Hanbidge selected to be Toll Fellow

(Jul 12, 2022)

Bringing together 48 individuals representing 32 states from several sectors of state government, the Henry Toll Fellowship is the nation’s premier leadership development program for state government officials. Read more


Lawmakers seek protections for PA abortion care providers, out-of-state patients

(Jul 11, 2022)

Pennsylvania is now one of the top five places people will travel for safe and legal abortion care. WHC members want to ensure that health care professionals who provide legal abortion care and the patients who receive this care are safe from potential disciplinary, legal or criminal action from these states. Read more


Rep. Otten’s Budget Statement

(Jul 11, 2022)

Last week, the General Assembly approved, and Governor Wolf signed, a $45.2 billion budget. This deal comes a week after the deadline to pass a balanced budget. While no budget is perfect, this year’s plan makes meaningful investments in child care, mental health (both K-12 and adult), long term care, and support for individuals with disabilities and the workers who provide their care. For these reasons and others, I voted YES. I wanted to provide an overview of the budget broken down by some of the key issues in our legislative district based on feedback we’ve received from constituents. Investments in Education: This year’s budget makes historic investments in public education, with an increase of $850 million for basic and special education. This funding increase includes a $525 million bump to basic education, $100 million increase for special education, and adds $100 million to the state’s school safety and security grant program as well as a new school mental health initiative. These historic investments will directly impact our communities with Chester County schools receiving $15.9 million in additional funding. As part of this increase, the Downingtown Area School District will receive an additional $1.8 million, an 8.4% increase over last year, and the Coatesville Area School District will receive an additional $4.5 million, a 13.6% increase over last year. My Democratic colleagues and I fought hard for this Read more


House Democratic Leaders Blast Last-minute Effort to Politicize Women’s Access to Abortion, Implement Voter ID

(Jul 08, 2022)

Today’s debate is part of the Republicans’ ill-conceived “constitutional amendment” approach to governing used to sidestep the checks and balances of our state government. It is a misuse of the amendment process. Read more


Kenyatta applauds historic move to remove homosexuality from PA Crimes Code

(Jul 08, 2022)

“It is my hope that this will be another step towards destigmatizing LGBTQ+ individuals and protecting the community from possible future court decisions.” Read more


Kenyatta, O’Mara comment on budget funding for hunger free campus program

(Jul 08, 2022)

"Representative Kenyatta and I recognized this problem over a year ago and introduced the Hunger Free Campus Act to ensure that every student can easily access nutritious food." Read more


New law reauthorizes clubs to use 100% of small games of chance revenue

(Jul 08, 2022)

Harkins said that under the new law, clubs will be able to use all of their small games of chance revenue through the end of the calendar year. Read more


PLBC statement on 2022-23 state budget agreement

(Jul 08, 2022)

“This budget will make historic investments in education, housing and gun violence prevention. These investments will improve the quality of life and create opportunities for Black Pennsylvanians, but there is more work to do." Read more


Solomon passes affordable housing legislation

(Jul 08, 2022)

Solomon said the bill benefits residents across the commonwealth because developers will be incentivized to build affordable housing across the state. Read more


Hohenstein celebrates inclusion of disability-inclusive curriculum in Pennsylvania’s Education Code

(Jul 07, 2022)

“Disability inclusive curriculum is enlightening and can bring us closer together. It is a shared truth that exclusion and failure to talk about diversity breeds stigma, shame, ignorance and misunderstanding. Every child deserves to be seen. Read more


Rabb responds to hiring, resignation of police officer who shot, killed Tamir Rice

(Jul 07, 2022)

Rabb authored legislation to establish a police misconduct database, which was incorporated into Act 57 and signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf in 2020. Read more


Parker introduces bills to combat gun violence

(Jul 06, 2022)

The bills were introduced in response to the rising gun violence in Philadelphia and across the state, and the inaction on bills currently introduced in the PA House to combat gun violence. Read more


Merski only Pa. legislator chosen for national legislative leaders program

(Jul 05, 2022)

“It is a profound honor to have been selected for this leadership program,” Merski said. “As a non-partisan event, legislators from all walks of life and political ideologies will be attending, and I look forward to having meaningful debates and discussions." Read more


Changes to rein in abusive use of fireworks head to governor

(Jul 01, 2022)

“While I would have preferred a ban on consumer fireworks, this bill is better than current law. It addresses some of the concerns that have been raised in communities across Pennsylvania,” said state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. “I encourage anyone who uses fireworks to do so safely and follow state guidelines.” Read more


House Democratic Leaders: Budget inaction frustrating and inexcusable

(Jul 01, 2022)

“The inaction we’ve seen is disappointing. With a $12 billion surplus, we can and should deliver for the people of Pennsylvania. Rather than pass a timely budget that helps working families, we’ve been distracted by unrelated issues and interjected politics at the expense of in-state tuition for Pennsylvania students." Read more


PA Climate Caucus protests SCOTUS restriction of EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions

(Jul 01, 2022)

“Our world is under grave threat from climate change, beset by increasingly destructive hurricanes, fires, and coastal erosion causing mass migration and destabilizing the political order. Now more than ever, government agencies must be able to take action to protect and preserve our communities, our public health and our welfare." Read more


Solomon’s PICA renewal legislation passes Senate

(Jul 01, 2022)

Solomon said PICA has been effective in stabilizing the economic health of Philadelphia that led to balanced budgets for 25 years. It borrows funds on the city’s behalf and in exchange, oversees Philadelphia’s finances. Read more


Bipartisan bills to improve mental health treatment headed to governor

(Jun 30, 2022)

"When somebody has a challenge with mental health, it likely has an effect on physical health. Likewise, when somebody has a physical health challenge, it can have an effect on mental health. It’s time we stop treating physical health and mental health separately and integrate treatments,” Rep. Mike Schlossberg said. Read more


Burns: Protect consumers from tech companies selling personal information

(Jun 30, 2022)

Today Burns, D-Cambria, introduced H.B. 2715, which would create a “one-stop-shop” to curb the all-too-common practice of gathering all types of information on people and reselling it to third parties without their knowledge or consent. Read more


Rabb highlights need for Shale Gas Operations Transparency Act

(Jun 30, 2022)

The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court severely weakens the power of the EPA authorized by Congress to address the dangerous impact of fracked gas production in the commonwealth. Read more


Hanbidge selected to be Toll Fellow
Jul 12, 2022

Lawmakers seek protections for PA abortion care providers, out-of-state patients
Jul 11, 2022

Rep. Otten’s Budget Statement
Jul 11, 2022

House Democratic Leaders Blast Last-minute Effort to Politicize Women’s Access to Abortion, Implement Voter ID
Jul 08, 2022

Kenyatta applauds historic move to remove homosexuality from PA Crimes Code
Jul 08, 2022

Kenyatta, O’Mara comment on budget funding for hunger free campus program
Jul 08, 2022

New law reauthorizes clubs to use 100% of small games of chance revenue
Jul 08, 2022

PLBC statement on 2022-23 state budget agreement
Jul 08, 2022

Solomon passes affordable housing legislation
Jul 08, 2022

Hohenstein celebrates inclusion of disability-inclusive curriculum in Pennsylvania’s Education Code
Jul 07, 2022

Rabb responds to hiring, resignation of police officer who shot, killed Tamir Rice
Jul 07, 2022

Parker introduces bills to combat gun violence
Jul 06, 2022

Merski only Pa. legislator chosen for national legislative leaders program
Jul 05, 2022

Changes to rein in abusive use of fireworks head to governor
Jul 01, 2022

House Democratic Leaders: Budget inaction frustrating and inexcusable
Jul 01, 2022

PA Climate Caucus protests SCOTUS restriction of EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions
Jul 01, 2022

Solomon’s PICA renewal legislation passes Senate
Jul 01, 2022

Bipartisan bills to improve mental health treatment headed to governor
Jun 30, 2022

Burns: Protect consumers from tech companies selling personal information
Jun 30, 2022

Rabb highlights need for Shale Gas Operations Transparency Act
Jun 30, 2022