 2023)

"With the high volume of trains crossing our region every day, we need better controls in place now, before another potential catastrophe.” Read more


Reform for charter reimbursement necessary in PA, testifiers say

(Mar 22, 2023)

“We heard how a lack of reform has contributed to school district budget concerns and how schools’ increasing costs are impacting – and hurting – Pennsylvania taxpayers,” House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. Read more


Freeman bill would provide additional public health insurance option
Mar 30, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation amplifying tactical pressure on gun safety reforms
Mar 30, 2023

Hearing House testimony, Warren introduces 3 commonsense gun safety bills
Mar 30, 2023

Abney introduces bills to help small businesses and streamline criminal justice data collection
Mar 30, 2023

Fiedler bill to require patient consent for pelvic exams passes Health Committee
Mar 29, 2023

House Health Committee advances bills to save lives of children, improve lives of seniors, protect dignity of all patients
Mar 29, 2023

Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care
Mar 29, 2023

House Health Committee approves bill to require carbon monoxide alarms in Pa. child care facilities
Mar 29, 2023

Kinkead rebukes Sen. Martin for dismissing food insecurity
Mar 28, 2023

Freeman bill would promote redevelopment of vacant factory buildings
Mar 28, 2023

Venkat pushes for medical debt relief in budget negotiations
Mar 28, 2023

Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis
Mar 28, 2023

Ciresi, James introduce legislation to create tax credit to rehabilitate and preserve historic homes
Mar 28, 2023

Fleming, Kutz unveil leadership of bipartisan Future Caucus
Mar 27, 2023

Steele to introduce legislation for strengthening community safety
Mar 27, 2023

Pielli introduces Consumer Credit Protection Bill
Mar 27, 2023

Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage
Mar 27, 2023

Ciresi introduces legislation to replace state song
Mar 24, 2023

Matzie, Marshall to introduce legislation strengthening PA rail safety
Mar 22, 2023

Reform for charter reimbursement necessary in PA, testifiers say
Mar 22, 2023