State Rep. Jared Solomon introduces bill to address staff shortages in Philadelphia Police Department

(Jun 08, 2022)

“Seniors are scared about being in their homes, parents do not feel comfortable having their kids walk to school, and neighbors are frightened to gather at our recreation centers. We must do better, and this is a step in the right direction,” Solomon said. Read more


House Democrats Demand to Put People First

(Jun 08, 2022)

The House Democratic Caucus is fighting to help Pennsylvanians at every stage of life - from first breath to first grade to first job - because we believe that no one should ever be abandoned, especially when they are struggling. Now is the time for responsible investments in our families, workers and seniors at every stage of life. Read more


Ciresi outlines plan to relieve school cost pressures, lower property taxes

(Jun 07, 2022)

Ciresi is proposing relieving cost pressures on public schools and lowering property taxes through changes in how school funding is distributed, reforming the charter school law, and making a significant one-time investment toward school pension liabilities. Read more


Rabb introduces legislation to adjust monetary thresholds for criminal offenses

(Jun 07, 2022)

“Other areas of law like taxation and the salaries of legislators are indexed to rise with inflation, so we should be consistent and apply this to all criminal offenses,” Rabb said. “No one should face stricter punishment for a crime due to a lack of adjusting to inflation.” Read more


Harkins: Rule permitting clubs to use of 100% of small games of chance revenue for operating expenses ends this week

(Jun 06, 2022)

Organizations eligible for Small Games of Chance licenses in Pennsylvania include charitable, religious, fraternal or veterans’ organizations; clubs and civic and service organizations; and affiliated nonprofit organizations of major league sports teams, such as booster clubs and Little League. Read more


Sappey: Pass the Honoring Our PACT Act for our Veterans Now

(Jun 06, 2022)

Our veterans represent the pinnacle of public service in our communities, and it is the responsibility of our government to ensure that they are provided with the care they need and deserve. I believe this is something we can all come together, regardless of political affiliation, to support. Read more


Pashinski receives Legislator of the Year Award from Pa. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

(Jun 06, 2022)

PAND said Pashinski was selected as Legislator of the Year for his support of critical bills in the state House and participation in NEPAND events. Read more


Policy hearing discusses status of electric vehicles in Pennsylvania

(Jun 06, 2022)

Electric vehicle use is skyrocketing in the commonwealth. Of the 12 million registered vehicles in Pennsylvania, nearly 30,000 are electric passenger vehicles, a number that’s more than doubled in the past five years. Read more


Kim, officials call on General Assembly to invest in older Pennsylvanians

(Jun 06, 2022)

"Our seniors are the foundation of our communities,” said Rep. Kim. “Seniors navigate their everyday lives on a fixed income, trying to make the best of a post-pandemic world despite rising costs for necessities." Read more


Rep. Pisciottano fights corporate price gouging with Stop Price Fixing Act

(Jun 02, 2022)

Pisciottano highlighted that price fixing cases are currently far too difficult to prosecute, citing the dire need to pass the Stop Price Fixing Act and provide the attorney general with the necessary tools to enforce price-fixing laws. Read more


Home and community-based services, crisis intervention, and archival records care funding opportunities

(Jun 01, 2022)

Read about the latest state grant opportunities open for applications. Read more


Daley: Failure to enact workplace accommodations for nursing mothers is exacerbating the baby formula shortage

(May 31, 2022)

My legislation, H.B. 1739, would require reasonable accommodations for nursing mothers. These accommodations include providing a private, sanitary space – not a restroom – where an employee can express milk and providing unpaid break time or allowing an employee to use paid break, mealtime, or both to express milk. Read more


Ciresi presents citations to Pennsylvania’s longest married couple

(May 27, 2022)

The Pishes were married on May 23, 1942, at St. Philomena’s Roman Catholic Church in East Lansdowne, PA. They were married shortly after Mr. Pish was deployed in the Navy during World War II. Read more


Pennsylvania’s students deserve equity, and we can deliver | Opinion

(May 27, 2022)

Let’s work together this year to finally fix the disastrous education funding path we’ve been going down for too long. Let’s finally do right by our children, our seniors, and our communities. Read more


Otten, House Democrats call for legislative action on gun safety

(May 26, 2022)

“The Pennsylvania legislature has not done its job. We did nothing after Sandy Hook, Parkland, or even Tree of Life Synagogue, right here in Pennsylvania,” Otten said. “What is it going to take before we finally decide to protect our children in schools, or worshipers in their places of worship, or seniors at the grocery store?" Read more


House Democratic leaders decry Republican inaction on gun safety legislation

(May 26, 2022)

"At what point do we acknowledge that Republican obstructionism is costing the lives of Pennsylvanians and could contribute to the next school shooting in our own state?" Read more


Matzie bills would modernize state’s home energy assistance program

(May 26, 2022)

Matzie, who is Democratic chairman of the PA House Consumer Affairs Committee, said he is introducing the legislation to end an arbitrary state practice that is hurting low-income families. Read more


Housing is a Human Right

(May 24, 2022)

Many long-term residents, especially seniors, are facing historic financial hardships, and the legislature must take action to prevent dangerous living conditions, displacement of seniors, low income families, and people of color. Read more


Kim, lawmakers explain need to act after rise in hate crimes

(May 23, 2022)

House Bill 1917 would require the Department of Education to create an integrated curriculum including Asian American Pacific Islander people, history and contributions to American society. Kim noted that although she would prefer a requirement, her bill is merely an urging for schools to incorporate AAPI teaching into their curriculum. Read more


Conklin bill to ban domestic violence convicts from holding public office moves to House Judiciary Committee

(May 19, 2022)

As the bill embarks on an important first step in the legislative process, Conklin on a parallel track is working to secure important outside support for a proposal he believes promotes public trust and ensures higher ethical integrity for those elected and selected to hold important government positions. Read more


State Rep. Jared Solomon introduces bill to address staff shortages in Philadelphia Police Department
Jun 08, 2022

House Democrats Demand to Put People First
Jun 08, 2022

Ciresi outlines plan to relieve school cost pressures, lower property taxes
Jun 07, 2022

Rabb introduces legislation to adjust monetary thresholds for criminal offenses
Jun 07, 2022

Harkins: Rule permitting clubs to use of 100% of small games of chance revenue for operating expenses ends this week
Jun 06, 2022

Sappey: Pass the Honoring Our PACT Act for our Veterans Now
Jun 06, 2022

Pashinski receives Legislator of the Year Award from Pa. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Jun 06, 2022

Policy hearing discusses status of electric vehicles in Pennsylvania
Jun 06, 2022

Kim, officials call on General Assembly to invest in older Pennsylvanians
Jun 06, 2022

Rep. Pisciottano fights corporate price gouging with Stop Price Fixing Act
Jun 02, 2022

Home and community-based services, crisis intervention, and archival records care funding opportunities
Jun 01, 2022

Daley: Failure to enact workplace accommodations for nursing mothers is exacerbating the baby formula shortage
May 31, 2022

Ciresi presents citations to Pennsylvania’s longest married couple
May 27, 2022

Pennsylvania’s students deserve equity, and we can deliver | Opinion
May 27, 2022

Otten, House Democrats call for legislative action on gun safety
May 26, 2022

House Democratic leaders decry Republican inaction on gun safety legislation
May 26, 2022

Matzie bills would modernize state’s home energy assistance program
May 26, 2022

Housing is a Human Right
May 24, 2022

Kim, lawmakers explain need to act after rise in hate crimes
May 23, 2022

Conklin bill to ban domestic violence convicts from holding public office moves to House Judiciary Committee
May 19, 2022