Matzie introduces bills to strengthen state’s home energy assistance program

(Jun 20, 2022)

As Democratic chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee, Matzie said he introduced the legislation to end the state’s harmful practice of withholding some of the annual federal funding it receives – a practice that has kept tens of millions of dollars from getting to families needing it. Read more


Freeman seeks to prevent majority from avoiding debate on important topics

(Jun 16, 2022)

“My proposal would reform the discharge resolution process in our House Rules to prevent legislative leaders from sidestepping issues that have been bottled up in committee,” Freeman said. Read more


Rabb introduces legislation to end charging children as adults in PA

(Jun 16, 2022)

Research has shown again and again that young people tried as adults have higher rates of recidivism than those who remain in the juvenile system, Rabb said. Read more


Deasy urges allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds to address critical baby formula shortage

(Jun 16, 2022)

“Families of the approximately 35,000 infants participating in WIC in Pennsylvania are having a harder time securing baby formula on top of the current shortage because they have to rely on the limited number of retailers who participate in WIC,” Deasy said. Read more


Davis, McNeill bill would require lodging hosts to divulge recording devices

(Jun 15, 2022)

Currently, Pennsylvania does not have a law addressing undisclosed recording devices such as hidden cameras in host-lodging sites. Read more


McClinton, Advocates Demand End to Hair Discrimination in Pa.

(Jun 15, 2022)

“It is unconscionable that in 2022 our neighbors can still be denied educational, professional, and employment opportunities based on their natural hair texture or hairstyle,” McClinton, D-Phila/Delaware said. Read more


Ciresi and James introduce legislation to modernize dance teacher certification in Pennsylvania

(Jun 15, 2022)

“We introduced this legislation to modernize dance teacher certification in Pennsylvania by enabling dance instructors to be certified in their discipline and ensure our dance teacher certification standards align with national standards,” Ciresi said. Read more


Schlossberg offers HOPE for PA with $100 million mental health proposal

(Jun 14, 2022)

“If we invest $100 million in mental health care in Pennsylvania now, we can save lives and livelihoods. HOPE for PA is a collaborative proposal with input from mental health leaders, stakeholders, and staff. This builds upon existing operations and proposals. It does not replace them." Read more


Solomon legislation for PICA Renewal passed by PA House

(Jun 14, 2022)

“Economic conditions in Philadelphia affect the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” Solomon said. “We must renew PICA in order to keep Philadelphia fiscally sound and, as a result, the entire commonwealth will benefit. Today we all worked together to ensure the financial health of Philadelphia.” Read more


Fiedler speaks out against bill to cut corporate taxes

(Jun 13, 2022)

“We should be investing every dollar we can in schools, parks, libraries, child care, and programs and services right in our neighborhoods. This GOP trickledown economics plan would help big corporations avoid paying taxes — but not help families across my district and local businesses who pay their taxes.” Read more


Hearing demonstrates how conservative policies are hurting Pennsylvanians

(Jun 13, 2022)

“The Republican party has held the majority in both chambers for the better part of thirty years, controlling the legislative calendar and dictating which bills get sent to the governor,” said Chairman Bizzarro. “Their control has led Pennsylvania to the third-highest gas tax in the nation, stagnating wages for hard-working residents, and some of the highest opioid death rates and student debt rates.” Read more


Frankel vows to continue fight against gun violence despite Republican obstructionism

(Jun 13, 2022)

"The entire Republican strategy is to obstruct, deflect and hide – anything to avoid talking about one of the most pressing issues of our time," Frankel said. "But the people of Pennsylvania are watching, and they can see through these cowardly maneuvers." Read more


House Democrats Blast Republican Refusal to Debate Gun Safety Bills

(Jun 13, 2022)

“Every day we delay is an opportunity for another tragedy, whether in Philadelphia, Scranton, Chambersburg, or any other community. Pennsylvanians have waited too long, seen too much pain and suffering, and are tired of Republican inaction." Read more


Solomon introduces legislation to establish framework for celebration of 250th birthday of PA

(Jun 13, 2022)

“We on the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial -- America250PA -- want to both preserve the legacy of our heritage and invest in the commonwealth’s future by repairing, restoring and revitalizing historic state landmarks that do exactly that,” Solomon said. Read more


Pisciottano: We must protect Pennsylvanians from price fixing

(Jun 12, 2022)

During periods of rapid price fluctuations, it’s important that consumers are protected from bad actors who seek to use price volatility as an excuse to raise prices. Read more


Bizzarro: Time to pump the brakes on Pa. gas price hikes

(Jun 10, 2022)

Preying on Pennsylvanians at the pump in a time of economic crisis is unfair and we are calling on our colleagues to join us and stop this highway robbery. Read more


Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence

(Jun 09, 2022)

As Americans, we cannot turn a blind eye to gun violence. We must address this crisis of gun violence that has destroyed so many innocent lives by comprehensively addressing the issue and enacting common sense gun safety measures. Read more


Deasy: Privatizing PA’s liquor system too complex to be decided by constitutional amendment on ballot

(Jun 09, 2022)

“This constitutional amendment is not a simple question, and it seems disingenuous to ask voters to make an informed decision based on a two-sentence ballot question,” said Deasy, D-Allegheny. Read more


Kenyatta, Rabb introduce legislation to ban seditious individuals from holding public office

(Jun 08, 2022)

“Misinformation has serious and dangerous consequences. Last year we saw thousands of seditionists storm the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. because they were told the 2020 presidential election was stolen,” Kenyatta said. “We cannot allow individuals who’ve engaged in seditious violence against our state and country to be in positions of public trust.” Read more


State House makes progress on reining in abusive use of fireworks

(Jun 08, 2022)

The state law concerning fireworks was loosened in 2017 to allow the use of fireworks more often and in many locations across Pennsylvania, but that usage has become a real nuisance on an almost weekly basis, particularly during warm weather. Read more


Matzie introduces bills to strengthen state’s home energy assistance program
Jun 20, 2022

Freeman seeks to prevent majority from avoiding debate on important topics
Jun 16, 2022

Rabb introduces legislation to end charging children as adults in PA
Jun 16, 2022

Deasy urges allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds to address critical baby formula shortage
Jun 16, 2022

Davis, McNeill bill would require lodging hosts to divulge recording devices
Jun 15, 2022

McClinton, Advocates Demand End to Hair Discrimination in Pa.
Jun 15, 2022

Ciresi and James introduce legislation to modernize dance teacher certification in Pennsylvania
Jun 15, 2022

Schlossberg offers HOPE for PA with $100 million mental health proposal
Jun 14, 2022

Solomon legislation for PICA Renewal passed by PA House
Jun 14, 2022

Fiedler speaks out against bill to cut corporate taxes
Jun 13, 2022

Hearing demonstrates how conservative policies are hurting Pennsylvanians
Jun 13, 2022

Frankel vows to continue fight against gun violence despite Republican obstructionism
Jun 13, 2022

House Democrats Blast Republican Refusal to Debate Gun Safety Bills
Jun 13, 2022

Solomon introduces legislation to establish framework for celebration of 250th birthday of PA
Jun 13, 2022

Pisciottano: We must protect Pennsylvanians from price fixing
Jun 12, 2022

Bizzarro: Time to pump the brakes on Pa. gas price hikes
Jun 10, 2022

Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence
Jun 09, 2022

Deasy: Privatizing PA’s liquor system too complex to be decided by constitutional amendment on ballot
Jun 09, 2022

Kenyatta, Rabb introduce legislation to ban seditious individuals from holding public office
Jun 08, 2022

State House makes progress on reining in abusive use of fireworks
Jun 08, 2022